My Forgotten Past

My Forgotten Past

"Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow I can start anew..."

My name is Serah, no last name, no past. I live in the future, and I have never been in love. My words never reach out to people, my friends never care and I am all alone. At least, that is how it used to be. Until I met, him.

Livi, Livi Homenheim.

I walked down the street as usual, alone, non-caring when I saw him. Leaning against the doorframe of an old shop. He caught my breath. Our eyes met and I was enthralled.

“Serah.” He nods as if he knows my name and I stare at him blankly. My mind spinning, searching. Have I met this man before? “You do not remember?” He coos and runs a delicious, rough yet soft hand against my cheek. “I am truly sorry.” I stare at him blankly. “Memory loss.” He states and it shakes my inner core. How. It feels as if he know something I do not and I continue to gaze at him. “Livi.” He smiles, and I notice the sadness. “Livi Homenheim.” I try not to make him sadder so I beam at him, “Serah.” I cannot introduce myself with my last name. I do not have one. “Serah Hartwell.” His eyes dance with delight. “My last name is Hartwell?” I query and he sighs. “I have not met you for so long. I cannot say how much it has pained me.” My heart is fluttering behind my ribs and I feel like it is going to burst. “Let me bestow upon you some of your fond memories.” His smile is beautiful and he leans down and kisses my forehead. No one is around us. Only him and me, staring at each other. Suddenly a flash of light scurries before my eyes and I see only whiteness behind them. I gasp. All of a sudden, I remember. Bits of my past are coming through. Levi. “You are mine?” I stare at him wide eyed. “Good you remembered.” His smile is spreading across his face, his expression relieved. “You are not human either?” He shrugs, “Cannot help it love.” I smile. Somehow, his smile brings me joy and I know he likes it. He likes when I am happy. “Let me help you search for your other memories.” He takes a hold of my hand. “Do you know what made you lose them?” He glances at me before we scurry across the road. I shake my head; I do not remember anything. Only him. Because he helped me. He is magical. However, Livi can only restore memories of us. Things are blurry and I hate it. “Let us go find them.” He grins. I have found one joy I can treasure again. One joy that keeps me going. Livi. Perhaps my life can become complete again. Now that I remember, bits and pieces. Now that Livi is once again by my side.

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