
내 여자친구를 부탁해 | Please Take Care of my Girlfriend

Kris had always known. He saw it in the way her eyes would skit around until they landed on Kai and they way she looked at him like he was her world. Why did he stay, you ask? Because for the few times that she would look at him in that way, he believed he could be her world.


He was there, peeking through racks as he watched his soon-to-be bride latch her arms through her dear bestfriend’s, hoping it could be him instead. He saw it all and call him a fool but Kris wasn’t trying to replace Kai. During the deepest time of the night, he was there to hold Krystal close as she battled her demons. Krystal’s a complicated girl, one not many seems to get but the ones who all do seem to treasure her like the moon at night. Kris loved Krystal with everything he had and with her, he never knew what tomorrow would bring but he knew he’d be living with no regrets.


Kris remembers their first night as a married couple out in the blue ocean waters of Borabora. He remembers the way she held onto him, as if he was all she had left and he knew, he was.

“He’s dying,” she suddenly whispers with his arms around her waist with their eyes watching the sun set across the horizon. “My best friend is dying and I’m pretty sure I helped kill him.”

Wordlessly, Kris meets her quivering lips with his and he doesn’t break away until she’s breathless and too tired to continue on.

“One day,” he breathes with his eyes staring into her gentle soul.  “I pray that one day you are able to love me as much as you love him.”

Her eyes begin to water and he drops a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Wh-what if I can’t? I don’t deserve you, at all.”

Kris shakes his head and pulls her closer into his embrace. He didn’t picture their first night to be like this but it was bound to happen. “I won’t force you. All I ask of you is to let me be by your side until there is no more me or you. I love you, Jung Soojung.”

Hearing her birth name makes her inhale. Her eyelids close and Kris kisses away the tears that escape.

“I love you too,” she whispers in return. “Li Jiaheng.”


Jongin requested no families and only asked for the people he loved and cherished the most to send him away. She doesn’t shed a single tear until Jongin’s body is lowered into the ground. Like a child, she begs for a little more time and fists the dirt in frustration.

“I’m so sorry,” Krystal cries over and over with her knees set into the damp ground. “I love you. Until the day we meet again, please don’t ever forget that.”





You probably knew. You probably knew that I was dying and that all I ever wanted was to love you. Thank you for not telling me because I don’t think I would’ve been able to peacefully leave this world knowing I’d given you the false hope of an eternity. Since the day I met you, I have loved you and I know you hate corny but too bad I’m already dead so you can’t kill me.


I’ve always believed you were my soulmate. Though I knew not in this lifetime. I only believe in rebirth because I wish to be given another chance to meet you and love you properly. My time has stopped here, Krystal, but yours continue to tick and I hope you come to love Kris with every particle of your body. Love him more than you do me. Find those dreams that not no longer involve me and chase them until you no longer can.


Thank you for being the love of my life.


Goodbye, Soojung.


Kim Jongin.”

















Anyeong you! Long time no see! So this is the end. I never intended for Kris' chapter to be long so if you're disappointed, I'm sorry. If you noticed, Krystal called Kris by his birth name, Li Jiaheng. Soojung and Jongin became Krystal and Kai when they wanted to become new people, like they were reborned and given another chance. Yes, I am hinting that maybe since Kris is able to understand and love Krystal so much despite knowing how strongly she loves Kai, that he may be just like them. In what ways you may wonder? Well, that is up to you to decide :)


Thank you for subscribing and commenting despite me making you all wait so long for this last chapter that is so flipping short and probably very disappointing. Thank you so much and I love you guys <3

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Chapter 3: I've been avoiding this fic cos I'm a weakling when it comes to angst stories wherein someone dies, but there has been a scarcity of kaistal fics lately so here I am. Now, I'm a wreck. Ahahsjdmskshd. YOU KNOW HOW TO HIT RIGHT IN THE FEELS T_T I wish there was a sequel of them meeting again in another life and finally getting the happy ending they deserve. But still, this is perfect. I thought there was only one chapter and I was already weeping after the first, but then I saw your note and the next button so when I started reading soojung's part of the story, I cried even more. Ugh. This is so good. ❤ Thank you for making me cry at 2 am in the morning. HAHA
kimkaaai_ #2
Chapter 3: it has been nth times i read this but, but the tears always came out
kimkaaai_ #3
Chapter 3: i dont know how many times i read this but the tears still falling really hard. Thankyou for such beautiful angst, Authornim
SweetWater #4
Chapter 3: How is it even possible that I've never come across this story of yours!? This has been beautifully written and it made me cry like a baby. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 3: Always coming back to this story... I cry every time I read it even though I know how it ends. It honestly breaks my heart again and again. Thanks for such a beautiful piece.
norevS #6
Chapter 3: I hate angst but shocks this is beautifully written.
Chapter 3: I give u virtual hugs because of this awesome fic.. I really love how you expressed their feelings in this story... Thanx for write and sharing this amazing story with us. ( ˘ ︶ ˘ )ゞ* salute*
Chapter 3: this is heartbreaking </3 the letter is especially a nice touch!
thelittlehedgie #9
Chapter 3: I've probably never cried this much for a short story before damn you author-nim :-(
Chapter 3: Krystal know from the start, Kris know too. Why kaistal.. Why?
They should married and living together happily :')