National Questions

National Questions - Myungsoo

Pacing around backstage, you nervously played with the hair tie around your wrist while your mind ran through the infinite possibilities of questions and scenarios that could happen on the talk show that you were invited to be on, along with your boyfriend, Myungsoo.

”______” Myungsoo called your name trying to get your attention, “_______”

Calling your name once more caught your attention, snapping you out of your thoughts before you glanced over at Myungsoo casually sitting on the couch while looking up at you.

"Are you nervous?" He questioned, a slight giggle b his words.

"Is it that obvious?" You turned to him as he just stood up and smiled crookedly, "Sorry"

"Don’t be sorry, it is perfectly normal" He ran his fingertips in the palm of your hand while his fingers linked with yours.

"I just don’t know what questions they are going to ask me" You confessed

"They tend to do that" He smiled, trying to get you to laugh so you would be less nervous.

"They didn’t tell you the questions, did they?" You turned your head and looked into his brown eyes with your own.

"Oh no, jagi, they never tell you beforehand" Myungsoo shook his head with a cheeky smile growing on his face. Nodding your head gently, you took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"What if I don’t answer the questions right and my fans start to leave?" You questioned, your eyes staring down at the floor.

"Then they aren’t really your fans. If you just answer from your heart, nothing can go wrong" Myungsoo tipped your chin up to look into his eyes, the soft comforting eyes of his felt like you were taken away from all of your nervousness and worries.

A knock on the door signaled that they were ready to start, you gripped his hand tighter, he gently brushed his thumb over your fingers and lifted your hand up to his lips.

"Fighting" He whispered softly before he tucked some hair behind your ear.

"Fighting" You quietly repeated, leading you to the door, he opened it and let you walk out first.

Following the maze backstage, you both eventually made it onto the set. Sitting down on the black leather couch, the make up artists did some final touch ups, while the lighting crew made sure that everything was perfect for the broadcast.

Finally, everyone was ready to start, standing up both of you went back stage. The lights dimmed back stage while the host of the show, Minsung, walked out and was greeted with a wave of applause. Taking his seat behind his bamboo desk, he leveled the papers on his desk and thanked the crowd for its enthusiasm.

"I would like to introduce our guests for today, Kim Myungsoo from Infinite and ___ ______" Minsung happily announced, the crowd gave you a warm welcome, Myungsoo and you both walked out and sat on the black couch, hitting your marks, you tucked your dress under your legs while Myungsoo leaned back into the couch.

"Thank you for coming on the show today" Minsung bowed, bowing back you smiled and nodded

"It is really an honor for us to be on The Morning Show with you Myunsung-hyung" Myungsoo smiled

"Ah~ Well we wanted to have you both on here for a long time" Minsung smiled, "So we have some questions from the fans we would like you to answer and we will go from there"

Both of you nodded your heads, looking at the screen behind the camera’s, the question showed on the large screen behind your heads as well. The questions started off simple, asking about your relationship between the two of you, when you two started dating, what the most romantic gesture that Myungsoo did for you and you did for him.

About half of the time was taken up before they started asking about how you got to where you are now.

"So _________, tell us a little bit about your parents, I bet they are proud and very honored to have such an accomplished daughter." Minsung leaned back in his chair while you felt your heart stop for a second.

"Honestly, I am not sure what they think of me, we haven’t had the best relationship." You tried not to go into too much detail unless he asked for more.

"How so?" Minsung probed

"I moved to Korea two years ago to be a singer, they told me that I would never make it and that I am on my own for following my dreams." You told them

"That doesn’t sound that bad" Minsung reasoned, everyone has a little run in with their parent’s every once and a while.

"Well… when I got acceptance letter to a smaller company over here in South Korea, I told them about it and my dad yelled and screamed at me for hours. By the end of the night, I was in tears and he got mad at me for crying and it was just a big mess." You tried hard to keep your eyes from watering, however your eyes still coated over in fresh tears.

"So what happened after that?" Minsung leaned on his hands that rested on his bamboo desk

"That night, we all went to bed and the house was finally quiet from all of the screaming and yelling that was there before. Once I got to my room and closed my door, I cried throughout the night, just thinking to myself what I wanted to do, what would make me happy." By now, a tear gently slipped from your eyes and Myungsoo spotted it. Passing you a tissue, you blotted out the tear and started to play with the tissue in your hands.

"So after a lot of tears and an internal struggle, I figured that I would regret it if I didn’t at least try. Even if it meant that I had to go against my father’s words. That morning I packed my bags and told my parents that I was going to go for it. Of course, my dad wasn’t happy about it and banished me from the house." More tears started to fall, your voice got quiet before Myungsoo’s hand was felt on your back, gently rubbing in soothing circles.

"I grabbed my bags and headed over here, it was rough for a while, working a full time job while working on my dream," You felt a few more tears roll down your cheeks as Myungsoo slid his hand int yours, linking his fingers with yours, he moved his thumb over your fingers.

"So do you talk to your parents anymore?" Minsung questioned while the viewers hung on the edge of their seats.

"No, we haven’t spoken since that fight" You clarified, your voice slightly cracking under all of the emotional pressure you were feeling, all of the past memories and feelings were starting to grow inside of you again.

"If you could give a message to your parent’s, what would you say?" Minsung leaned over, his fingers playing with his question cards.

"Mom, Dad, if you are watching this, thank you for putting me through this, thank you for making me work for my dreams like nothing else was an option, thank you for letting me go and going for my dream, I hope you both are doing well." You bowed to the camera’s before you leaned back and against Myungsoo’s shoulder.

Myungsoo knew it was very difficult for you to talk about your parents, and coupled with your nerves, he though that you handled this very well.

"Thank you all for watching and we can’t see what Kim Myungsoo and ___ _____ do next! See you tomorrow on The Morning Show" Minsung looked into the camera’s and saluted the end of the program.

Everyone started to leave as Myungsoo just stayed with on the set, making sure that you were okay and you had gotten everything out that you needed to. He stayed with you and showed his support and love for you on National TV through his small little gestures that got you through all of his questions.

"Thank you" You finally whispered, once it was just you and him under the emergency lights of the set.

"Anytime, love" He breathed against your hair, "Do you want to go out and get a treat with me?"

"You want to go out with a celebrity who cried on National TV all because of her parents that she left a few years back?" You pulled away and looked up into his eyes that you loved.

"I do, because I love you with all my heart" He whispered and stood up, standing up shortly after him, he smiled and wrapped his arms around you tightly, nuzzling your head into strong neck, you took in his scent slowly relaxing you and calming you, before you both headed back stage to change then to grab the treat that he promised you.

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annyeongkid #1
Chapter 1: fighting autornim....fighting