
Untie the knot


- Chapter One -



Oh Sehun and Kim Jongin have known each other for seven years, together for four.


Over the years, Sehun has picked up habits. Those habits are not good, but they are not bad either.



He loves to fall alseep on the sofa with the television blaring commercials, while he waits for Jongin to come home from work.


Jongin sighs in relief when he finally enters their house. It is half past two and he knows he is going to get an earful from Sehun for coming home late. It cannot be help though, the competition is just around the corner and he knows Yixing wants the dance team to brush up on all their dance moves even though (and Jongin doesn't want to sound boastful but) they are probably near perfect. 


He walks slowly and as silently as possible to the living room, ready to face the music but stops short when he sees his boyfriend lying on their sofa. Sehun's long legs dangles on the edge of their small sofa and his shirt has started to ride up his body from probably tossing around during his sleep, exposing his milky white skin. 


Jongin then notices that their television is switched on and Sehun's favourite variety show, 'Running man', is currently playing. Jongin chuckles silently when he realises that Sehun had fallen asleep while watching the show. At the same time, his heart clenches too because he is pretty sure that his boyfriend had stayed up to wait for him, despite having work the next day.


Making his way to Sehun, he switches off the television and kneels down beside the sofa. His hand reaches out to run his fingers through Sehun's luscious hair and this causes Sehun to stir. A smile plays on Jongin's lips when he sees Sehun's eyes slowly opening. Sehun blinks once, twice, before realising that his boyfriend has finally reached home.


"Sehun-ah, I'm home," Jongin says quietly, his fingers still playing with Sehun's hair.


With a tiny scowl on his face, Sehun grumbles, "No , sherlock."


Jongin chuckles at that because even in his sleepy state, Sehun is still all sass. He cannot help but lean in and give his lover a sweet kiss.



He also loves being mischievous in bed (not in that way, just so you know), always making a fuss with his arms and legs.


Jongin feels warm, hot even, all of a sudden. He lets out a groan and even though he wants to stretch his arms, he is not able to because they are being held captive by strong grips. Slowly, he opens his eyes and looks to side.


He laughs through his nose when he realises that Sehun had flung his arms and legs over his own. It has always been a habit of Sehun to that on most nights. However, as much as he loves being cuddled by his boyfriend, sometimes it gets quite warm and stuffy. One example will be now.


"Sehun-ah," Jongin whispers while nudging his boyfriend lightly on his shoulders.


"Mmm, what," Sehun replies incoherently, still heavy with sleep.


"I need you to get off me," Jongin replies, at the same time trying to pull Sehun's arms off his body.


That only makes Sehun tighten his grip around Jongin as he grumbles out, "No."


Jongin really wants to get out of Sehun's hold and to makes things worse, he really needs to go to the toilet.


"Sehun, please," Jongin pleads. "I really need to-"


"Do you love me?" Sehun intercepts.


"Yes," Jongin replies without hesitation, though he is slightly confused by the sudden question.


"Well, I love you too and I'm not going to let you go," Sehun says firmly before continuing to whine, "Now go back to sleep please."



He loves being lazy, when it comes to eating. If Jongin does not feed him, he won't bother eating.


"Two curry ramen."


The waitress finally arrives with their food and places two bowls of ramen in front of Sehun and Jongin. As soon as the waitress leaves, Jongin immediately digs in to his food. Sehun scowls at that and folds his arms in front of him. After a minute, Jongin realises then that his boyfriend has not started eating his bowl of delicious ramen.


"Sehun-ah, why aren't you eating?" Jongin asks, still chewing onto his food.


Sehun does not reply him but instead lets out a 'tsk'.


Swallowing down his food, Jongin places his chopsticks down and asks again," Sehun-ah, what's wrong?"


Sehun opens his mouth but then feels slightly embarrassed thinking about what he wants. But then Jongin reaches out to hold on to his hand and that thought vanishes. 


"You didn't feed me before you eat," Sehun mumbles out, suddenly finding the table interesting.


He slowly looks up when he hears Jongin let out a soft chuckle. "Ah, I forgot about that. I was too hungry. I'm sorry."


Jongin then takes his chopsticks and asks Sehun to come closer. He slowly feeds Sehun the ramen and when he sees the tiny smile on Sehun's face, he knows that he will do anything for Oh Sehun.



He loves how when they walk down the street, shoulder to shoulder, he proudly hides his hand and waits for Jongin to hold (his hand).


Sehun waits by the stairs as he waits for Jongin to look their front door. When Jongin is done, they make their way down the stairs and out of their apartment building. The both of them are on their way to the nearby park for their usual weekend evening walk. 


As usual, Sehun hides his hand behind him as they walk side by side (because that is what Sehun does, he plays hard to get), shoulders brushing against each other. The both of them talk about their work - how Sehun is finally starting on a new project with one of the most popular models in Korea, how Jongin has just started on a new choreography. They talk about Sehun's favourite variety show, how his favourite group will finally appear in the upcoming episdoes.


The whole time they talk, they do not hold hands. Until finally, Sehun feels a warm hand enveloping his cold ones, fingers interlacing. At that, Sehun cannot help the grin that forms on his face.



And mostly, he loves when they are done fighting, he is not the first to give in.


"You're late," Jongin says as soon as Sehun sits in front of him.


All Sehun replies to that is, "I got caught up with work."


Of course, he does not apologise. Jongin sighs and he cannot help the slight disappointment. It is their fourth anniversary and the both of them had planned to celebrate at the restaurant where they had their first date. The tension is palpable, you could cut it with a knife.


"You could have asked to be excused early," Jongin says under his breath.


Sehun hears that and immediately says, "Well, it wasn't like you were early for my birthday celebration."


At that, Jongin can only blow air out of his nose. "Sehun-ah, come on. I said I was sorry." 


"I know," Sehun mumbles and then continues, "I am sorry too. For being late today."


When Jongin hears Sehun's apology, he smiles and shakes his head, "It's fine. I know how busy you get." But then he pouts a little when he realises that once again, he is the first to apology even though Sehun was in the wrong. "Hey, why do I keep apologising first."


"You're older than me," was all Sehun say.


"Only by three months thought."


"That's still (three months) older!"



To some, it might seem as though Sehun does not appreciate Jongin. However, those are just some ways on how Sehun expresses his love towards Jongin. Besides, these habits does not seem to stop Jongin from loving Sehun unconditionally. Because that is what makes Sehun, Sehun.




First chapter up! Thank you for reading! ♡ Comments are appreciated!

I have not proofread this chapter, so apologies for grammar/spelling errors.

- 11 Aug 2014




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Chapter 2: Oh please dont make them break up.. I know that maybe Sehun is too much sometimes, but he doesnt even to be meant to Jongin..
N i know that no mattter what, Jongin will always love Sehun unconditionally, right??
Chapter 1: Sehun here is sooooo ME..
Kai here is sooo my BF.. Kekekekekee

First chapt is already great!! Love it.. Im gonna read next chapt
Chapter 2: They are cute..and I have to say kai got that I was him,maybe sehun now lost his head
Chapter 1: aooooooooooo cute cute cue
lalicesarang #5
Chapter 1: Sekai is the best best best!!!
Pls dont break them up :((((((
Chapter 1: Ahh this chapter was so cute ^-^ Please update soon author-nim~