smile for me

dont play with fire


Yes I know you are

It has been about a month, each day I am checking the news to know if he will leave or not

But few days ago he did, I knew it wasn't fair for him to stay in this company, and he was suffering for sure because he was far away from his family and can hardly see them

I am a hardcore shipper for seohan, because of my personal experience; their story is similar to my story with my ex

He loved me a lot for years but whenever he came near me I got so nervous I didn't want him to know how weak I am in front of him so I used to ………………….. Run away …….. Avoid him and so on

When he surprised me and held my hand I Literally ran away from him, I gave him a lot of hard times, luhan used to remind me of  him his personality, his face but to be honest my ex was more manly (sorry lulu) and the way he look at seohyun his stares everything really touched my heart

I Ruined my relationship and I know it was all my fault and now we are just two strangers, it hurts me to see that seohyun was doing the same to luhan she was ignoring him, so I really wished if they will be couple one day I even was mad with seohyun my base and my favorite idol ever because of luhan sometimes I used to think ~please seohyun he is a good man don't do that to him don't be like me~

When he left I was shocked sad and felt really bad for him, but what was really bothering me is how much sad and heartbroken I was, I told myself lele what's wrong with you he is just an idol you had nothing to do with him, seohyun isn't even affected at all

But I think knowing that there is no more seohan made my heart broken for the second time and I had to realize that, that's not my story, my story is over and theirs is over too, although I really  think that he liked her very much but it's not my business

I promised myself that I won't ship any couple any more I can't let that affects my life that's ridiculous, I really need to stop they both are happy and I am the sad one here what is that for good sake

Any way

This story is not ended but I feel like I need to stop like I said before because the feeling is not the same any more when I decided to write stories here that was because I need to improve my English and I did you all must have noticed the difference between the first and the last chapter in this story and it's huge difference

Will I make sequels?

I don't know, if I felt like this not affecting me personally anymore I will, if not I won't

I am really thankful for all of you who commented, subscribed and up voted my stories, I didn't really expect that, you made me really happy and helped me to improve my language, I may never saw any of you before I don't even know where on earth you are lol but through your comments I really liked some of you, thanks girls really thanks

I hope I didn't disappoint you but trust me I need this it was my first time to ship a couple since I got into k_pop in 2010 and I wish I didn't but I will never do it again that's for sure lol

When I wrote this I used to make sure to made every one read it smile but I will be sad If I won't make you smile this time I know you may be sad because I ended it suddenly but please smile for me please please please and promise me not to let any of these news upset you the k_pop must be something entertain us and made us smile if it didn't so we better leave it, enjoy the life girls e . n . j . o . y . it ok? We only live once

I won't say good pay but I will say see you

Love you all           




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hiiiii, missed me??? i will be back soon , stay toned


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Chapter 2: u have a great story... but too bad theres pretty much gramatical eror there ^^
eugenenni #2
Chapter 28: OMG Seohyun and Yuri prgnant? I love it!!! Thanks for the update author-nim^^
Chapter 28: Love it!!!
seohanSone #4
Chapter 28: Thank you for the update.I love this story too author-nim.So, I hope you will update more chapters.Hwaiting!
Chapter 28: Oooo they r so sweet all of them ... we will always support u author-nim keep writing <3
princessecl2050 #6
Chapter 27: I am in love with this story plzzz put another sequel
mylovefromneverland #7
Chapter 27: i really like ur story^^
Chapter 27: DAEBAAAK I JUST LOVE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT <3 ..thnks author-nim u r the best <3
seohanSone #9
Chapter 27: Comeback soon author-nim.I really like your story.