Nothing Like The Sun


The rusted white building before me could be called nothing less than home now, pops calls it his "castle". I shut pops' rickety car door and approached "Moon shores: apartment homes". Dragging my big black luggage up the stairs. I climbed the first step, then the first flight, and that’s when I noticed him. Leaned over the railing, smoking a cigarette with dark shades over his eyes, staring in the direction of the sea. He wore skinny jeans a big 'Illest' tee, Steve Madden shoes and hair nearly cropped at the sides and a poufy Mohawk in the center. Not bad, he could something good about pops crumpling white castle. A prince maybe. A prince living in Korea's blue collar cement jungle. 

I should have gone inside. Unpacked my things, long distance call mom, but I didn't. I stared at the smoke curling around his mouth wickedly attracting me to him until a soft voice called from down the hall. I tucked behind the large white column between us; Hiding I watched my prince. 

"Namjoon-ah~" she cooed "Are you ready now?". Her long, shiny, black hair curled around her face, tiny and flawless. 

"I don't think so, love" He spoke. For the first time. His deep, husky voice echoing in my head. He continued staring out in the distance somewhere far. She pouted her small mouth and started to speak again. 

"What's that suppose to mean?" 

He breathed in another drag of his cigarette and faced her, his back towards me. 

"Now listen Yu-ri, you need to find your way back home or to 203 or 493 or even that dumb boy from 142." He spoke with conviction and left nothing else to be said. Her small face scrunched up 

"I will find my way to that dumb boy from 142 or 203 or 493 or wherever I want, you stuck up !" and she stormed off in the direction she came. I'd been holding my breath from the tension in the air and the unwanted emotions thinking 'I'm glad he denied her'. How could I say I wanted him? It was the first time I'd ever laid eyes on him. But why shouldn’t I? Almost like he'd read my mind he turned his head toward the shadow I'd been hiding in. 

"How long are you just gonna hang there?" 

I walked out of the shadow a bit. My ears hot and I whispered a hey, brushing my hands down my wrinkled shirt and roughing up my bangs. I could feel him watching me from behind his shades. Reading through me like a book. Straight a, straight laced, ignorant American and black girl to boot. I thought he saw the innocence in my eyes like the devil smells fire before the match is lit. 

"What's your name?" he finally asked. 

"Carmen Mason. My friends call me Carmen." I answered staring at my intertwined fingers 

"Carmen. That’s pretty. I'm Kim Namjoon." 

I nodded. There's so many things I wanted to say but a nod is all that I could conjure up. 

"Carmen. Why were you watching me like that? I saw you climb up those stairs, hiding in that corner." 

My ears grew hotter. What could I say? 

"Are you just a stalker" 

"No" I answered immediately looking up at him. 

He laughed low to himself "Can I at least know what school you go to? You go to school right?" 

"Joil High. You?" 

"Same. I'm a senior." 

"Me too." My voiced drifted, "Ya know I've got clothes to unpack so I'm just gonna..." 

"See you at school tomorrow, Carmen" 

I answered and turned and left. I lied again.I didn’t actually spend that much time unpacking. Pops had to go back to work. I'm not to sure what it is he does for a living and to be honest I don’t care. When he hugged me goodbye he smelled like alcohol. Last I knew pops didn’t drink. But a lot of time has changed since then, 10 years actually. Probably lived off checks from his time in the military. Namjoon.... His dimples were cute. 




Okay so this is pretty short but i just wanted a sort of intro so tell me what you think <3


Carmen is a New tenant and student living with her dad who she hasnt seen in 10 years and attending one Korea's worst school, Joil High.


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