Chapter three, in which Tao is...See for yourself!

With Friends Like These Who Needs Voldemort

Luhan POV

It was a beautiful day. Well, it would have been if he didn't have a free period - without Minseok. Chan, Yix and Joon all had Defense anyway, so he was all alone.

As Luhan sat down at the breakfast table, he wished wholeheartedly that his boyfriend wasn't such a stereotypical Ravenclaw. Sharing a free period just after breaking their fast, Luhan had thought perhaps they would spend it together, as they had every Thursday since school had started, two weeks ago. Minseock had apparently decided that three weeks into the term, he should start studying for his NEWTs. Ok, he had picked about nineteen subjects, but come on!

He had literally only seen Minseok for two seconds as he took a stack of toast up to the library. Luhan knew him well enough to know that it would end up as uneaten crumbs ; in other words, the bane of the librarian's existance. He would have gone up to see his love, but Minseok would never get anything done then. Nor would he, for that matter.

Luhan thought that what they could do together was much more fun than ancient runes, however he'd have to spend forever making it up to Minseok later. His boyfriend just couldn't abide getting his colour-coded revision timetables messed up by Luhan's ideas, which, while certainly more fun, would not get him Outstanding NEWTs.

Luhan wished Minseok could be more open to the idea that academics weren't everything...

Sighing, he applied his wand to an unopened letter by his plate.

Slant & Co., Lawyers

Dear Oh Luhan, 17,

                         Your mother, 48, and I (your father), 52, have come to the decision that unless you renounce all contanct with the young man believed to be Kim Minseok, 17, and continue to refute your engagement to Im Yoona, 19, of I.O.W.N Banks, Ltd, We will be forced to commence legal proceedings to remove you from our family.

This will mean that your schooling and lifestyle will no longer be funded by us (your mother, 48, and your father, 52) and that you will be replaced in your position as heir to the S.U.P.E.R shipping corporation, ltd, by your sibling, Oh Sehun, 12.

We urge you to consider your response carefully.

Please reply within ten working days (plese remember that Saturdy counts as one working day) of reciept. Thank you.

Much love, and many hugs,

                                           Oh Taeyeon (your mother), 48, and Oh Taeyang (your father), 52.

This letter was dictated to D.Malfoy, an employee of Slant & Co., Lawyers, and is as such legally binding.


There was nothing he could do about the six sentances of doom. Tears streaming down his face, Luhan began to write a reply.


Sehun POV

There was only twenty minutes left before class as Sehun hurried to the library. He had to make it before Divination, right on the other side of the building, but he just had to get his hands on the latest Rankin novel. They were really good books (despite being written by a mad muggle), and he'd been waiting on tenderhooks for Retromancer as soon as he'd finished Brightonomicon. The only one he hadn't read was Waiting for Goldaming, even though a fellow member of Sproutlore had promised to post it. 

He yelled out to the two J's (Jongin and Jongdae, whose parents probably had some wierd J . Well, they were cousins... Probably, anyway):

"Back in a minute! See you back at Divination, ok?"

"Yeh, sure."

"Don't be late! You know Trawleney!"

Rolling his eyes as he walked into the library (when would Jongin stop stating the bloody obvious?), Sehun noticed that instead of Mrs.Pince, some older guy was at the desk. Wasn't he friends with Chanyeol? He was well nice, anyway.

"Umm..." he mumbled, still quite embarassed about having to talk to this cute older guy. "I'm Oh Sehun. I reserved a book, Retromancer?"

The guy looked up : "Yixing. I'm filling in for Mrs.Pince. Give's a minute...."

"'K...." Sehun waited.

"Sorry," said Yixing bashfully "I don't think it's here."

"Whaat?!" Sehun yelled "!!....Oh....Sorry"

Cheeks flaming, Sehun made to leave. He'd just embarrased himself in front of an much older kid. Great.

"Hang on!"

"Yes?" Sehun turned.

"Ah, well..." Yixing said, "I was reading it. You can still take it out now though, if you want. You could come back tomorrow?"

"Nah, don't bother. I'll take it now."

Yixing started the conversation again as he checked the long-awaited book out for Sehun :

"Do you like Robert Rankin's work, Sehun?" 

"Do I ever! He's, like, my favourite author!" said Sehun enthusiastically "I'm an active member of Sproutlore too."

"Me too! have you ever been to Zombiecon?"

"Dad wouldn't take me..."

""It's brill! I heard that it's on 23 April next year. Ever read The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse? That's my favourite."

"Yeah, it's good. I liked the Fandom Of the Operator better though."

"I thought that one was only avalible for a few days before stocks ran out! I got a copy at the midnight release party though."

"Me too! What about the seven-tome Brentford Trilogy?"

"Classic! Loved it. Really, the only one I havn't read is Waiting for Godalming."

"Poor you! It's so good. Tell you what, I'll lend it to you."

"Really?" Sehun's eyes were as round as saucers.

"Only one condition."


"Come with me to Chanyeol's party next week."


Kris POV

A knock on the door. Must be Tao.

"Come in."

The door squeaked open, revealing a sweat-soaked Tao. Kris had to bite his lip when he realised that the much younger student had come straight from Quiddich practice. He was the Gryffindor keeper, right?

"Hi prof! Sorry I'm late." said the boy cheerfully.

"Don't call me 'prof'" said Kris automatically, "You know, if these sessions will interfere with your Quiddich training, we can always reschedule."

Sitting down, Tao explained at great length that he was not inconveniencd in any way by the tuitition; in fact he was sure that it would help him a great deal. Kris wasn't really listening. He could plainly see his pupil's muscular chest through his soaking-wet shirt. Thus he spent all of his time exercising his iron-strong self-control. A weaker man would have lapsed and commited great sin, he told himself.

"So, prof, where shall we start?'' Tao's voice broke through his thoughts.

"Don't call me prof!" yelled Kris.

Tao's voice dropped an octave. "What shall I call you then? Kris isn't your real name, is it?"

"Your name's really Zitao, for god's sake!" exclaimed the irate teacher. "Why do you know what my name is!"

"I have my sources....Anyway, how do you know my name's Zitao?'

Kris stopped, guilty of looking at Tao -- Zitao's -- files for...personal reasons.

"Call me Yifan."

"Yifan." Zitao purred, tasting the name for the first time, "Yifan. I like it."


Kyungsoo POV


Kyungsoo crashed into an older Hufflepuff. Books, vials, parchment, quills -- you name it, it went flying. Luckily, the guy was nice enough about it, but Kyungsoo was ashamed of himself. He'd even cut his hand open on a shattered sample bottle. Owww! Now he'd have to go see Pomfrey after class.

"Are you okay?" asked the older student,  "You're bleeding."

"It's nothing..." replied Kyungsoo, before fainting (he was anemic).

Waking up in the hospital wing, Kyungsoo was plesantly surprised that it was five o'clock and he'd missed Charms. Yay! Down with evil Charms!

A fellow pupil in yellow robes sat nearby, engrossed in his textbook. Kyungsoo stared at him for a few moments before he looked up.

"Ummm...hi." he said, "I'm Do'd I get here?"

The guy was called Jongin, and he seemed just as nervous as Kyungsoo felt. Apparently this total stranger had carried him here after he'd passed out. The Hufflepuff seemed like a nice enough guy, though Kyungsoo had to explain that he was anemic about twelve times before Jongin stopped asking if he was ok every two minutes. 

They quickly started talking about the massive party Park Chanyeol, some Slytherin bigshot, was throwing at the end of the month. It was the hottest gossip at the moment, and depending who you talked to there would be either a) copious quantities of illegal booze, b) many, many, hot girls, c) a baby llama, d) a swimming pool (in November?!) or e) all of the above. Not, of course, that Do Kyungsoo, Ravenclaw numpty, or his best mate Bakehyun, currently terrified by and in love with said party's host, would be invited.

"So, anyways..." said Jongin "I got an invite. Sehun got his brother to get Chanyeol to veto all his friends. Wanna come?''

"But won't it seem like we're dating or something then?" Kyungsoo always answered a question with a question. He would make an amazing therapist.

Jongin leaned in and whispered right in Kyungsoo's ear :

"Wanna date me, if it's such a big deal? You're cute."

"I'm not gay! Get out!" Kyungsoo was appalled.
Utterly confused, Jongin fled the room.


Phew, what a long chapter! I'm so lazy.... It's been a bit of a long wait, however I have included hot Tao action, Xiuhan angst, and Selay (Which is meant to be, Emily!!!!!!). Drum roll, please! Or just throw random rotting vegetable matter at your computer if you are an anti-selay heretic (I am militant.) i am also going to scar all you faithful fanfic readers for life hehehehehe : google CLAMERON. :) trust me. it is shocking. and EVIL. and i read it (this says many things about me, none of them good.) also : robert rankin. Sproutlore sadly closed in 2009 but as far as i know zombiecon marches on. this guy is amaz. read his stuff. he is mad. (btw, if you are reading this mr.rankin do i get free books for product placement hint hint?) Btw guys, i mention that Taeyeon and Taeyang are married in this fic. if that is a real otp, i didnt know. so i am not purposly saying i like this otp. i just thought that since their names oth start with ''taey'' they sound funny put together. Also if anyone got the Discworld reference or the Harry Potter reference in Luhan's letter, award yourself one ''i am boss'' point. Later, Cath ;)

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Chapter 13: Loved this! however one question did Luhan end up with Minseok in the end and did Sehun get disowned for being gay... I am offically over thinking this whole thing sorry.
Seoulqueenka #2
Chapter 3: Please update!!!!!
Chapter 2: I really like this story so far ;) I think at the scene where jongdae needs to get into a three person group and meets kyungsoo and baekie he introduces himself as joonmyun? The characters are so interesting here with yifan as a professor and everything xD keep the good work up! <3
hajimin1206 #4
Chapter 1: Just saying but it's Baekhyun not Bakehyun :))) btw your story is interesting :)) thumbs up <3