Run with Me

Jung Minyoung has an addiction over her seatmate, her bestfriend, her neighborhood, her childhood until nowaday besties and he is Kim Myungsoo. The school most hottest guy, every girl is looking foward for him. The guy that royal to his bestfriend, the most handsome boy around their house’s area. Having the same school, having the same class al over his life with Minyoung. But no one knows that he always keep his eyes on Minyoung. Jung Miyoung, she is nice, loud, cutie visual, the tallest among girl, good in dance, has a perfect angel sound and she is just a mutual student who doesn’t like math and physic. The only daughter, so her parents always praise her, give the best facilities to her.




You wake up from your beauty’s sleep, the sun has risen up. You open your windows and breath the moring fresh air. From your sigh, you see myungsoo is rubbing his eyes. You smile at him, he looks so damn hot in the moring with his messy hair. You look at the clock, it shows 6.30 a.m and you take a look at your calendar, to your surprise today is Monday. All you need to do is coming back to school. It left 1 hour 30 minutes before the school start, you prepare your book and bring up all your homework. You clean yourself, clean your teeth, and all the duty in the morning. You walk down to the dining room, and you see that your mother is preparing the breakfast, and your daddy is reading the newspaper.

Your POV

“To me, you’r perfect!”

Myungsoo Kim Myungsoo L, why are all over my head? I can’t stop thinking about you, your perfect angelic face, your cute dimples, your y body and how genious the way you are. I love the way you are. I think i wake up to early, it shows 6.30 a.m, i can’t go back to sleep anymore. So i prepare the books, and my uniform. I go to the bathroom, and clean up myself.

I wash my face, i take the toothpaste, put it on my toothbrush. I am looking in to the mirror and staring to my reflection while brushing my teeth. They say that i have a cutie visual, why myungsoo always says that i’m ugly? They say that i am tall, why that myungsoo says i am short? They say i have a great dance’s move, but why myungsoo says i am clumsy on my dance move. They say that i have an angelic voice, but myungsoo said that my voice is hurt his ears? I know i am not that genious like him, i don’t like math and physic and its mutual. I know that i’m load but thats my imperfection that i love. Sigh..

I’m finish brushing up my teeth, i take my precious bath. Lemon smell great for me, and its smell so freshing. After finish taking my bath, i wear my underwear. I cover my self with towel, and i forget to close the windows. I see myungsoo is waking from his sleep and his eyes is now as round as possible. I quickly run to close the windows. I wear my uniform fastly, my heart is beating faster. I think that i am going to be insane all day. I am looking uo to the mirror and my face is as red as tomato. How can this thing happen in my perfect morning? I take my bags and walk down.

I walk to the dinning room, my mom is preparing for the breakfast and my dad is reading the newspaper. “GOOD MORNING!”, i greet them and give the cutest smile to them. i run to my mom and kiss her on cheek, then i run to my dad and give him the moring hug. “Good Morning too sweetie!” they reply me back. The breakfast is ready and now we all sitting in the dinning room. We have pancakes as our breakfast.

“Let’s eat, mom dad!” i say cheerfully. They smile back at me and have the breakfast.

It’s about 30 minutes more before the school starts, i decided to going now. “Mom, dad! I am going to the school! See you!” i says and wave to them. “Be careful sweetie!” they reply and wave back at me. I walk to the school with smile on my face as usual. The morning atmosphere is so nice. I walk hapily. Suddenly someone taps my shoulder, i frost for a while. My heart beaten faster, i’m afraid who is he or she? When i look back, i see myunsoo is smirking at me. “Boo!” he says. I choke in shock, i run away from him. i wish that i can skip these day, stupid Jung Miyoung. how can i forget to close the windows.

“Everyone has an addiction, mine happens to you”

He runs to catch up me, he is now by my side. “Morning, Jung Miyoung!”, he greets me and give a wink. I loose my breath, he is way to perfect with that wink. I think i am going to exploding, i quickly greet him back “Good Morning to KIM  MYUNSOO!” i greet him back and run away again from him. And now i miss the time when, i wasn’t exploding when i near him whenevr i see him. i remain so much calm that moment. I shake my head and walk away. To my surprise, he is now beside me again. I think he is going to tease me, he clears his throat. His voice is so hot, i think my face is redden. I want to be always with him, stay by his side. But i realise that i’m only sister for him, maybe. Why i am saying? I shall be optimistic thinker.

“Hello, Jung Miyoung!” he lowered his voice.

“What?” i am trying to act normal.

“Yah why are you so cold?” he hangs his hand around my shoulder and pat my head. I never like someone to pat my head, so hit his hand playfully. He faked in pain, and i giggles playfully.

“You look so handsome as usual L!” i smile and run to the class. Leave kim Myungsoo in the front of school’s gate. My face is redden, i don’t have any idea  how can i say something like that? Stupid.

Myungsoo’s POV

“I feel lucky everyday when I am with you”

“You look so handsome as usual L!” she smile and run to the class. I can’t move anywhere, i forget how breath, and i keep smiling like an idiot in fornt of the school gate. I feel like flying in the sky, jump from one cloud to other. And butterflies in my stomach, suddenly Jang Hyemi appears and greet me. I feel so clumsy, “Ugh, hey Hyemi!” i greet back and walk to the class. My smile is plestered on his face, I ignore Hyemi existance beside me, and keep walk to the class.

To my surprise, i see Miyoung and Hyonsung is talking like there’s no existance. A big smile appears on their face, Hyonsung hangs his hand around miyoung’s hand. i know that they are close to each other, siince he enters the school. Her laughs is so loud, sometimes it’s annoys me but still i like it. She lays her head on his shoulder like she only dare to do that to me, i feel my own angst atmosphere. I think i am getting jelous over him, without thinking twice, i hang my hand around Hyemi’s shoulder, i know she is blushing right now. The whole class is staring at us for a while and continue to their activities, it’s like this has already predicted. I just wanted to know Miyoung’s reaction, she is staring in amazement. She blink and continue his chat with Hyonsung. I can’t deal with this, she just ignore of what i have done. I take my seat behind them, and i listening to their conversation.

“Like what i said, i am just a sister for him”

“No, you must be someone for him, i can read ffrom his eyes”

“See? he walks with other girl right?”

“Okay, stop debating about this”

“Yah, we are not debating oppa”

“Yes We are”


“Its getting more unimportant, okay”

“Oppa” she is doing her aegyo.

“Show me your homework, let me check it for you” and they are in ‘Homework’ conversation. I know she is jelous, but wait. Did she call Hyonsung with oppa? She never call me that back then, and why she is not asking me for help to done the homework?


“Myungsoo! Myungsoo! Help me with this homework!” a girl said with her eyesmile.

“Okay, so this is.. and this..” i explain it.

“Thank you Myungsoo!” she said and pat my head.

She always asks me to help her in doing the homework, i would love to do that. Until ..

“Myungsoo! Myungsoo! Help me!” she grins to me, to bad i was not in mood.

“What? You can’t do this easy homework? Why are you so stupid?” i loose my anger.


“What? Are you even listening to the teacher?”

Tears were streaming down her cheeks, she ran back to her house.

*end of flashback*


Author’s pov

The school runs normally, and you are ignoring Myungsoo all the day. Hyonsung walks home you, because you  beg him. You walk hand in hand, Myungsoo is following you from behind. You pretend there’s no one behind her, and keep walking hand in hand with Hyonsung. You arrive in front of your house gate, Hyonsung wave goodbye to you . You mouth Thank you to him and give him a hug in fornt of myungsoo. Myungsoo’s jaw drops, he quickly manage to remain cool.

“His jaw drops” Hyonsung whisper to you.

“I know right! And thank you very much! Go home now, your mom must be looks for you” you giggle. You break the hug and wave at him.

You give a death glare at myungsoo, and walk inside her house. And so Myungsoo, he takes his bath. He still wander what happen just a moment ago. He can’t accept the fact that you hugged Hyonsung. So he texts you, he looks at his phone for you reply.

“Your text makes me smile”

You have done clean yourself and you take of your homework. You don’t know what to do with your homework. You take your phone and you get one messege. It’s from myungsoo, you jump in hapiness.

Mi, have you done your home work?

A smile apreared on her face. A messege delivered to Myungsoo, a smile appear on his.

No uh

“Why she is not asking me to help her do her homework?” myungsoo thought.

Ohh, have you read the question?

No uh

Why are you answer so short?

Because i’m busy~

I don’t believe in you! You can reply mine!

I’m trying to do my homework y’know. But i’m not in my mood to do my homework for now

It’s great then

Why? You smile at his text

No uh. Do your homework ^^

No i don’t want too

No you must

Its dinner! I’m going to eat first and so you.. okay

Myungsoo’s smile appear


After having the dinner, you walk upstair to continue do your homework. You check at your phone, 3 messege pop up


Have you done?

I’m going to go sleep now, take rest ;)

You just let out a sigh, and try to do your homework. You have done your homework for 2 hours, you look out through your windows, you can see the beautiful myungsoo sleep peacefully. You check your phone for last time and go to sleep.

“If I have just one day, it’s possible”


Your alarm ring, you wake up from your sleep and turn off the alarm. It’s Friday morning and it’s last day of school. weekend is waiting and school assigment is waiting fo you too. You just let out your sighs. You do all you routines in the morning, lazily cleaning yourself and tidy up your books. All things happens too mutual, nothing special forthis morning.

You walk to school lazily, because you don’t have any mood to go to school. myungsoo is following you from behind, but you don’t notice him. You put all you focus on the road, to lift down your head. You stop your foot steps, you almost bump into someone. It’s Myungsoo, you eye him, from bottom to top. Your eyes perform a rounded eyes, you try to keep calm over him. You try to fight with your heart beat, your try to firght your day dreaming minded. No you can’t keep your calm.

So you walk pass him and grab his hand, you hold his hand. “I miss this moment, our childhood moment. When you always get bullied by me.” you said, as you let out a small chuckles. Your eyes perform a cresent moon.

“Yeah, I miss this too much, when we went to school together for the first time without our parents. Ah, it’s long time ago.” He said and shows off his dimples. You can’t hold your breath.

“And yeah, you are trying to be cool in front of the other student. How y are you..”

“My image, you know.”

“Ew, stop being so fablous”

“Yes i am fablous.”

“No you aren’t. You are just a nerd boy, a NERD who always get bully.”

“But you always say that i am handsome, deal with it!” he release a wink.

“Aaa... but you are not fablous” you loses your words. And you both keep argueing till the class start. All the student wonder why, you and myungsoo are walking hand in hand a lovely dovey couple.

You sit on your seat, Hyonsung isn’t in his seat. “It’s going to be the most boring day” you thought. All the lesson run as boring as usual, but it becomes more boring because you don’t have anyone to do the chit chat. Like even myungsoo sits beside you, but he pays his attention on the teacher. Mr. Song enters the class, “Hello, my students” “We are going to do a group’s project” “And your seatmate is your partner” “This project will submitted on Monday” “All you have to do is do a research about twins” “Okay?”

“Yes Sir” all the student groan in depression. You take a glance at myungsoo, and he just give you a smirk. You don’t have idea what to do. “Open your textbook chapter 2” you open the book, and it’s your favourite chapter. “Reproduction in Human Being” you follow the lesson well.

Finally, the school’s end. And you’ve only get 1 assigment, and this is name weekend. You scream in joyment. Suddenly, Myungsoo appears in front of you “Let’s do the assigment tomorrow, i’ll go to your house” you just nod in agreement. You continue your walk, but myungsoo grabs your hand. He drags you away somewhere, you don’t have any idea where he is going to do. You both arrive in front of the family karoke. He gives you a grin and serve for a room. You both enter the karoke’s room.

“Refreshing sista” he said and gives you a wink. You froze in all this sudden, “How can he act so chessy these day?” you keep thinking about that.

“Okay” you just nod and give a weak smile. he gives you the mic, “sing a song then” he said. you sing Ailee – Day by Day. You sing really well, with your in angelic voice. You both continue karoke-ing for about two hours. The time shows 6 pm, its dinne time.

“Hey, what do you want for dinner?” Myungsoo asked.

“Italian’s food, alright?” you give him a grin.

“Okay, leggo!” he chuckles and hold your hand, he pays the bills. You both walk out the family karoke. “Uh, myungsoo..”


“why are you acting so nice to day?”

“So you don’t like it?”

“No, i like it! i just wander..”

“I like you” he chuckles and hangs his hand around my schoulder. Your heart beat fasten, your face is redden, butterflies on your stomach.

You both keep walking, until myungsoo stop in front a park. You both stand face to face, and finally Myungsoo confess to you.

“I like you” he smile as angelic as he can.

“Ever since the first time i met you” he continue.

You shyly let out your smile, suddenly he puts his lips on yours. You froze in this all sudden, his tongue is trying to enter your mouth, you just let him to dicover your mouth. Your body is pressed to him.

Finally Myungsoo break out the kiss, “Sorry i take your first!” he said and give a wink. “And mine too” he smile shyly to you. You just laugh by his cuteness, and hits his head.

“So, we are official now?” he ask with a cute tone, shows off his aegyo to you.

“A YES KIM MYUNGSOO” you shouted in joyfullness.

“JUNG MINYOUNG IS OFFICIALLY MINE!” he jump in hapiness.

Jung Minyoung and Kim Myungsoo are officially now. They run in hand together to the restaurant in happiness, like the cutie children.




© chanyeolstagram 2014

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