She Wanna Be Man Cured


“Minho, what the do you think you’re doing?”

Key scoffed in disbelief as he caught his friend standing in front of the full-body mirror, hands desperately grasping the zipper of the tight, red dress located in the back. He’d gotten a call from the younger boy directing him to not come to the dorm, under any circumstance; Of course, how could Key not be suspicious and run back as quickly as he could? He’d expected his band-mate sprawled across the bed, to some for some alone time. He wasn’t prepared to see Minho tightly fit into the same red dress from his last performance, intricate lace sewn gently on his arm and ankles adorned with the same red heels.

“Key…” Minho stuttered softly, charcoal outlined eyes wide in surprise as his hyung stood by the door, and he swore to god he wanted to dig a hole and die inside it.

“What the ,” Key’s breath jagged roughly as he tried to control his laughter, “Oh my god, Minho— just what the .

“A little help here?” He looked down at the maroon carpet to avoid the elder’s glance, slight embarrassment running through his veins. Key sighed with a smirk and nodded, stepping his way towards him.

“Mind explaining later?”


“So…” Key took a deep breath, “A feminist.”

“Well, yeah, I mean… after wearing this dress I’ve realized something else…” Minho shrugged, “Shouldn’t women also have the same rights as men? Wouldn’t it be fair to say that we go through the same struggle as other working men?”

“Wait, what do you mean by we?”

“Ugh, you know what I mean!” Minho yelled in exasperation as he rolled his eyes and held his hands on his hips, heels gently tapping the carpeted floor, thankfully. 

"You went all out though," Key couldn't stop looking at Minho's hips which swayed side by side naturally, a habit that formed from early on after their debut. "I mean makeup- did you get a manicure?"

"It was necessary," Minho muttered, "They wanted us to be a feminine as possible and I said yes, what's so bad about that?"

"Nothing it's just... surprising, that's all."


"And ing hot."


Short drabble... would be neccessary? Heh... I'll be back soon. -arli


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It's been so hectic these past few weeks/months. Let me catch up on my work and you'll see an update soon! Mwah! :*


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Chapter 1: Minho in those tight red dress.... oh, dear.

And, yes, a would be TOTALLY necessary :)
Chapter 1: Definetely not a good idea to read this in class... >_<"

Anyways, what do you mean by "would be necessary"? Why such question after having teased us like this!? TT_TT urgh...
Good luck...;)