Lonely life of a boy


Have you ever feel what it's like to be bullied by someone else? Well I have,I have joined a new CCA in my school and I was being bullied there,with no one supporting me at all. Everytime during CCA,I was alone,with nobody to talk to,sometimes I may even cry to myself,thinking what did I did wrong,but when I think about it,it was not my fault at all,I did not even do anything to them and they were stabbing me and talking bad about me. I am forever alone and I hardly smile now,thinking that what's so good about life. All my other friends like to their seniors boots and therefore,they told the seniors bad things about me and even the seniors hate me. You may all think why didn't I complain to the teachers,well I have complain before. The teacher scolded them and they all act nice to me while behind my back,they are scolding me again. I don't know what to do or is there even karma in this world,should I quit my CCA? Or should I stay strong to fight the war...


A boy that was bullied and alone in his CCA


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