
Lovers' Pet

Kyoko's POV 
I walked downstairs. Another lovesick morning. I saw Sehun and Luhan at the table, eating. They were sitting at opposite sides of the table without making eye contact. I grabbed some food and went to eat out on the porch. I then saw Luhan come up behind me. 'Hey.' He spoke softly. He put his hand on my arm and looked into my eyes. 'Hello.' I greeted him back. 'Listen, I just should tell you that-' He started saying, but I interrupted him. 'I know you like me.' Now this is awkward... His lips formed an 'o' shape. He turned away from me. 'Don't go. We can...uh go for a walk or something.' He suggested as he scratched his head. I cracked a smile and nodded. He took my hand, and led me along a trail. 

Sehun's POV 
Kyoko why am I attracted to you? Kyoko...Kyoko! Everything hurts, I can't help it. 'Sehun!' Kris yelled at me. 'Ah! What do you want you fool?' I yelled at him. He interrupted my thoughts. 'Hey don't disrespect me, idiot! The hell did you do to Kyoko and Luhan hyung?' Kris demanded. I saw Xiumin and Chen come sit down to listen. My eyes nervously darted back and forth. 'Nothing, they're just upset.' I lied, and quickly tried to walk out. 'Tell us the truth.' Kyungsoo hyung said, as he stopped me from walking away. 'Alright fine. Luhan hyung likes Kyoko, I like Kyoko, she likes me, got it?' I snapped and pushed Kyungsoo out of the way. I heard Chen whisper to Xiumin, 'No wonder why Sehun's been so grumpy.' 
I scoffed and walked upstairs, forgetting about what just happened. 

Kyoko's POV
Luhan's warm hand gripped mine. Our arms swayed in the wind. He tried making small talk with me, but I didn't say much. We walked into a small cafe, and he bought me a  cappuccino. 'Mm it's delicious.' I mumbled. Luhan started laughing. 'What?' I asked him. 'You got  some foam on your upper lip.' He said. He leaned in, but I leaned away. 'Oh, I'm uh sorry...' Luhan said, as he looked down. I lifted his chin with my finger. I kissed his cheek. 'No it's me. My feelings are scrambled around, and I don't even know them anymore!' I said and faked a laugh. 'So maybe we could be something in the future?' He asked me. 'Maybe...' I said. He reached for my hand, but I got up quickly. 'It's getting late, let's get home.' I said, and started walking home immediately. 'Kyoko! Kyoko I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!' Luhan called out to me. I didn't look back. My feelings poured out. Tears dropped down my cheeks and the edge of my nose. I looked back, and saw him getting closer. I then took flight, and flew farther away. 'Oh! What a beast!' Someone yelled at me. I looked down in shame, then flew away. I flew back home, through Sehun's window. Oh shoot! Why'd I go this way? I tried getting out, but he already saw me. There was a long, awkward pause. Sehun opened his mouth, but I walked straight past him. Sehun grabbed my wrist. I tried shaking him off, but he was too strong. 
Sehun's POV
Kyoko don't leave. I could feel her soft skin against mine. It felt perfect, like I was meant to touch her. Agh, Sehun stop! Don't go down that hill again! I tried making eye contact, but she refused. 'Look at me.' I demanded. She acted as if I wasn't even there. 'Kai, you wanted to hang out?' She yelled. 'Yes!' Kai yelled back from downstairs. Was she totally ignoring me? 'Look at me!' I screamed. I knew I was loud, because anyone who was previously talking stopped. She looked in my eyes. She was shooting daggers at me through her eyes. I gulped nervously, and said, 'Hey.' 
'Hey? Really? Awkward much?' She snorted. Great Sehun. Just great! Now she thinks you're a big joke! I could see the anger in her eyes fade away, and now was filled with pain. 'Can you please just leave me alone?' She said. Her voice cracked at the end of her sentence. She was swallowing a lot, and batting her eyes. Was she going to...cry? No Kyoko, please don't! I can't keep myself together when I see her pained expression, so I'll definitely crack if she cries. A single tear slipped down her right cheek. My heart dropped to my stomach. I gritted my teeth to stop myself from charming her or doing anything to make her feel warm and fuzzy. She tried to break loose of my grip but I never let her go. 'Stop! Let go of me!' She yelled. Now that singe tear turned into a whole lake of tears. They were creating wet spots on my carpet. 'Kyoko...' I whined, but she pushed me and ran off. I'm really stupid, aren't I? 

Kyoko's POV 
I ran downstairs only to be met by Kai. I turned around, but he grabbed my waist. He back hugged me and rest his chin on my shoulder. 'I want to go to Luhan's room...' I whimpered. 'You should stay here, I can make you some green tea.' Kai whispered, and let go of me. He was more brotherly towards me. Kai made some tea and then handed me a cup, along with tissues. 'Thank you very much.' I said. 'No problem. So what happened?' Kai asked me. I explained to him the whole thing that happened between me and Sehun upstairs. Kai listened to every word that I told him. 'Listen, don't be so angry with Sehun. He loves you deeply. And that's not right for Sehun.' He joked, and I laughed along with him. 'He did what he did for Luhan hyung. He knew that Luhan hyung really liked you, and he wanted to not have a disagreement with him.' Kai continued and fully explained. 'But he totally insulted me earlier! Not today, but before! Saying he felt bad for me!' I angrily replied, feeling my eyes changing colors rapidly. 'He wanted you to feel mad at him so then you wouldn't feel any lovey dovey feelings towards him. Sehun does things in strange ways, but they're quite clever.' Kai said, and placed his hand on my knee. I sniffled, as I felt regretful of what I've done. 'If Sehun thought that could stop me from loving him, he's wrong.' I mumbled. Kai looked at me in astonishment. 

'Wait what?' Kai said in disbelief. 'Gosh, you guys are idiots! You really think that if you're truly in love with someone a couple insults and all that will stop you from loving? Please!' I said, while pacing back and forth. 'You still like him?' Kai asked me. 
'Correction: Love.' I told Kai. 
'You're one tough cookie, Kyoko.' He said. I nodded and agreed with him. Then Tao ran downstairs. 'Luhan hyung has been looking for you!' Tao exclaimed. Tao told me to meet Luhan at some garden thing. I flew off to see what Luhan wanted. 

I saw a honey blonde man turned around, so I ran over and tapped him on the shoulder. Oops. Not Luhan. 'Sorry sir, I thought you were my friend.' I apologized. 'How disgusting! You peasant! Can we get this thing on a leash?' He yelled out. 'She said she was sorry.' Luhan said from behind me. The crowd stopped talking and stared at us. ''And who may you be?' The man snobbishly asked. 'I'm her mas- Well I'm her friend.' Luhan said. 'Whatever, just keep her tame!' He shouted, then turned around to gaze at the flowers. Luhan walked towards the man, but I grabbed him and pulled him back. 'Stop. You don't need to do this, there's nothing you can do.' I told him. ' I don't get how you let these guys totally trash talk you like that! It annoys me, it annoys everyone you know! Except yourself.' Luhan said. 'I can handle it. You may not, neither can the guys. But it's my problem. So I deal with it the way I want to. Now, why did you want me here?' I asked Luhan. He grabbed my hand and took me to a waterfall. My eyes widened in awe. It was absolutely striking! The rocks were carved perfectly to have the water fall elegantly into the shimmering pond. There were pale pink lotus flowers floating in the water, as well as colorful koi fish. The bright beige moon danced on the surface of the water. 

'It's absolutely beautiful. Thank you.' I smiled at Luhan and kissed his cheek. Luhan blushed. 'There she is! The creature that hit me!' Someone yelled out. Oh no. It's the man who I thought was Luhan.  He was coming with a man who had a badge on his shirt. Oh great, some government punishment guy. 'She never hit you! She accidentally tapped you!' Luhan yelled. 'Not what the crowd said to me.' The government guy said. He motioned for me to come to him. I walked over. 'I promise...I never-' I tried to finish my sentence, but his whip cracked against my face. I could feel a wound open up. My face was stinging, and blood dripped down. I clenched my teeth to stop a single tear from falling. I mustn't show them that I look weak. 'Are you crazy?! She never hit the guy! It was a lie! That guy is lying!' Luhan screamed and tried to come closer to me, but the man pushed him away. 'A hit for a hit. You're done here, get out and don't try that again.' The government guy said. I nodded, and walked to Luhan. 'Oh no! Agh if I never called you here this would've never happened!' Luhan complained. 'No that was worth it. I enjoyed this, let's do it again sometime.' I said with a smile. On the way home, Luhan complained about how my life should be free, and how he's going to report this situation to the government when we get home. I didn't listen much, just acted like it. 

We walked through the doors. 'Oh my poor baby!' Baekhyun whimpered and held my head in his arms. 'Who the hell did this?' Chanyeol said, and rubbed my back. I even saw Sehun's eyes widen and he looked concerned. Everybody soon came downstairs and was questioning Luhan.
 'Hyung, did you hit her?' Chen asked with anger in his voice. 'What? Me? No! Of course not!' Luhan exclaimed. Luhan explained the whole situation. Everyone nodded their heads and spoke about death threats to the government punisher guy. 'What a douchebag! To even touch my precious!' Baekhyun said, and squeezed my head harder. 'Nobody should ever mess with you. Ever. Unless they are asking for a death wish from me!' Kai added. Everyone passed around their insults about the government and the guy who I accidentally tapped. 'Hey somebody help her!' Luhan yelled. 

Everyone stopped for a second, then snapped back to reality and realized I was in pain. Chanyeol tilted my head slightly so he could get a better look at the wound. 'It's deep.' Suho said. 
'You don't say, hyung.' Sehun sarcastically commented. Why is Sehun here? Why can't he just go to his room! Suho cleaned it out, and then placed a bandage on it. 'That should do the trick! Lucky that he didn't whip you too hard.' Suho said, and wiped the excess blood off. 'Yeah.' I agreed. Luhan carried me to his room and laid me on his bed. 'I apologize so much for today. I should've never done that. Please forgive me.' He whimpered.
 'There's nothing to forgive, Luhan. It's alright, I promise.' I guaranteed. He grinned and then flopped on his couch. He fell fast asleep. 



AHHH SO CUTE!! Luhan is such a sweetie:) And Kai is so kind and brotherly to Kyoko. This chapter was full of feelings but it had fluff!! Ok I will update soon:) thanks for reading! 

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Whoooo so excited for my first fanfic! Please enjoy:)


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Chapter 27: Imagine she sallow the ring and sehun cannot propose.......haha
ilovekimjongina #2
ooo,, cant wait to start this
Kiyomikimchi #3
Chapter 9: OMGGGGG ur so awesome gah! Keep updating!!
vlydia #4
Chapter 6: update soon