
Alice Hatter

Hatter was worried that his nightmare was coming true and that he would lose the one thing that helped keep him from going truely mad. Alice.
"So why do you live so far from others?" Alice asked unaware of Hatter's thoughts and worries
"I perfer to be alone." Hatter said hoping that his answer would realize he didn't want to talk
She didn't get the hint.
"I always thought that...well you were suppose to be happy and bonkers/crazy. Wow you live here? It's beautifully breathtaking. Yet you." Alice said unaware yet again how rude she was sounding to Hatter
"Thank you Alice." Hatter sneered
Hatter knew he shouldn't take his anger out on her but there was something about her that just brought it out of him. It was almost as if he didn't have to hide that fact that he was going mad and dying and scared about it. Hatter shook his head trying to make those thoughts go away.
"Hatter how do you enter?" Alice asked bring Hatter out of his thoughts
"You walk in of course." Hatter replied in a duh sort of tone
"Well then where's the door?" Alice shot back with a 'you first' expression
Hatter knew that she would budge from that spot until he showed her that it was safe. He was about to step into his home when they heard the sound of movement in the bushes to their right. They both stood there waiting for whatever was there to reveal it self.
"We know you are there, so you might as well come out." Alice said acting brave
"Well looks like I can't fool you." a woman's voice said behind them
When they turned to face the woman standing behind them Alice wasn't excpeting a beautiful young nice looking woman. She thought that the woman behind them was the red queen.
"Who are you?" Alice asked
"She's my sister-in-law. Well my ex sister-in-law." Hatter said with a frown like smile
"Even though you are no longer married to my nasty sister you will always be my brother." The woman said as she went to give Hatter a hug
"You were married? To WHO?!" Alice exclaimed in surprise
"Well my sister's name is Ruby but her nickname is B!)#*$ Red Queen." The woman said
"Then you're the White Queen?" Alice asked
"I guess you could say that but you can just call me Tilly. It's short for Tiger-Lillie." Tilly said with a smile
"Oh I'm Alice and I'm suppose to save the Hatter. At least that is what Mr.C said." Alice said
Tilly looked at Hatter surprised by this news. They both knew that Mr.C didn't normally do anything to ever really help Hatter if he could help it. But for him to actually use one of his rare powers to help Hatter meant that something major was going on. Which means that Mr.C believes that Alice is the one who will stop or beat whatever it is.
"Did Mr.C say anything else?" Tilly asked
"No. What am I going to do? I can't even keep any of my flowers alive for a day! How am I suppose to save Hatter when I can't even do that? I think Mr.C picked the wrong woman and I would like to go back home. Please." Alice said going into panic mode
"Mr.C wouldn't have picked you if he didn't truely know if you could do this. Plus I think something else is going on. I'll be back in a few days Hatter to fill you both in on what I believe is going on in Mr.C's head. Til then." Tilly said as she walked away
"What now?" Alice asked as she wondered if she was ever going to see her home again
"It's Tea time." Hatter muttered as he walked into his home
"Tea time are you for real?! I need to be getting home before my family starts to freak out with worry! Take me home Hatter! PLEASE!" Alice exclaimed as she broke down in tears
Hatter wasn't expecting Alice to start crying, so he was unprepared for when she did in fact start to cry. Hatter wondered if she would stop if he hugged her but put that from his mind as being silly. He then did the only other thing he could think to do. He offered her tea.
"Here. Drink this." Hatter said as he handed Alice a cup of Green Tea
Alice looked at Hatter like if she just realized that a crazy person was standing in front of her.
"Why?" Alice asked with a broken tone
"Why what? Why Green tea?" Hatter asked confussed by Alice's quesiton
"No. Why won't anyone send me home? I've always done as I was told and was always a good kind person. I helped those in need and whatnot but why doesn't anything good ever happen to me?" Alice rambled as she started to cry again
"Why do you think this isn't something good happening to you? You never know it could appear like something bad but in the end be something really good." Hatter said as he sat down next to her
Hatter didn't realize that he had wrapped his arm around Alice's shoulder, but Alice was all to aware of it. Before either one of them knew it they were just sitting there in silence. Neither one of them knew what to say to the other. Just as Alice and Hatter were about to say something a knock came to a house without  a door.
"That isn't normal is it?" Alice asked as they got up from the floor
"No it's either Mr.C or Someone else." Hatter said as he stepped outside
When Alice also stepped out side she ended up with a gun pointed at her face. After her shock and panic started to fade she noticed that Hatter was also in the same situation as herself. Only he had a knife to his neck and a gun to his temple. Alice's panic went through the roof after that.
"Well, well who do we have here?" a male said the one that happens to be pointing the gun at Alice
"Leave her alone Randy." Hatter gritted out
Alice looked from Hatter to Randy wondering what was going on. Alice once again hopped that she would just wake up and have her brother Danny jumping on her bed. But that wasn't going to be the case this time.
"She must mean something to you if your getting all riled up about me noticing her." Randy sneered at Hatter
"No I just know she won't like that your talking to her since you below her to even notice." Hatter shot back with a grin
"Take them to the palace!" Randy yelled
 Alice had a really bad feeling go through her when she heard those words leave Randy's mouth. She was able to get one more glance at Hatter before he disappeared from her sight.


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Chapter 1: Hatter needs a liitle alice to smile! ;P
Chapter 1: Please update soon! I think this is going to be a really interesting story and I'm excited about reading it!!!