So Sorry

Hope you like Jam

Guilt, fear, shock and nausea were my four main emotions at this moment. Guilt because I didn’t believe one of my closest friends; fear because I think I was almost eaten by a vengeful vampire apparently (I knew he looked too pretty); shock because –holy crap- werewolves and vampires ‘nuff said; and nausea……that is just a product of the intensity of the first three emotions.


I was brought to a small house in the middle of the woods, don’t ask me how I got there, honestly it was all a blur. Literally, one minute I was in the café with a freaky pretty dude and a fuming Jenny, the next I was thrown onto broad shoulders with buildings growing farther away as trees zoomed by. The ring on my finger burned as I was set on plush carpet, panic starting to finally fill my mind. 

Looking around the room frantically I spot a large oak door, scrambling up from my spot on the floor I ran toward the door when a frail arm wrapped around my waist and threw me onto the carpet. A pale man with pink hair and a grumpy expression met my shocked one.

“And where do you think you’re going?” He asked with irritation clear in his light voice.

I tried to wiggle free from his grasp, but it was no use; he was clearly stronger than he looked.

“Where’s Jongup? Jenny and the baby are in danger!! Let me go! I have to-“

YOU have to stay here.” He growled. I shrank back in fear.

His face softened as he sighed, he still looked irritated but it wasn’t as strong as before.

“Look, I’m sorry. But don’t worry about Jenny, believe it or not she can take care of herself. Jongup, Kookie and Jimin are already on their way to help her. The best place for you to be right now is here.” Releasing his grip on me he stood up and smiled softly saying, “Believe me, you don’t want to be near an angry werewolf.”


 True to his word Jenny was fine; however I can’t say the same about Jongup.

It was hard to miss their arrival when ‘Kookie’ threw the door open with Jenny not far behind, carrying a rather large light brown wolf.

“Quick! Put him on the table!” A tall delicate looking brunette called out.


About half an hour later, millions of blood covered glass shards sat on the table; while the bandaged wolf laid its head contently in Jenny’s lap, ear pressed firmly against her naval as he snored peacefully.

I sat there for who knows how long, looking at Jongup’s wolf form across from where they were seated from the couch.

The pink haired guy- Yoongi- , the tall one-Jin-  and Jungkook were in the kitchen, cleaning up blood and glass. I wanted to ask what all this was about, but first things first.

“Jongup…” I called out hesitantly. The wolf’s ear twitched as the snoring stopped. Jenny looked up at me, smiling softly and nodding for me to continue.

“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you…..”

Jongup huffed and snuggled deeper into Jenny’s lap, his snores starting once more.

“He forgives you,” Jenny translated as she softly ran her fingers through Jongup’s fur with a loving gaze. I sighed in relief.

“However…..” I felt my heart sink. “I don’t think you should be apologizing to just him. From what I understand, you really hurt Jungkook and Jimin as well.” As she spoke she looked at me with a stern look that reminded me of my own mother.

At the mention of the two boys mostly Jimin I looked around spotting Jungkook the kitchen.

Cautiously I walk into the kitchen, and stopped in front of a small island in the middle of the kitchen where Jungkook was washing a bloodstained washcloth.

“J-Jungkook” I called out.

He looked up momentarily before he looked back down.

“Yes?” He replied with an annoyed tone.

“I just wanted to apologize…..for not believing Jongup earlier when he said you were……”

“Werewolves?” He supplied when I didn’t finish my sentence.

“Yeah- werewolves. Can you forgive me?”

Placing his hands and either side of the sink, Jungkook looked up and narrowed his eyes at me. I gulped, not sure why he was staring at me so intently.  Suddenly his eyes became crescents as a huge smile took over his face.

“It’s alright Hobi Hyung!” wait, who said he could call me that? “You’re only human, it’s understandable that you wouldn’t believe us at first.” He laughed as he enveloped me in a hug.

“Uh….thanks?” I reply as I pat his back awkwardly. At least he forgave me though, however…..

“Hey Jungkook….”

“You can just call me Kookie,” cue smile “What’s up?” He asked, wringing out the blood in the cloth.

“Where is Jimin?” I asked, not recalling him coming back.

“Ahhhhh” Why is he smirking? “Jiminnie had to make sure there isn’t any unwanted blood ers around, don’t worry he’ll be back soon.” He threw me a wink before he drained to sink of its contents. I rubbed the still warm ring on my finger, ignoring his look as a question popped in my head.

“Wait, there are vampires that are allowed to be here?”

Laughter came from the other side of the kitchen as Yoongi came to stand beside Jungkook.

“Yeah, one of them is currently the only female in this house.” He said matter-of-factly.

Wait what


Ugh, who lied and said you have more time in the summer? I am super sorry about how late I am with updating this story! Thank you to all my subs and those who have commented! it means so much to me!!!! Also, sorry for the bad grammer!

There will be TONS of Jihope in the next chapter! I hope you still want to read this story! Love y'all~

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joicehayase #1
Chapter 11: continua logo!!!! pelo amor de deus!!!!
joicehayase #2
Chapter 10: repito essa historia tem que continuar!!!
joicehayase #3
Chapter 9: interessante
joicehayase #4
Chapter 8: agora o hobi desmaia
joicehayase #5
Chapter 7: muito bom mesmo,essa fic precisa de atualização urgente!!!!
joicehayase #6
Chapter 6: amo esse jimin
joicehayase #7
Chapter 5: adorando
joicehayase #8
Chapter 3: cada vez mais interessante
joicehayase #9
Chapter 2: amando
joicehayase #10
Chapter 1: muito bom!!!