Chapter 18.

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Chapter 18.


It was around ten pm when the small party they held on Sulli’s home finally over. Sulli already passed out, her energy drained because of the hectic day. First the dance test, and the small yet late birthday for Krystal. She was so excited, and had fun all day long, that’s why she was the first one who’s shut her eyes and leaned her head on Sehun’s wide shoulder.

Krystal, on the other side, watched the love birds while yawning. She sat beside Kai—who just fallen asleep—and in front of the love birds called SeSul. They had fun, no doubt. There was a soju, but they promised to not drink too much. It was only Sehun and Kai, but sadly, Kai was the only one who passed out because of the alchohol.

“You’re not going to sleep?” Sehun asked after a while.

“Not sleepy yet,” she replied with a smile.

“It’s late already.”

“I know. But I don’t mind sleepover here, i usually sleep in her house in the past days.”

Sehun took a glances at Sulli, he secretly smiled. “That must be fun.”

“Today was the best, though. I never spent my birthday this much fun.”

“Today isn’t your birthday.”

“But we act like it is,” she stated.

Sehun chuckled a bit, “Yeah.”

They stayed silent for a while. Sehun, was too busy watching Sulli’s sleeping in peace. He secretly wished he could watch her sleep every single day, and he’d be the one who she see when she wake up. Oh, that would be the happiest moment of his life. He wander why he left this girl at the first place. He knew that she is pure, innocent, lovely. But he was a coward back then. He was afraid of what people think if he dated her for real. But not now, even if Sulli still is a ugly betty—that what he called her—he will still love and stay on her side.

“Enjoy the view so much, huh?” Krystal in low tone, then she laughed. Not so loud, of course, she didn’t want to wake both Kai and Sulli. Sehun turned his gaze, “She is lovely, even when she sleeps.”

“I know,” she replied. “Ah, i haven’t say my proper thank you to you.”

“What’s that for?”

“For the  doll you bought me as my birthdya present, remember? I can’t believe you still remember that,” she smiled. “Thank you, i really really like it.”

Sehun’s lips formed into a smile, “My pleasure. That’s the first thing that across my mind when Sulli said we should buy you a present.”

“You told her i want that?”

“Yes, and she laughed so hard.”

Krystal’s blushed for a second. Her best friend knows her too well. “What did she say?”

“She said you never change, and she really glad. Though she thought it’s childish.”

“I love dolls, there is nothing wrong with that.”

Sehun smirked, “And Sulli loves me, there is nothing wrong with it.”

The girl yawned for the second time tonight, she shuted her eyes a bit as she leaned closer to Kai. “Take care of her, okay? I’m gonna peel you alive if you break her heart again.” That was the last sentence she say, a threaten that she should say to him since years ago. Because the next thing happened to her is, she fallen asleep.

“Yeah, i will.” Sehun whispered as he watched Sulli again.




It felt like she just sleep one minute ago when she feel something nudged on her. She yawned and murmured something. Then, she heard a whisper on her ear. That made her blinked her eyes, open it in lazy way. She saw a familiar figure in front of her, it was close and so breath-taking. Krystal need to make sure that it was Kai, who sat beside her while looking right into her eyes.

“Hey, wake up sleepyhead,” he whispered again.

She got up slowly, find herself already on the couch. As far as she could remember, she was on the carpet while talking to sehun. She frowned because of the light, “What time is it?” she asked in hoarse voice.

“One am,” Kai replied. “Come on, i’ll take you home.”

“Are you crazy?!” she replied, while glaring at him. Krystal tried to not raised her voice, however.


“My dad gonna kill me if i come back home at this time!”

Kai softened his eyes, “At least you’re not going back in the morning. Come on, you will hurt yourself if you sleep here.”

“I—ah, it’s okay. I already text my mom i am here,” she said. Then she saw Kai sit down again, beside her and looking at her with questioning look. He frowned, then he sighed.

“What is it again? You don’t tell me something, do you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Your dad, is there something wrong?”

She shut her lips for a while, thinking what is the best reply she should give to Kai. She knew that he wanted to know, so badly. “No, he just so protective to me.”

“So you’re hiding it again from me,” Kai sighed. “I told you to tell me everything, right?”

She bit her lower lips. She promised to tell him later, but not now. She promised to herself. “I will tell you later. Besides, aren’t you feeling headache? You passed out after drink too much.”

“Well, not really. I’m just sleepy, Sulli’s living room is so comfy.”

Krystal chuckled, “I know. Talking about Sulli, where is she and Sehun?”

“She’s sleeping in her room.”

“With that ?!”

“Ssh, you might wake them up!” Kai glared, then continued, “Of course not, he is sleeping in the guest room. Apparently, Sehun still doesn’t want to sleep with her.”

“Of course he won’t,” Krystal said with icy tone. “I will peel his skin for real if he really do that to my Jin.”


“Thank you, Kai Kim.”

“Yah, that’s not a compliment!”

“Still, I heard it a lot so I take it as compliment.”

“Whatever, i’m going to sleep again.” Kai went down to the carpet and took two pillows along with him. He lied down in peace, before his friendly grin grew as he looked at Krystal. “Yah, come here.”


“I know you’re sleepy, come on.” He patted a pillow beside him while chuckling.

“No way,” she sternly said. Though her heart beating so fast

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i just edited the teaser today in order to make it more interesting. nothing much changes, but i hope you all read it. xoxo.


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jongin so cute in this!
shirleyzheng #2
Chapter 26: seriously such a good story idk why it slightly reminds me of the kdrama dream high but i love this fanfic honestly one of the best that ive read
SweetWater #3
Chapter 26: Just finished this! Great story, keep up the good work :)
soojungie94 #4
Chapter 26: This is such a great story!!!!
Kaistal142494 #5
Chapter 26: Huwaaaaa daebakk! For the first time i found out this fanfic, i really don't like it cause in te beginning you pair krystal with sehun, cause i love kaistal so much. But i read again and again every chapter and that's make me going crazy author nim, jinjjaa. And in the end kaistal is together, so i thank you so much for a wonderfull story. I hope i can found out another story of yours about Kaistal :))
zSecretz #6
Chapter 26: Great story authornim!!!!
adelialny11 #7
Chapter 26: Chapter 25 : i prefer sestal than kaistal but it's ok
Happy ending after all
Wazaouzki27 #8
Chapter 10: Why must kaistal i more love sestal..... its just my suggestion.
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Oryzae #9
I love this strory so muchh, sist, do you like kaistal or are u arcadian? Maybe you can come at this blog
Or maybe u can send ur ff to kaistalffindo, its just my suggestion. Bye~
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Chapter 26: Owwww it's already end ... :( i still want to read more kaistalsesul moments kkkk. They're just too sweet. And i like minho so much! Can you make a fanfic of sesul and minho as sulli's oppa? I can't help it! Minho is indeed sulli's best oppa!