Dead Girl in the Ally Part 3

CSI: Seoul

Leeteuk P.O.V

My body frooze so the killer had Sehun trapped somewhere "how do we find the clues?" I asked annoyed "I..." but then the mobile rings "Hello Amber?" I said. "I found out who the man is" My eyes widen "really thats good because we just got a threat. The killer has Sehun" "Ok His name Ahn Daniel he is the a worker for Microsoft Korea." I nodded. "OK were on our way there now".

I called the others to surround the building. Once we got there the people out side were looking at us wondering what the hell we were doing there. I walked into the office the head of the company came to me "Do you mind telling me whats going on?" He aksed annoyed. 

I smirked "sorry there but do you have someone called Ahn Daniel working for you" he gave me a wiered looked. "yes" I nodded "is he in?" He nodded then led the way. He got to the small office. 

I knocked on the door to "come in" he said I smirked again. "get ready" I told EXO. they nodded "Kris and Lu Han come in with me" I told them. They got there guns out ready. I opened the door and Kris and Lu Han ran with the guns. The man just smirked at me.

"WHERE IS HE" I almost shouted. He laughed "Like I said you have to find the clues" I moaned "we are arresting of Kidnapping" he laughed "what proof..." "and murder" his eyes widen "how did you.." he asked. "The CCTV cameras picked you out and saw you looking at Sehun when he went to find the body." He moaned out loud when the others put the handcuffs on him. 

Once we got him to the office at HQ still Handcuff "so how do you know Jessica" I asked him he looked at me "Wow you guys may be new but you guys are good" I laughed "flatterly wont get you nowhere" His smiled turned to a frown "she was my girlfriend but I caught her cheating and I got out of control and it lead to her death" I nodded beileving his story.

"Ok but what about Sehun what have you done with him" I asked. "I was worried of being found out so I had someone phone me later that night and they told me they got him they told me they wont kill him. But I don't know honest" "I beileve him" Kris said I nodded "so do I but do you have any clues to who these guys were?" He nodded. 

"They called themselves Boyfriend there the top group for kidnapping in Korea" I nodded Kai Laughed "Boyfriend? is that get people to like them?" he asked laughing "it is a strange name" I said. "take him to jail and We need to find out more about this group Boyfriend" Lu Han and Kris took him with no problem. At least he was easy to handle. 

"Lets find out about Boyfriend" I told them. This was going to be a long case. We need to find Sehun and have back saftely and unharmed. 




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Chapter 1: The story is good. But maybe if you do like...

"Here, have this." Hana says to her brother.

"Oh... Thank you...?" The older guy said with his deep voice. They ate their ice cream. Little did they know someone was watching.

"I won't let them get away with this!" Said the person.

You know, like pressing the enter button more often...? Other than that this story was a blast! Update more often, author-nim!
pls update the story! im so interested! :-D