
I fell in love with my best friend




I arrived to our dorm. I was sent to buy some food for tonight. When I went through the door Kyungsoo immedately took away from me the food I bought and started to make it. 

I decided to go to my room cause the living room was empty. When I reached the door I heard Luhan singing some song. I didn't know if he wrote it or he just made a cover, but it was nice to hear him sing a song in English. I like his voice so much. Don't tell him but sometimes I fell asleep listening to his singing in my mp3player °>_<°.  

I was listening silently, when I heard the refrain. It was something like 'I fell in love with my best friend'. I know, I shouldn't think anything because it's just a song, right? But what if he fell in love with Yixing?? No, that's probably not the case cause he knows that Yixing already loves and has Kris so.... Omo what if he has a girl bestfriend someone not famous? Nah, It doesn't matter it's just a song, really. But of course I'm a little bit afraid since I'm in love with him. I didn't tell him because, yeah, I'm a coward. Everyone says that he's obsessed with me, but that doesn't mean he loves me. 

When Luhan stopped singing I thought it was the right time for me to get in.


"Lu-ge, I'm back" I bursted in the door. Luhan was lying on his bed and his hair was pushed up which was my favourite :3. He looked at me, surprised.


"BAOZII!" he jumped up from his bed and at me. He hugged me tightly.


"Okay Lu, I can't breath" I choked. It was always like this. Hugs, nicknames, unnecessary skinship, but I never saw if all of this meant something to him or not. "What were you singing before I came in?" I smiled at him.


"Just a song I found on the Internet. It's so strange, the lyrics is exactly what I'm thinking." Ohh so he IS in love with someone..... Now that's not too good for me...


"What's wrong?" I looked up at him, then smiled.


"Nothing, I was just thinking"


"Okay, then, want to play something?" He asked excitedly.


"Sure, what do you have in mind?" I asked still smiling at him.


"I'm okay with anything, as long as it involves me and my Baozi" He said and I blushed. His? What is he thinking?


"Okay, okay, what about video games?" I asked "Naruto?" Oh my, I'm bad at video games, I'm seriously going to loose. But Luhan loves them, so it's okay. And I love them too, I just don't have talent °>_<°.


"Yaay, then let's go." Luhan grabbed my hand and we ran to the living room.


While we were playing Yixing was teaching Yifan how to draw a chicken properly, but the numbers of face palms he did I guess Kris is an already lost case. Kyungoo was making the dinner with Chanyeol and Baekhyun. I mean with Chanyeol only, cause Baekhyun was just there to bother Chanyeol. But I think he didn't bother him at all, according to the loving smile he send to Baekhyun.


"Minseok-hyung, you're loosing." Sehun and Kai said in unison when they walked across the living room and towards the kitchen.

I realized I zoned out for a moment and Luhan was beating the out of me with Sasuke. Oh and I was with Naruto. Oh he can't beat me with Sasuke that wouldn't be realistic!

"Oh " I quickly attacked him. I basically just pushed every button on the controler at once or just randomly but I didn't give up. 

When I had very little life, I had to use my secret weapon. I pecked Luhan's cheek. Luhan froze. I laughed while beating him till he died and I won.


"YAAAY I WON, EVERYONE SAW THIS? I WON IN A VIDEO GAME GUYS!!" I shouted happily and I was jumping on the sofa, still giggling.


"Baozi, that wasn't fair" Luhan pouted and made me sit down.


"Sorry Lulu I had to won this" I patted his head cutely and giggled.


"But you distracted me" He said " I'd have won if you hadn't kissed me.... Now, I'm taking my revenge" He smirked then started tickling me until I was under him, dying from laughter.


"Okay Luhan stop, seriously, STOP, I'm dying" I laughed so hard. I tried to stop him but he enjoyed seeing me suffer.


"FOOD" Chanyeol yelled from the kicthen for everyone to go to eat.


"You... heard... Chanyeol.... STOP" I was still laughing madly.


"Okay, you are lucky this time" Luhan said with a smile. I didn't realize that we got into a very compromising position. Luhan was pinning my hands down on both sides of my head and he was totally above me and not to mention, very close.


I stared at him, blushing, and started to think that this the right time to tell him.


"Luhan, I-" but then Chen came in and said that they all are waiting for us to come eat. We both looked at him with annoyed eyes, but he just walked back to the kitchen silently laughing to himself. 

Luhan stood up and grabbed my hand to pull me up too.

During dinner I was wondering. Could I be Luhan's bestfriend? He never said that I was, he always said that it's Yixing. But again, he was always with me and we get along very very well..... Maybe I should try and tell him I love him. And if I AM his bestfriend then maybe... he loves me too... But if he doesn't then I'll just pretend that nothing happened. Yeah, great plan Minseok, great. 

I saw Kris happily showing everyone how much he improved in drawing chicken and when Chanyeol told him that it was recognizable Kris turned to Yixing and kissed his cheek then whispered something in his ear and at that Yixing giggled and proudly said that it was his hard work that Kris learned how to draw a chicken. 

They are so cute together. I wonder if I'll have this with Luhan or not. Well, tonight, we'll see.

When we finished dinner, we all went to our rooms. I took a shower then waited for Luhan to come out of the bathroom too. Okay this is your chance Minseok. Luhan came out of the bathroom and sat on his bed. 




"Yes?" I was surprised he spoke first.


"You were trying to say something earlier, what was it?" He spoke so seriously.


"Ummm.... I... was about to ask you...if I....if I'm your bestfriend or not." I breathed out.


"Yes you are my best friend." He said but looked away slightly disappointed." You and Yixing"


"Then....." I stood up and walked to him until I was in front of him and he looked up at me. "What would you say..... if I say.... I want to be more?" His eyes widened. I was looking at him seriously, my heart was beating so fast I was about to die.


Then he smirked.


"More, Baozi? What do you mean?" He stood up und now I was the one who looked up. He smirked again and grabbed my waist and pulled me to him until there weren't any space between our bodies. Oh god he is seriously doing this? I blushed because I knew he knew what I meant.


"You know... like..... We...... Like... ummm..... you know, like Yixing and Kris" I pouted AND blushed ubecause I already knew his answer because of his actions.


"OMO, Baozi you're too cute" He smiled then cupped my face and kissed me. I was dying of happiness.

After the kiss Luhan rested his forehead on mine.


"Baozi, 我爱你 " He smiled while he hugged me by the waist, foreheads still touching.

My chinese isn't too good but I did understand this. 


"I love you too Lu-ge" I smiled at him cutely.





SO SORRY FOR THE MISTAKES IT SURELY HAS A LOT T_T And thank you so much for reading, and I really like comments so feel free to say anything you think about this fic ^____^ Thank youu bye-bye <333

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subreddit #1
Chapter 1: *^* itsh sho kyoot kya
Reka00 #2
Chapter 1: Omo this was amazing *₩*I loved it soooo much <33 the video game part was really good ^^ write more xiuhan please *----* :3 ( hamár úgy is ilyen cukik vagyunk:$)
Chapter 1: CUTEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Duchenne #4
Chapter 1: damn cute minseok! Minseeooookkk!!!! I wanna bite you! >.<
jambydsy #5
Chapter 1: Hdhxnkwjrfbbsj this was sooo cuuute
Chapter 1: Aw Luhan ! So gentle and romantic :)
Okay, Minseok did all the work but when Luhan hold him it was like "okay Minnie, I got this ! "
Chapter 1: Wahhh kawai (cute in Japanese btw). Here keep at it. Write more so that it entertain audience.