Chapter five, with a guest appearance by Jongin's Stalking Calender

With Friends Like These Who Needs Voldemort

Sehun POV

Thank god Jongdae actually liked History of Magic. They had another exam coming up. He and Jongin were doomed. They genrally used History of Magic to catch up on sleep. Fortunately, Jongdae the brilliant savior of all Wizardkind (he had to get this essay in or he could kiss his all 'E's report card adieu) had taken notes from Professor Binns' lecture on the eighteenth Troll war or whatever. He even asked questions, if Sehun remembered rightly. Not that he probably did...

Anyway, Jongdae, who despite being a first year did second-year work - for fun - was letting Sehun and Jongin copy all his stuff. He had looked at their essays and told them that they were crap. Which they were. Mainly because all they knew about the eighteenth Troll war could be summed up in one sentance : Trolls beat each other up and they are still beating each other up. Sadly that didn't really constitute an essay. More a pile of complete and utter rubbish.

Sehun could see Jongin waiting in the Hufflepuff dorm, the library having been veto'd as Yixing, library assistant and manipulator of Sehun's emotions, was to be avoided at all costs. He was not kissing him again! Like, ever! Despite general hotness on the part of said unicorn! Unicorn? ...he must be going mental. It must be the evil unicorn of evilness' fault!

Jongin still hadn't spotted him in the doorway. Sehun waved, dislodging the two knuts he'd stuffed up his sleeve as Chocolate Frog money. Running after them (hey! a knut was a knut, though it wasn't a sickle), he fell over, tumbled over his head once or twice, created new and agonising pains in parts of his body he never even knew existed, such as his upper ankles, and in some places he most definately knew existed, such as his head.

"Hiya mate!" chirped Jongin cheerily.

"Screw you backwards." said Sehun, breathing hard. "I almost died."

"Now, now...You'd know all about that with Yixing, wouldn't you?" Jongin waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"I am not shagging Yixing!"

"Just make sure he buys you dinner first."

"Oh, for the love of god....Isn't Jongdae here yet?" said Sehun, exasperated.

"Nah. He'd better hurry up, my dear Kyungsoo should be out of Charms in a minute."

Sehun frowned : "You're still stalking him? That's serious even for you, and you had eighteen boyfriends last year, for god's sake!"

"At least I didn't lose my ity at thirteen to Yixing!" exclamed Jongin.

"I am still a-"

"Hold it right there, I have a cute Ravenclaw to stalk. Adidos!"

Jongin bolted. Sehun wasn't surprised. So much of his mate's time was taken up with Kyungsoo this, D.O. that.... It was frankly ridiculous. It was actually worse than when Jongin was obssesed with Luhan. Now that had been terrible. At least they had a free period now. He got his ipod out whilst he waited. Tiffany, his sister, had covered it in, well, pinkness, and when it was passed down to Sehun you could barely see the screen for sparkles. He bravely navigated the pink to find the Stranglers album he had uploaded in the holidays and stuck it on shuffle. As London Lady was piped in through the earbuds, he started to sing along.

When you see mirrors You get the shivers 

A full half-hour later, Jongdae still hadn't turned up. The idiot was probably in the library. Sehun checked, rather tenatively, after all the EVIL UNICORN OF DOOM threat level was high, but Jongdae was AWOL.

He sighed and went back to the dorm. Opening the door, he saw some couple making out. 

ing dorms! no privacy whatsoever.

"Get out! please." he said

As the two turned towards the irritated voice, Sehun saw who they were.



Meanwhile in Jongin's POV.

Jongin had to run real fast to get over to Kyungsoo's Charms class. Being a track runner - 200, 500 and 800m, don't y'know - had its perks. Skidding to a halt just outside the first year's classroom, he quickly realised Flitwick had let them out early. Thus Kyungsoo was not there. A clever deduction! He must be at lunch. A cleverer deduction! Jongin was not a Ravenclaw for a reason.

It was his lunch-hour anyway, and Sehun had promised pasta with garlic. Jongin wouldn't need to break into his A.H.F.W.S (Anti Hunger Fizzing Whisbee Stash) today. The food was always good in the first term, but later...bleh. He loaded up his plate ; there was passable foccacia too, chocolate mousse for dessert, definately one of the better days.

He sat at the table next to the object of his affection's, before demolishing a double helping of pasta - what could he say? the house-elves found him irrisistable - and starting on the mousse. It was quite good, but taking in the vision of Kyungsoo daintily nibbling on foccacia was better. He didn't quite realise he was staring until his stalkee turned round, frowned. sighed, and half-heartedly shot him the finger.

WOOHOO!! A reaction! Kyungsoo knew he existed! Right...he got his phone out, made an entry on the calender for Wednesday 6 November.

Jongin's stalking calender, day 31 : today Mr.X accepted my existance.

All done, he finished his meal and left the cafeteria munching on an apple. 


Luhan POV

Who the hell was he meant to take to Yeol's party now? He knew the soon-to-be seventeen year old was trying to cheer him up but who could take his boyfriend's place? They had been together for six years. A history like that didn't evaporate in five minutes. Apparently it did for Minseok though, the Ravenclaw was taking some bit of Gryffindor fluff called Rose.

Yixing was snogging his brother. They were probably well suited though, they were both as nutty as a well fed squirrel. At least it was someone he knew.

Chanyeol himself was going round making out with random first years whose names sounded like bacon, or was it eggs? Ham?

Joonmyun...who knew what that calculating bastard was thinking, he must have a date though. He'd turned Jessica down, and even though Luhan was gay he appreciated that she was well hot.

He didn't have anyone, thank you very much. Sehun had offered to set him up, but frankly, mr.shankly, he'd rather go with the giant squid. Sehun liked Yixing for god's sake! 

He couldn't stay in with his portable CD player and Leonard Cohen either. Yeol would kill him so dead.

"Luhan?" asked the Transfiguration prof, Kris. "What incantation would you use for Self-Transfiguration?"


"Without killing yourself, or giving yourself cancer?"


"The answer was Brax!. You weren't listening. Five points from Slytherin."

Whatever. What. Ever.


Baekhyun POV

It was a rare sunny day in November, so Kyungsoo had coaxed him out from his books for a picnic by the lake. He thought the lake was a mosquito breeding ground. Soo thought it was a great natural wonder. Baekhyun couldn't exactly tell him all the bits he called 'rare Transylvainian algae' were mosquito larvae. 

Kyungsoo wouldn't even let him bring his Walkman (it might be twenty years old, but it played music alright). Apparently Baekhyun was resorting to completely irrational measures to avoid THE TERRIBLE TYRANT (Baek's words) that was Park Chanyeol.

Logical reasoning : Chanyeol looked evil. Thus he was evil. It wasn't this type of that made him a Ravenclaw, but it was perfectly logical...right?


With a deep sigh, Baekhyun slumped down on the grass and began to nibble on a tomato sandwich. He cracked a can of Fanta open and took a deep swig.

He couldn't talk to Soo, he was busy throwing a fork at Jongin's head. The guy was some sort of weirdo stalker. Two other Hufflepuffs came over to apologise after Jongin had been restrained. One of them was a first-year too, they'd met him on the first day of school. Everyone exchanged awkward chat before the Hufflepuffs stole their muffins and left.

"Bloody muffin-theiving badgers." Kyungsoo mumbled.

"Snakes are worse."said Baekhyun, taking a deep swig of Fanta, "And the lions are all stuck-up gits."

"My sister Jessica's a Gryffindor."

"Sorry...Hey, that babe's your sister?"

"Stop drooling, you ert! Anyway, I'm sure spotty little first-years are just her type." Soo chuckled.

The other boy flicked his ear. "Shut up! You're not the only one with a stalker!"

"Why do you get the hottest stalker?" moaned Kyungsoo "It's not fair."

"I am awesome! that's why!"

"Sure you're not a Gryffindor? Stuck up git you are and all?"

"Screw you."

"What about Chanyeol?"

", Soo, we're not going out! He hasn't invited me to his party or anything. We just snogged in a closet once."

"Or twice," a booming voice corrected from behind them, "Yeol told me to give you this invite. Next time remind him ; Kim Joonmyun is no errand boy!"


Helloooo again! bak at school now. not sure when next update cos im on the eight to five! Anyways, this chap is more filler whilst i try to work out what the hell is going to happen. heres your handy poll, so you guys can work it all out for me (thank god) ; 

Now you have voted IF YOU HAVEN'T, DO SO!!!!!!! im at a crossroads here. best idea so far : giant squid blowing up hogwarts. sadly that would kill everyone and end the story, so maybe not?? Any fresh stuff would make a good comment btw (like TROLLS INVADING). 

The song referenced by baek is 'London Lady" by the stranglers. Weird lyrics, awesome song. u guys do know bi now that im an 80s music buff and it shall be referenced EVERYWHERE. so put up with it. im happy to reccomed more stuff if anyone gets addicted hehehehe

if u could sub or upvote, great! and comment too. u are cheering me after long days with my EVIL BASTARD HISTORY TEACHER OF DOOM.

And if anyone has an exo member infosheet, because i am not an exotic and emily never has any credit on her fone...

Off to do my french homework, cath.



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Chapter 13: Loved this! however one question did Luhan end up with Minseok in the end and did Sehun get disowned for being gay... I am offically over thinking this whole thing sorry.
Seoulqueenka #2
Chapter 3: Please update!!!!!
Chapter 2: I really like this story so far ;) I think at the scene where jongdae needs to get into a three person group and meets kyungsoo and baekie he introduces himself as joonmyun? The characters are so interesting here with yifan as a professor and everything xD keep the good work up! <3
hajimin1206 #4
Chapter 1: Just saying but it's Baekhyun not Bakehyun :))) btw your story is interesting :)) thumbs up <3