Rude Bastard

My Cold Lovely Jerk

Choonhee POV

"Choonee-ah~!" Mark and Jackson run up to me in the halls. Mark shows a cheeky smile and throws his arm around my shoulders "You gonna join the music class?" Jackson asks "Mm...Probably. What about you guys?" Mark shrugs and continues walking, dragging me with him "Jackson?" He puts his hands him his pockets and then stops "You know," he stands in front of me and Mark, causing us to stop "I've noticed something. You don't call us Oppa" He raises a brow "We're a whole year and grade level above you. You should call us Oppa" I roll my eyes "He's right, it's only the right thing to do" Mark pinches my cheek "Y-" the bell ring cuts me off "Gotta get to class" Mark winks and bites his lip before running off with Mark. It's the first day of school for the year. Mark and Jackson have been my friends since I fell and scraped my knees when I was 9. They're kind of like big brothers to me but since I grew up in America, The whole oppa/unnie/dongsaeng/noona thing doesn't really sit with me. I make my way to class and find my seat 'Oh goody, a desk partner!!' I sit down next to the guy who's wearing sunglasses. I can't really see his features "Hello! I'm-" "Choi Choon Hee" He cuts me off "Ehe...Yeah..Yo-" "It doesn't really matter" He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms after adjusting his sunglasses "Okay, I'm Mrs.Gong, I will be your home room teacher-Choi Youngjae," She raises a brow and stares at the guy next to me 'Ah, So your names Choi Youngjae' "Our luck seems to never fail" She walks to our desk "Mr.Youngjae," She leans forward "No sunglasses while I'm teaching" She pulls them off and sits them on his desk. I glance over to get a good look at him. His got a major case of poker face. He barley blinks. "Take a picture, It'll last longer" He mumbles, bringing me to realization that I've been staring at him. The entire class I couldn't focus cause that Youngjae guy kept making noises. Pen clicking, Tapping his fingers, Humming, etc etc. Aish, I don't even know him and I dislike him already. The day goes on and the bell rings, finally indicating its lunch time. I put my things in my desk and search for my phone "Aii," Someone props against my desk. I look up and see a familiar red head "Yah, Mark you have my phone don't you?" I raise a brow and stand up "Nope," He smirks crossing his arms "I don't" "You're lying" "No I'-" I grab his ear pulling him down to my height "Jackson," He pats Marks pockets and gets my phone "Thank you!" I proudly take my phone with my empty hand "Stop stealing my phone" I let go of it "Aish, Can't even sleep in peace because of you children" My "desk partner" stands up and shoves his hands into his pockets "Aii, So annoying" He mumbles as he walks out of the class "Who's that and what's his deal?" We all three make our way to lunch "Just some Rude Bastard"

Lunch came and went and music class finally came around. The one class I always look forward to. Except the fact Sooyeon won't be there with me. Last year when I had a friend named Sooyeon, we did music class together. But now that I moved to a different school, I only see her outside of school. I open the door to the music class and see a LOT of people, Like a lot a lot 'Music must be popular in this school' I sit down in an empty seat just in time as the teacher walks in "Before we get started, Those who joined the class because you want an hour of free time, please leave or go to the back of the room. More than half of the people in the room shuffle to the back of the room or exit. Leaving 4 people-5 including me-who seem to want to do the class "Ok, It's bigger this year! You," He points at me and I point at myself "You're new, Introduce your self" I stand up and introduce myself "Oh, You have a unique voice when you speak, You better be able to sing" He suddenly stops when the door opens, revealing annoyingly familiar sunglasses 'Probably here for the same reason as the others: free time' "Ah~ Choi. Young. Jae. My favorite student of all time!!" 'Eh?!?!'

He takes a seat next to me, the entire time, I'm glaring at him. He sits down, takes sunglasses and looks at me. Wow. So THAT'S what his face looks like..Ok. I turn my attention back to the teacher "Anyways, My name is Mr.Zang but you can call me Marshall Zang or Just Zang or Just Marshall, Whichever you like!" The class goes on just like any other music class "Okay, That's it for today! Tomorrow we will be picking semester project partners! Dismissed! Anyways, You guys have a 30 minute break in here! See you all tomorrow!" I pull my phone out and dial Marks number "Hello?" "This was so NOT worth it" I pout "Why?" "It barley lasted 15 minutes AND it was hardly about music, I swear the teacher must be a crack head" I stand up and start to look around "Good news is there's a piano!" I walk over to it and lift the top thing up "I'll call you later, Our class is starting" "BYEE CHOONHEE-AH~" Jackson yells "Bye Choonie~" We hang up and I slide my phone into my uniform jack pocket and sit down on the piano bench "What are you even doing?" HE sits down next to me and taps a key "What's it to you?" I ask staring at the keys and lightly tapping them with my fingers "You don't look like the type to play piano, You look like the 'Im-Just-Here-To-Waste-Time-Cause-Music-Is-Stupid'" He says bluntly "Look Mr.I'm-Too-Cool-To-Give-Two-s, I don't know about YOU but, I'M here FOR the music." I stand up and fixing my skirt. He looks up and stares at me "What?" I snap "Nothing..You're just...not really pretty at all" He stands up and walks away 'Eh?!?! WHAT AN !' I make a bee-line straight to the school yard, forgetting my phone. I start walking down the hall but get stopped by a bunch of girls "So you're the new girl clinging on to our husbands?" One girl scoffs "You?" She looks me up and down then laughs "Listen carefully, Stay AWAY from Youngjae, Mark and Jackson, They are OURS and frankly way out of your league." I just laugh "What...Are you laughing?" "It's funny, Cause you think that Youngjae guy is likable " I turn around to walk away but someone grabs a handful of my hair "Yah, 9-Yr-Old-Body girl, Where the hell do you think you're going?" 

I sigh and wipe the blood from my nose "Aish.." I plop on the bench outside in the school yard "People here are rude" I tilt my head back to stop the blood. 3 guys are walking off in the distance when suddenly they come my way 'Oh great, NOW what's gonna happen?' I sigh "Wah...What happen to your face?" I look up and see a grayish-blonde headed guy, a blonde guy and then familiar sunglasses "YAH THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!" I stand up and kick him in the shin as hard as possible "AH!!" I falls on one knee "IF YOU HADN'T SAT DOWN AT THE PIANO THOS CRAZY ES WOULDN'T HAVE DO-" I stop when I realize I could taste blood. I quickly close my mouth and go to walk away "Wait," One of them grabs my wrist. I turn around and glare at him "Y-Your phone.." He hands me my phone and smiles slightly.

I sit down under a tree behind the school, my nose finally stopped bleeding "Aish, Everyone here's crazy" I close my eyes and lie down in the grass "Not everybody" I hear a voice and the grass crackling under their feet. I open one eye and try to focus on him but the sun is right behind his head so its blinding "Oh yeah?" "Yeah" He chuckles and sits next to me. I sit up and look at the guy. 'Aw, He's...cute' "Looks like you caused some trouble on the first day" He laughs lightly "I did nothing, It was this crazy bastard.." I mumble. We sit there talking for the rest of the school day until the bell rings "Well, I better be going" He stands up and walks away "YAH WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!" I shout He turns around, still walking "Yugyeom" He smiles and walks off "Yugyeom...Yugyeom" I put my hands in my pocket and walk off 

"WHERE'S PARK CHOON HEE?!" A voice booms through the halls and everyone stops to stare at me. Mark and Jackson basically just appear right in front of me "Yah, Choonie What the hell happened to your face?" Jackson asks "It's nothing" I brush it off. Everyone goes back to what they were doing "Hey New girl" The girl from earlier walks up, both Mark and Jackson sigh "Remember what I told y-" "Yah, Jung Minji," Mark says thought clenched teeth "You did this didn't you.." "What?" She scoffs "No, Why wo-" "You've done this before...Don't let it get out of hand like last year." He grabs my wrist and pulls me to his side "You touch Choonhee again," Jackson steps closer "and I won't let it slide" The drag me off, leaving the girls dumbfounded "What happened last year?" I ask. Jackson just looks at Mark and I do the same. His facial expression is like...a mixture of anger, frustration, and..sad.

After school, Mark and Jackson ditch me to go to after school classes "Aish, Jerks" I kick a rock and walk into the café that I work at "Choonhee, You don't have work today" Lee Ahjussi says as I enter "I know, I just don't wanna go home yet" "Where's Mark and Jackson?" "They ditched me.." I pout and sit at the table in the corner and next to the counter "Can I get some of your famous pineapple soju?" I make a pouty face. He rolls his eyes and walks to the kitchen

"That jerk," I slur "Thinks he's everything" I rant and eventually fall asleep

"Yah, Wake up." Someone shakes me and I quickly sit up "Ah," I knit my eyebrows "You look like that jerk Youngjae"

Youngjaes POV

I walk into my uncles café-bar after school "Youngjae," My uncle calls "Yeah?" I walk up to the counter "I'm about to lock up but there's someone I need you to take home" I look at him confused "My friends daughter, She's...over there. Good luck" He pats my shoulder and walks away. I shrug my shoulders "Yah, Wake up" I shake her shoulder and she sits up faster than light "Ah," She points and knits her eyebrows 'Ch....Chonee??' "You look like that jerk, Youngjae" "Jerk? Ya-" "Youngjae, Please take her now Mr.Choi just called for her" I sigh "Come on" I turn to walk out "That jerk Youngjae thinks he's the " She slurs 'Is she drunk?' I sigh in frustration and walk over to her, picking her up on my back "Here's the address" He hands me a paper and I walk out 

"Yah, Take me to that jerks house! I'm gonna give him a peace of my mind" She slurs flailing her arms around "Sit still. Or I'll drop you" I grumble. She makes a pouty noise and her head falls in the crook of my neck "Stupid cute jerk.." She mumbles. I chuckle and continue walking 

"Choonhee?" A deep voice asks from behind. I turn and see two guys standing there "It is Choonhee!!" The guy with black hair beams "Why is she with him?" The other raises his brow. She looks up and suddenly shouts something I can't make out "Mark Oppa?!" She gets off my back and stumbles over to the red head "You're!!" She pokes his cheek

Marks POV

"You're!!" She stumbles over to me an pokes my cheek "Mark Oppa!" She smiles cutely "Wait did you just call m-" She presses her finger against my lips "Shhh...Jackson will get jealous I called you Oppa~~~" She giggles "Even though he knows I like you~~!" My eyes about pop out of my head "He's jealous cause I like you more~~~!"

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sakurachan14 #1
Chapter 1: update soon^^
Chapter 1: Omg you have the same style of writing as me, well, a little different but I enjoyed reading this. Oh man, do you for how long I've searched for someone with this style of writing? You have no idea. Anyway, please update because I'm curious about what this girl is gonna do:))