First Day

Nerd Vs Cold

     All the maids in the mansion lined up in the living room and stared at L with disappointment. "Starting from today she will be working with you. She has not seen all the places so one of you should give her a tour. I'll be going to school now." L turned around and looked at Emma. "I'll see you later." He said. L walked out of the mansion and got into his car. 

     "Hello." Emma said nervously. "I'm Park Jiyeon. You can call me by my English name. Which is Emma." Emma said. Each person introduced themselves. All of them sound very nice and calm. The room became silent after all of them introduced themselves. The girl in the middle broke the silence. "So I'll show you around." She said. "Sure thanks. Um... What's your name again?" Emma asked. "Park Hyomin. You could just call me by my English name, Miranda." She said. "Oh ok. Thanks Miranda." 
     Miranda and Emma took a tour around the mansion. While walking, Miranda told Emma some of the rules. "What!?! Those weren't included in the contract." Emma said. "I know. Those are probably not considered rules since our madam don't like maids touching her things." Miranda said. "She don't like maid touching her things...? What if she want you to get something for her. Like her things for her?" Emma asked. "She usually don't. She always have her door locked. Nobody ever seen her room before." Miranda thought. "Maybe she has something very important in there. She probably don't want any one to know."
     "What are you guys doing there?" Old madam said while walking towards them. "I was bringing Emma around. Young master said she's new and told us to show her around." Miranda said. "Oh ok. Miranda you could go and do what you gotta do. I have to talk to Emma." Old madam said with a very big smile. Miranda nodded and left to do her chores. Old madam turned around and walked closer to Emma. 
     "Good morning, Old Madam." Emma said. "Starting from today, you can call me Grandma." She said.  Emma gave a surprised look and then spoke again. "But... I'm a worker. How come the others call you old madam and I have to call to you Grandma?" Emma asked. "Why not? You don't like to call me Grandma?" 
     "No. No. I'd love to call you Grandma." Emma said. "Ok. Today I want you to play with me. Come along." Grandma gave a little jog while going to her room and Emma followed her from behind. "Welcome to my room. Do you like to exercise because grandma me like to exercise." She asked. "I actually like exercising. It's very good for your body." Emma replied. "That's good. I pick you as my daily maid. Your going to play with me all day everyday." Grandma said. 
     Grandma walked towards her big t.v and opened the Wii. "Come let's exercise. You know how to play this right?" She asked. "Not really. I've seem it on t.v. I've never used one before." Emma said. 
     "It's ok. I'll show you." Grandma put a sports cd in the Wii and adjust everything so that Emma don't have to do anything. She showed Emma how to use the Wii remote while smiling at her. "Ok. I got it." Grandma chose a game and she picked tennis. They played their game and forgot about the time. 

     L finally arrived to school thinking everything will be fine. He closed the door behind him and walked towards the main door. While walking he could hear people whispering at each other. He ran inside and went to his first class. He sat at the corner where he always sit. He looked around and saw students pointing at him. He checked his back to see if someone stick a note or something but there was nothing. The morning announcement went on and everyone started to listen. "GOOD MORNING STUDENTS!!" The announcer shouted. "Those of you who checked the school website, our principle have an announcement to all of you." He passed the mic to the principle and went to the side. "Hello everyone, today I'm personally announcing something very important. My son Kim Myungsoo, mostly known as L, will not be suffering under my school. who ever looks down at him one more time, will be suspended." Every one started to whisper, including the teachers. "This is your morning announcement. Your teachers will be heading to the classrooms soon. Enjoy your day!!" The principle said and closed the mic. 
     ~Oh God. She really told the whole school. Thank god half of them are here at this moment.~ 
     L could hear many students talking about him. The teacher walked into the classroom and sat his books on the desk. "Good morning class. Today we'll be learning about high level English. I hope most of you studied. High level English is not like the other words we've learned in our previous classes. On the incoming report, I want you guys to use at least 100 high level words about an accident that happened in the past. Do not. I repeat DO NOT use a little car accident. I want accident from the news or something very memorial, like 9/11." The teacher said. 

~Something that have been in the news... I got it. I could do the accident 6 years ago. I think I could get a lot of information.~ 

     30 minutes later. The bell rang and everyone packed their bags and was heading out side. L's classes ended for that day. He was about to leave when someone stopped him. "Hey man." He said. "How come you never told us about you being the principles son? I mean, how can she actually give birth to someone like you. A coward ... and a nerd." He laughed out loud making the people behind him laugh with him. L ignored him and ran out of the school and searched for his car. 
     He spotted a black car coming towards him. He went inside and his driver drive him away. 
     "Hello young master. How's school today?" His driver asked. "It's good. I have a report due next week. I have to find a lot of information." 
     "Oh. Then I guess you'll be very busy this weekend." The driver said while driving. "Maybe." He replied. 
     20 minutes later, L finally arrived at his mansion. He went inside and took of his shoes. He looked around the mansion and couldn't find Emma. He went to the second floor and heard loud noises coming out of his grandma's room. He walked towards the room and knocked on the door but nobody opened the door so he opened it himself. He walked in slowly and carefully. He could hear his grandma's laugh and some one else's. He looked towards the big t.v and saw Emma and his grandma playing Wii. He walked towards them with no sound. 
     Emma turned around and saw L staring at her. "Hello. Your back." Emma said. Grandma turned around as well and saw her grandson standing next Emma. "Hello grandson your back from school." She said while swinging her Wii. "Yeah. How come you're playing Wii with my grandma and not doing chores?" L asked. "I was going half way to my tour when grandma stopped me. She said she picked me as her daily maid and want me to play with her... All day everyday." Emma explained. "Yup. Don't mind her calling me grandma. Because I told her to." 
     "Oh. Can I join?" L asked. Emma was about to reply but was disturbed by grandma. "Don't you have homework to do?" She asked. "I have a report due next Monday." L replied. "I take that as you have homework. So go on and do your homework." A light bulb lit up on grandmas head. She walked to Emma and said, "Emma, you should go help him." Emma became speechless. She gave a shocking face.
     "What me...!?!! I can't..." Emma rejected. "It's ok. You'll be a great help." Grandma said while pushing them out of her room. "Grand..." Old madam shut the door in front of Emma and walked towards her t.v to continue her game. Emma gave up and turned around and faced L. "I guess I'll see what your homework is and then I'll decide if I could help or not." Emma suggested. "Ok." L agreed. They walked towards L's room and he opened the door and sat his book bag in front of his desk. 
     He took out a piece of paper and showed it to Emma. "These are the words I have to add in my report. The theme is about accidents that had been on the news. When I was young, I saw a bus and car accident. The bus crashed into the small car and it caused 2 death and 6 injured. The car driver and the passenger died and the bus driver was hurt and 5 passengers got hit on the head or have fractured bones. I grew very interested in the accident." L explained. The smiling Emma became very quite and she wasn't smiling anymore.
     "Although it's something small, but there was still lives being taken away from someone's family. If I know them, I would donate a lot of money." L said. 

      "MADAM!!! MADAM!!!" Someone shouted. He ran in, breathing hardly. "Assistant Chao... What happened to you?" Madam asked. Emma sat closer to her mother. "CEO... CEO... He got into a car accident. There was a problem with the red light so a MTA bus crashed into CEO's car." He explained. Emma looked upset. She was scared and worried. She understood everything Assistant Chao said. "Your lying. Today is his birthday, he can't get into an accident. TELL ME YOUR LYING!?!" Madam cried. "TELL ME YOUR LYING!!" 
     She had already knelt down on the floor and cried. She cried and cried. Emma stood behind her and also started crying. She hugged the present as tight as she could. Just when she was about to speak, a pack of people came in. They were all wearing black clothes. "Take their stuff away!" The one in the middle said. 
     "What are you guys doing!! This belong to me!!" Madam shouted out them. "Not anymore old women. Your husband own us millions of dollars. Now he's dead, I have to take these things away from you. Even with these, it's not even enough." He waved at his companions and all of them started to take more stuff. Madam begged but didn't work. Emma and her mother was kicked out of their house.
     "Hey. Are you listening?" L said while waving his left hand in front of Emma. "What? What did you say?" Emma asked. "I said, 'I grew very interested in the accident that's why I want to do my report on it.'" 
    "Oh. I'll help. I've heard of it when I was young. I think I could give you some information." Emma said. "That's great. I'll need all the help I could get." Emma nodded and went to sit next to L on the bed. "You know, I heard a story about the accident. You want to hear it?" Emma asked. "Sure. Maybe the story could help me." L said.
     "There was a young girl who expected January 14, 2006 (the day of the accident) to come quickly. The day finally came and she dragged her mother to go birthday shopping with her. It was her father's birthday. The little girl went to a furniture store and spotted a black lamp with a little heart button on it. She knew that lamp would be a good present for her father so she told her mother to buy it for her. The girl went home happily with the present. She rapped the present nicely and it looked beautiful. Just when she finished the rapping, her fathers assistant came and told her that her father died in a car accident. Not only she had no father, her home was taken away because her father owns people money due to failing business. Her mother begged them not to take anything away but they didn't listen. We... They were kicked out of the house and had no place to stay. The little girl protected only one thing from the house. The lamp that she brought for her father. Each year on February 14, she would talk to it and write a sticky note and stick it on top of the lamp." Emma finished and looked at L. 
     "That's sad. I hope that young girl took good care of her mother and herself." L said. "Yeah I know. What if... I said 'what if' what if you know that little girl? What would you do?" Emma asked. "I would probably buy a little house for her and her mother to live in. They sound pretty pitiful." L answered. "Yeah. I guess they are." Emma replied. 
     "How come I never heard of the story? It's probably not online." L asked. "I heard it from a friend. I'm not sure if it's true." Emma lied. "Maybe the story could be a little help. I could only help you up to here. I'll go and do my job now. I'll see you later." Emma ran out of his room and closed the door behind her. She stood at the same spot for 10 minutes and stared at the wall without blinking. It's like the world had became black and she couldn't move. She blinked for awhile and then walked down stairs towards the living room. 
     While walking down stairs, she saw all the maids gathered up with their phone out. They were taking photo of someone Emma never saw before. It's like a celebrity and crazy fans taking a lot of photos with their favorite celebrity. Emma walked closer to them and thought about who it might be. "Excuse me?" Emma asked. None of them answered. "Excuse me!?!" She said again. This time her voice raised. "Excuse me!!!" She shouted again. All the maids turned around and stared at Emma. "Sorry. I didn't mean to bother you guys. I just want to know what's going on?" She asked. Miranda ran in front of her and showed her all the photos she'd taken. "All of us love handsome man. Even though their not celebrities but they're very famous somewhere because of their handsome face. But this guy is very handsome and he's so cute and hot." Miranda said while blushing. "You gotta be kidding me? I have to say, he does look good. But that doesn't mean his personality is good." Emma said. 
     "How do you know if their personality is not good if you didn't meet them in person?" The guy asked. Emma only stared and him without talking or changing her expression. "Hey! My name is Jung Dae-Hyun. You can call me Daniel. I just came from South Korea." He made a hand-shake gesture and gave Emma a little smile. Emma looked down at his hand and then back at Daniel. She took the hand and said, "Hello. I'm Park Jiyeon. You can call me Emma." They shook hands making the other girls jealous. They let go of each other making Miranda want to see and smell Emma's left hand. 
     "What are you doing?" Emma asked. "Looking at your hand. I mean he just gave you a hand shake." Miranda said while smelling and feeling Emma's hand. Emma pulled her hands away from Miranda. "The smell of his hands make him even more handsome." She said. "I'm for sure he is not born handsome. I mean he probably did some touching on the face. Especially when he look like he came from a wealthy family." Emma said. "Sorry to bother you. But are you born that way too? I mean, I'm for sure no one is born cute and pretty at the same time." Daniel said. The maids behind him gasped and had their mouth wide open. "Are you teasing me or complimenting me?" Emma asked. "Can I say none?" Daniel asked. Emma gave a fake smile and then went back to her serious face. 
     "Daniel? Daniel!!" L said while walking down the stairs holding a cup. He walked towards Daniel and gave him a brotherly hug. "When did you come back from Korea?" L asked. "My flight was this morning at 11:25. I want to be a surprise." Daniel looked at L from top to bottom. "You haven't changed at all. Still the same old you." 
     "You became more handsome. As always." L said. The maids gathered up and looked very confused.  L looked at them and then introduced Daniel. "This is my cousin Daniel. He came to help my mother out in the school." L introduced. "He'll be living here for awhile as well."


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please subscribe and comment if you are enjoying my story. I really ship Jiyeon and L together but L in real life already have a girlfriend. Oh well. Wish them luck and happiness. Enjoy!!

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Retsel_ #1
Chapter 3: Hahaha... I'm really waiting for Myungyeon moments :)
Daniel is here!!

L doesn't have girlfriend. Well I don't know ):
kimaray #2
Chapter 1: Nice beginning. Looking forward for next chapter.
Update soon...
Mahrwwella #3
Chapter 1: nice chapter x3 keep it up author-nim
Mahrwwella #4
looks interesting :D waiting <3
sakurachan14 #5
update soon^^
:) Hope you wirte soon author-nim!! The story looks interesting~