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Fallen (An Ex-Love Squeal)
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Eun Ji woke up to the daylight shining on her. She groaned while rolling to her side to check the clock beside her, telling her it was one hour past lunch. She sighed and laid her back back onto the bed and slowly dazed off into dreamland.

    “Eun Ji?” Baekhyun knocked on her door with a gentle voice. Considering he was being kind enough to be quiet, she held in her second groan of the day and got up to answer the door in her pajamas.

    “What is it Baekhyun?” Eun Ji asked while rubbing her cheek that she slept on and holding back a yawn.

    “I made lunch. I was going to make you breakfast too but you thought you needed beauty sleep.” Baekhyun said and smiled as Eun Ji spotted the specks of tomato sauce on his cheek.

    “Thanks Baek for being considerate but the rule was not to touch my food… I guess it is okay as long as you didn’t mess things up…” Eun Ji said in a tired tone and walked past him to make her way downstairs.

    “By the way, the ‘beauty sleep’ didn’t help at all…” Baekhyun said making Eun Ji furrow her eyebrows.

    “Should I be saying thank you?” Eun Ji asked.

    “You look beautiful to its fullest. You look glowing every day, promise!” Baekhyun complemented her with two thumbs up.

    Eun Ji laughed and walked up to him and lifted her index finger up to his face, making him pause and stare at her oddly. “You have some tomato sauce on your cheek, Sweet-heart.” Eun Ji said and whipped it off his face. She kindly went downstairs and washed her finger before sitting at the dining table waiting for Baekhyun to serve her but she didn’t notice he wasn’t even down yet.

    Baekhyun stood at the top of the stairs touching his cheek in awe. Even if it was a little poke on the cheek, the human distance and the name calling felt like he was kissed on the nose. He smiled without noticing and gazed out into space. He slowly walked downstairs with an idiotic smile sprung across his face—cheek to cheek—as he filled Eun Ji’s plate.

    “H-Here you go, Eun Ji.” Baekhyun said while putting her meal on the table.

    “You made pizza? Wow, you could be a player for all I know! Pizza’s my most favorite food ever. This will taste good no matter what, trust me!” Eun Ji said and smiled at the pizza then at Baekhyun. When she looked up at his face she saw him smiling in a really goofy gesture, causing her to smile as she took a bite out of Baekhyun’s pizza. She stopped for a moment and gave a weird glare into space while slowly setting the pizza down and taking small and slow bites.

    “What’s wrong?” Baekhyun asked taken aback from Eun Ji’s face. “Are you okay?” He asked again.

    “This pizza…” Eun Ji paused and took more bites, “this pizza is just like the one my boyfriend made for me every weekend!” She said and smiled uncontrollably while devouring the rest of the pizza.

    “You have a boyfriend?” Baekhyun asked as his smile faded deeply.

    “I don’t know.” Eun Ji said calmly.

    “How could you not know?” Baekhyun asked, slowly getting irritated.

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exoyeollie12 #1
Chapter 11: IM SO CONFUSED
I love ex love i love this too youre great author nim FIGHTING!!
happy4friends #3
Puuuurfect ! I just love "Ex-Love" , I cried at the end A LOT!
mybabymuzik #4
Keep writing ~
SHyura #5
Chapter 20: MY TAETAE IS ALIVE (in this story yeah) im confused about the story but i kinda understand about it. THIS IS AMAZING! I LOVE IT! ARIGATOU NE! *bow*
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: OMG HE'S ALIVE HOW CAN THAT EVEN BE I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY RIGHT NOW OMG!!! *-* I'm really hyped up now. I can't believe it! Thank you! Thank you for writing this story. :') <3
this got me interested ><
Just found this story. Author-nim I can't wait for the final chapters <3 It is just so amazing *_*
Chapter 10: it's a little little confusing with like the "flashbacks", but it still super good! ~ Update soon ~ ❥
Chapter 10: Can someone explain to me about this story? I'm confused... Hehe... Sorry =)