
Life is a Runway (Run away with me)

Tick tock. 

The grandfather clock that is placed adjacent to his mahogany table ticks endlessly, piercing his thoughts each time. 

Kris inwardly sighs. How long has it been? He presses his right hand to his chest, trying to feel his heartbeat. 

"Is he going to be alright?" Nurses crowd around him, causing him to feel discomfort. Panic could be felt in their voices.

"What a tragic thing to happen to someone with such a beautiful face.." 

"Come on, we should all try to be optimistic."

Yifan blinks. Once. Twice. 

His vision is obscured with red. All he can do is watch, as he lays on the operation table. 

His heart hurts.

"We need to give him an anesthetic if we're going to proceed with the operation. Has anyone found out his contact information - or who he is?" A male voice, Yifan assumes is the surgeon, says with urgency.

"No, we haven't. We've checked all our files and even contacted other hospitals. No one seems to know who he is, or how he got into the accident." 

"Damn it!" The surgeon glanced at the seemingly lifeless body.

"Calm down, Joonmyun. We can figure that out later. First, we have to take care of the patient." 

"Sorry.. You're right. I'll keep my emotions in check." Joonmyun sighs deeply. "Did anyone get the anesthetic?" 

"I did," One of the nurses anesthetizes Yifan, and Yifan finds himself falling unconscious. 

"It looks worse than I thought.. I'll have to take drastic measures." Joonmyun gulps. Something that I'm afraid is very illegal. "Everyone, please leave everything to me and exit the room. I'll be done in a few hours."

Yifan listens to the last few words the surgeon has spoken before he surrenders to the darkness. 

As Joonmyun meticulously works through the surgery, a trickle of sweat goes down his forehead. Everything has to be perfect. I can't screw this up, not when a person's life is in my hands. 

Hours go by as all Joonmyun can hear is the sound of the clock ticking.

The room is still as Joonmyun finishes up by stitching the patient's chest. "It's finally over."

He exits the room as nurses come rushing in to tend the patient. He breathes a sigh of relief, smiling ever so slightly at his achievement. 

Changing into his casual clothes as his regime is done for the day, Joonmyun can hear the subtle tap of footsteps inching by. Closer. Someone pats him on the shoulder. 

"Good work today! As expected from our Suho.

"Thank you, Jongdae." 

"You know, everyone thought you wouldn't be able to save him. But there he is, sitting upright within a couple hours of coming back to consciousness. You really are a prodigy!"

Joonmyun could feel himself warming up. "I really do appreciate your honesty. I'll admit it was a far more difficult task than my other encounters. However, I tried my hardest and pulled through." 

Feeling the need to visit the patient, Joonmyun withdrew from the conversation and walked over to the patient's room, marked "anonymous". 

Yifan tugs at his heart, in disbelief that he is still alive. 

Ssss. Crack. 

Yifan observes the room for the nth time, unable to understand where the noise was initiated.

Sensing someone else's presence, Yifan looked up to a smiling doctor. "Hello," He says, a little weakly. 

"Hello," The doctor returns the greeting. "I was the surgeon responsible for your operation. How are you feeling?"

"Thank you so much.. I thought I was as good as dead.." Yifan trails off, before locking a gaze with the doctor. "I'm feeling much better now, thank you." 

"What's your name?"

"My name is Wu Yifan. It's a pleasure to meet you. What is yours?"

A foreigner, huh?  "My name is Kim Joonmyun. The pleasure is all mine." 

"Zhang Yixing!" The woman's high-pitched scream could be heard miles away. 

Tucked away in a small closet, Yixing twitches at his name being yelled. When will this end? Tears stream down his face as he counts to himself. 

1.. 2.. 3.. 4--

Footsteps inch closer before the closet door is opened completely. 

"Mother.." Yixing wipes the tears away from his face, glancing up to meet his mother's glare. 

"I have no time to play hide-and-seek. You're not a child!" She scolds. "God, why do I have to raise such a pathetic human?" She wastes no time to drag Yixing by his already bleeding ear, down the ragged steps of the house.

"I'm s-sorry.." Yixing is too afraid to defend himself, knowing the consequences that come with it.

He's always wrong, after all.

At least that's what he believes. 

His mother never hurt him physically, not like his father. She tortured Yixing mentally until Yixing became the defenseless and cowardice person he is today. His father, when drunk, is abusive and takes it out on his only child. When he was through with Yixing, the latter would not be able to move his broken body, smeared with blood.

"Pathetic." They spat the words out like they came naturally. All Yixing could do was rub at his sore spots and pray that it would heal one day.

Yixing's only haven was at school. Although he had no friends, it was much safer here than at home. 

He drowned himself in studying and reading books, disregarding the pitying looks he got from everyone. Yixing could not hide his scars or dirtied clothes. Even when he was asked about it, Yixing denied any mistreatment that had been inflicted on him.

"Yixing, are you okay?" Yixing winces at the contact as a result of the constant bruises.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just fell again! You don't have to worry about me, Mr. Kim." 

"You can call me Minseok, you know. I want you to treat me as a friend, not a teacher." Minseok smiles, clearly concerned.

The only person who cared even the slightest bit about Yixing was Minseok, the teacher of Yixing's class. 

The school was very small and compact, with only a few staff and less than a hundred students. Most of the teachers ended up teaching a few grades, and Yixing was lucky enough to end up in Minseok's class for the few years he has taught. 

"I hope you will be able to open up to me, Yixing. You're a very good student, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you." He pauses to inspect Yixing's bruised skin. "There are far too many for it to be caused by falling." 

Yixing knows that Minseok is only caring for his wellbeing, but he can't bring himself to tell the truth. 

"I fall a lot?" Although Yixing is intelligent, he's not a very good liar. "It's really okay, Mr. Kim!"

He sighs, ignoring the fact that the student greets him in a formal matter. "Will you at least let me treat your wounds?" 

"Okay," Yixing says shyly. He really would appreciate some help.

Minseok guides Yixing to his desk, where he pulls out a first aid kid. Taking some rubbing alcohol and bandages, he gestures to Yixing's shirt. "May I?"

"Of course, thank you." Yixing rolls up his sleeves to reveal the numerous beatings he suffered. 

"This may sting a bit," Minseok began. He tries his best to disinfect the areas, gently. Yixing yelps in pain but bites his lip to conceal the rest of the sounds.

After he finishes, he patches up with bandages.

"All done," Minseok says with a smile. "Come to me whenever you 'fall', so that I can treat your wounds." Yixing nods and thanks his teacher for his kindness.

A/N: I'm sorry! I did not abandon this novel, I promise! It's been a while and I have writer's block. I'm glad to be back. :) I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please comment, rate, and subscribe~ -Jenny

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Please don't give up on this!!!
I really do want to keep reading your story!
xiixao_s__rintintin #2
Chapter 1: yes! an update/edit. I wonder what Yixing 's condition is... perhaps a partial ais (Reifenstein syndrome)?
vlee_gonghyung #3
Chapter 1: Cant wait for the updateee
xiixao_s__rintintin #4
Chapter 1: this will soud fairly stupid but since this story is working with a mystery regarding Yifan, this is my guess: he's either a sort of vampire, intelligent zombie (but without the whole decaying thing) or roboman - a curtesy of Joonmyun's work. Or simply someone with very low blood pressure, hence the cold hands?
Chapter 1: finally chapter 1..>.<
why so short??:'( but thank you for update..kekekeke
more curious about this story.. ;A;
blackrosa413 #6
Chapter 1: update soon author-nim...
really curious with yifan he a mafia or something like that? and is he the one that find an unconciouss yixing later?
but this story will have happy kray ending right? even it is angst
Chapter 1: Omg! This fic is superb! I expecting the next chapter really....
Pls don't take a long time to update! Give you my 4 thumbs for this plot <3
sekaitao1990 #8
Chapter 1: Whoa This is soo good!! Thank you
sekaitao1990 #9
Update plzz I've been waiting for this fanfic forever. Thank you
ReiSama #10
whoaaaa....sounds interesting... :)
please, update soon Author-nim..