Rich Boy 6

Farm Boy

Jin Ah

"Jin Ah, wait," the boy said as she stepped out of the car. He ruffled the back of his head, messing up his hair. "Uhh," he stalled. "Can I get a quick drink?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh," she stalled, "Yeah sure, follow me."

Jin Ah's mother greeted them at the door. "Who is this?" she asked while gleaming her smile at them.

"This guy from the farm. The car is ruined from the storm and he just droppped Jae off," Jin Ah mumbled as she shook her shoes off. Her mother stayed by Woo Hyun's side for the whole way to the kitchen. Awkwardness sets in after refreshments were offered and her mother stepped out. 

Ringing from the doorbell echoed the house. She jogged to the door, and Chanyeol (her older cousin) greeted her with his cheeky smile. "How was the farm?" he asked as he stepped into the house.

"Great," she said dryly. 

The sight of Woo Hyun silienced Chanyeol -- for just a second. "WHOA WHOA. Is that THE Woo Hyun?" he quickly pass Jin Ah to meet up with Woo Hyun who was still sitting in the kitchen. 

Woo Hyun beamed a smile and he chuckled slowly," Chanyeol, how's it been?"

"Dude, what are YOU doing HERE?" Chanyeol looked at him then back at Jin Ah. "You" 

In an instant Woo Hyun and Jin Ah shouted out, "No," repeatively. Chanyeol sat down and the Woo Hyun told him what happened. 

"So...Jin Ah doesn't really know about you," Chanyeol glanced at her before speaking agian. "Does she know you're rich?"

Woo Hyun looked at her," I don't think so." Jin Ah shook her head slowly. So what if he's rich. She's rich also, not millionair rich, but above average. She could figure this out even if no one told her. 

"Jin Ah, he own his own mansion. He has 4-5 cars, and he goes to those elite social parties where an average person could never get in." The idea sunk into her brain. He's THAT rich? Why does he farm? Wow. She's suppose to be happy and excited that this cute is rich, but she's not. He made fun of her social statues by lying to her. He mocked her city aura.

"Cool," she said cooly. "Are you done drinking?" Ok, that was little rude, she thought.

"Y-eah, sorry to bother you," he said innocently. Chanyeol shot a glare at her and whispered, "What's wrong with you?" "So what did you think of Jae," Chanyeol tried to stall more time.

"she's alright but I think she knows I'm rich. That girl is so transparent," he smirked.

She bet he think she's transparent too. Gosh, she felt so stupid. She and Chanyeol walked Woo Hyun to his car. "We need to hang out sometimes," Chanyeol said through the window. 

"Why are you here anyways," Jin Ah asked.

Chanyeol turned around, "I was wondering if you're free tonight. There's an elite social party tonight--," he turned back to Woo Hyun, "Are you going?"

"I usually don't go alone and this one is closer to here than from the farm. I don't have time to go back home and then come back here," Woo Hyun said from the car.

"You have money with you?" Woo Hyun nodded. "Wanna hang with me for awhile then we all could go. They gave 2 tickets per person," Chanyeol gave WooHyun and Jin Ah his puppy eyes,"I kinda want to take a friend of could you use your second ticket on Jin Ah?"

"W-ait, I don't even want to g--," 

"Shhh, I already asked your parents and they said yes. You're going. You've been wanting to go," Chanyeol said. 

Their eyes made contact. He wanted her to go was what his eyes told her. "Yeah, I'll take her," 

"Alright! Just follow me to my house. Wait. Jin Ah, do you have clothes?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yeah," duh, she thought.

"Good clothe. Formal. Good-looking clothes," Chanyeol smirked.


"I'll pick you up early and we can pick out something for you," Woo Hyun said.

"Oh nonono. I think I have something," she was embarrased. Chanyeol made it seem like her clothes were begger-like. She was not use to this pamper from a guy, and Woo Hyun was giving too easily. 

The boys drove off. She ran inside and searched her closet for "good" clothes. 



The end? I'll let you finish the ending for now. I'll finish it later :)


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Chapter 7: This was really sweet. I loved it!