o2. Jealousy?

Black Pearl and the Seven Wild Men ( restarting )
It was the first time Yuri had such a stylish lunch. When she had reached Jessica, Yoona, and Sooyoung’s usual tables, she was surprised to see five more girls join them. Could there even be such a big group? And to top off, all the girls ate lunch with manners, proper table manners. Yuri had rarely seen that at her own table with the boys she only saw Chansung wolfing down food like there was no tomorrow. Well, Sooyoung at this table was too but at least she chewed with closed.
“So,” Tiffany, a student from California (like Jessica which explained her prefect English), “I finally met Kim Junsu in person and I got to interview him today!”
Yuri almost chocked on her sandwich when Junsu’s name was brought up.
“How is he?” Next to her, Sunny, asked in an excited tone.
“He’s totally charming!” Tiffany exclaimed, her eyes forming perfect crescent moons, “And he’s super smart! Half my paper about him is filled-”
“Ahem.” Yoona let out a loud cough to stop Tiffany’s rant about Junsu. It seemed like the girls forgot Yuri was close friends with him.
“What-Oh!” Tiffany’s eyes flickered at Yuri’s nervous face before shooting her a weird look. “Is it okay if I talk about him?”
“Of course,” Yuri said, “I don’t mind.”
“That’s great then; where was I?” Tiffany asked before shaking the thought away and continuing on with her rant.
“Tiffany is majoring in journalism,” Taeyeon, a mature short girl that Yuri found admirable, explained to Yuri, “and she got to interview Junsu-ssi today since her journalism class is focusing on the science department.”
“Oh, I see.” Yuri nodded and Taeyeon continued.
“You probably can tell by now but Tiffany has a crush on Junsu. It started when-”
“Yah! Taeyeon-ah, why are gossiping about me?” Tiffany broke off of her trance when she heard Taeyeon talking about her.
“Well, since she’s part of our group now, we should make her comfortable and up to date.”
Yuri’s face warmed at those words; she was part of the group.
“Fine.” Tiffany scoffed before turning back to Sunny and now Hyoyeon who seemed to be added onto the conversation.
“Well, anyways,” Taeyeon rolled her eyes, signaling to Tiffany, “she’s liked him since the day she bumped into him when he was being chased by some girl, something about love at first sight.”
“Junsu-ssi looked like a responsible, intelligent man,” Seohyun spoke up, “Tiffany-ssi likes those types.”
“She does,” Taeyeon agreed with a slight nod.
“Junsu is a very responsible person,” Yuri said, thinking about Junsu. He always liked to but she knew when things were serious he’d be the first to focus. “And of course he’s very smart; he’s been smart since little.”
“Really?” Tiffany asked and Yuri nodded at her. Tiffany only replied with a dreamy sigh and a clasp of her hands.
“Someone is lovesick,” Jessica rolled her eyes at the sight of the dazzled Tiffany.
“I heard that!”
“I meant for you to hear,” Jessica snapped back and Tiffany childishly stuck out her tongue which Jessica returned. The table broke out into a round of soft laughter before Taeyeon silenced it, claiming she had to leave. Shortly everyone at the table began to stand up and head off into different directions.
“Where are you going next unnie?” Seohyun remained next to Yuri and the two began walking, even ‘though they had no set destination.
“I have-” Yuri was broken off by the loud ringing of her phone and she quickly picked the call up.
“Yah! Kwon Yuri, where are you? Just because I called you in a-” Chansung’s “greeting” was apparently interrupted by a few mumbles in the background. It took a while for him to continue what he was going to say, “Alright, alright Nichkhun-Okay Yul, I’m sorry for calling you earlier like that. I got my jacket from Taecyeon earlier so let’s break this cold war. There’s only a few minutes before I start class so come join us. Please?”
Yuri snorted, amazed at Nichkhun’s effect on the cocky younger boy. Still, she appreciated the change of coldness in Chansung.
“Araso, I forgive you,” Yuri said ‘though she was never made at him to begin with; she had missed lunch with them for the girls, not because she was upset. However, it wasn’t like Yuri was going to tell Chansung that. “I’ll come over now.”
“Great.” Chansung mumbled and they both clicked off the line. Once ending the call, she looked up and was shocked to see Seohyun still patiently standing there.
“Omo! Seohyun-ah, you’re still here? Mianhe,” Yuri sheepishly said, holding up her phone, “Chansung kept me on the line.”
“Aniyo, it’s fine unnie.” Seohyun shook her head and Yuri smiled at her. She was the exact opposite of the other maknae, Chansung. Whereas Seohyun was studious and caring, Chansung was lazy and careless. The two were polar opposites of each other.
“So what were you saying?”
“Oh! I was wondering if I could go with you to wherever you’re going.” Seohyun shyly said, “I don’t have class until later and well, I don’t feel like spending the extra time in the library.”
“Of course you can,” Yuri grinned at the girl and linked her arm through hers, “let’s go then!”
Chansung let out a loud sigh as he tossed his phone to Junho. Junho caught it and placed it in Chansung’s name brand backpack and looked up to see Chansung turning his position. He was originally laying flat on his back and now he had propped himself to a side laying position.
“What’s the matter?” Junsu wrinkled his face as he watched Chansung fidget, “You’re making me antsy too.”
“I cannot believe I just apologized!” Chansung exclaimed, his face showing amazement and annoyance mixed into one. He shot a look at Nichkhun who was on his laptop, fingers flying over the keypad to type up some report for his class.
“What?” Nichkhun demanded when he caught Chansung’s glare.
“You, it was you.”
“I did what?”
“You made me apologize to Yuri.” Chansung pouted at the older boy, “I don’t even know why I apologized.”
“You practically screamed at her.” Jaebeom answered for Nichkhun.
Jaebeom took his time taking a bite out of his sandwich before continuing. “Didn’t you ask her to return your jacket? You’re always feisty with clothes.”
“It’s part of being a typical model,” Taecyeon added with a small nod, “but it doesn’t mean it’s acceptable.”
“Oh come on, I do it all the time!”
“Maybe you did it too extreme this time,” Wooyoung snapped at Chansung, “because Yuri always eats lunch with us and she’s not here.”
“Anyways,” Nichkhun said before Chansung could say anything else, “just drop your guard one more time when Yuri gets here and apologize again.”
“Again?” Chansung gaped at Nichkhun who looked at him with a serious face. Chansung groaned and sat upright. “No way!”
“Well,” Junho frowned at the tall boy, “do you want Yuri to-”
“What do I want to do?” The seven boys’ debate was ended by the entrance of Yuri and a young looking girl walking next to her. At the sight of the new girl, Junho and Junsu sat upright, wanting to make a good impression. The others already had a normal pose and were now waiting for Yuri to explain the reason why she had a girl hanging off of her.
“This is Seohyun!” Yuri exclaimed brightly, showing Seohyun off. “She’s a girl I met at lunch today.” There were a chorus of “hellos” and Seohyun shyly smiled at them. Still, she kept her locked position next to Yuri and appeared to be the quiet type.
“Wait a minute,” Chansung said out of the blue and all eyes turned to him, “you weren’t hiding alone somewhere because I hurt your feelings?”
“I never said that did I?” Yuri smugly asked and Chansung jumped up from the anger boiling inside of him.
“BWOH?! THEN WHY DID I HAVE TO APOLOGIZE?!” Chansung demanded in a heated tone.
“Because,” Yuri sarcastically said, “you need to learn some manners. And besides, it’s not everyday I hear an apology coming form your mouth.”
“HWANG CHANSUNG!” Jaebeom bellowed and Chansung instantly quieted down. “Stop acting like a toddler; you’re scaring Seohyun-ssi!”
“O-Oh, please don’t mind me.” Seohyun waved her hands in front of her face when the heads turned to her.
“It’s not very often I have girlfriends Chansung,” Yuri added for emphasis, “so please behave.”
“Well then,” Chansung snottily scoffed as he picked up his backpack, “I’m leaving. Since I’m such a shame to this group, I’ll go somewhere else.” And with that, Chansung stomped off.
“Is it okay that you’re not going after him?” Seohyun whispered to Yuri as she watched Chansung stride further and further away.
“Of course it’s alright,” Yuri nodded, “he only left because he has class in five minutes.”
“Chansung’s like that.” Nichkhun added, supporting Yuri who grinned at him.
“Oh,” Seohyun nodded in acknowledgment and released her hold on Yuri. “I have to go now unnie. Thanks for letting me come with you.”
“And pleasure to meet you all!” Seohyun added, directing her bow to the boys who tilted their heads back at her.
“Bye unnie!” Seohyun said as she walked away. When she was a good distance away, Yuri turned her heel and plopped down onto the cement flooring next to Nichkhun who was already back at work.
“Can I help you princess?” Nichkhun asked when he noticed Yuri’s presence.
“Aniyo,” Yuri shook her head as she propped her chin on Nichkhun’s shoulder, “but what are you doing?”
“Writing a report,” Nichkhun teasingly said, “you know, the paper things you hated doing-”
“I’m not stupid oppa!”
“-and always made me complete for you?” Nichkhun continued anyways, a playful grin on his face, “Yeah, that’s what I’m doing.”
“Ew,” Yuri commented and Nichkhun laughed, momentarily stopping his work and turned to playfully tickle Yuri on the nose. Yuri responded with a small cry of surprise and began to bat away Nichkhun’s fingers. Their game went on until Taecyeon stuck his head in the middle, an annoyed expression on his face as he looked to and fro from Yuri to Nichkhun.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing.” Nichkhun and Yuri said at the same time. When they realized that, the two broke into another fit of laughter and Taecyeon watched in annoyance.  
Jang Wooyoung carefully held his blueprint of the house in his hands as he walked alone to his classroom. Although he did not have class right now, he did have his project to turn in. To keep himself entertained, he whistled a bouncy beat of a random tune he was thinking of. Double tasking never seemed to make him more stressed; it only made him feel more at ease.
“This is lovely Taeyeon-ssi but-” Wooyoung paused at entrance of the door when he realized Professor Bae was talking to a short haired girl whose name was already revealed.
“But Bae Songsaengnim, if I take out some parts of it wouldn’t be the same!” Taeyeon cried, her eyes narrowing.
“Tae-Omo! Wooyoung, what are you doing here?” Professor Bae turned his head to see Wooyoung awkwardly standing at the open door.
“Uh,” Wooyoung scratched the nape of his neck, “I’m here to turn in my project.”
“Already?” Professor Bae exclaimed in a shocked voice, “It’s not due until next Monday! But then again, I can never expect less than this from one of my top students.”
Wooyoung shyly smiled as he walked closer to the duo and passed his design to Professor Bae.
“Let me take a look at this; I can’t wait!” Professor Bae exclaimed, unraveling the giant poster. Wooyoung fidgeted as he waited for Professor Bae’s comments. Normally he wouldn’t feel so antsy but Taeyeon was giving him a cold stare, probably because he interrupted her discussion.
“Magnificent!” Professor Bae exclaimed, turning back to Taeyeon and Wooyoung. “This is what I mean Taeyeon!”
Taeyeon said nothing as she stared at Wooyoung’s project.
“Um, I’m going to take off first since you got my project.” Wooyoung said and Professor Bae glanced at him.
“Aniyo, don’t leave yet!” Professor Bae shook his head. “You have a lot of talent Mr. Jang and so does Miss Kim. However, Miss Kim needs a little help finding someway to calm her talent down. Professor Bae stopped momentarily to show Taeyeon’s interior design of an office to Wooyoung. Wooyoung nodded in understanding. Although Taeyeon had potential she went overboard.
“Songsaengnim, I would appreciate it if you didn’t go around showing my art.” Taeyeon coldly stated and Professor Bae laughed.
“I won’t show it to anyone else but you’ll be needing to show it to Wooyoung here.”
“Because,” Professor Bae exclaimed for emphasis, “he’s going to be your tutor!”
“Tutor?” Wooyoung spat out, his face showing shock, betrayal, and grievance.
“I don’t need a tutor!” Taeyeon stubbornly stated, “At least, not for this class! This isn’t even my main course! I’m studying politics; this is just my elective!”
“Yah! What are you saying?” Wooyoung demanded in a heated tone. He turned to glare at Taeyeon, “Once you take onto the art of designing you have to commit yourself into it. Even if it’s just an elective you need to try your hardest! No wonder you’re designs are like that!”
“Hey what?’ Wooyoung shouted and Taeyeon flinched back a little. Once he saw her small move of surrender, he smirked. “I’ll meet you here, one thirty tomorrow. And you better show up or else.” And with that, Wooyoung marched out of the room.
“How can there be such a person?” Taeyeon scoffed as she watched his retreating back.
“He’s truly a spirited designer,” Professor Bae commented in an admiringly way.
“Do I really have to come?” Taeyeon asked and Professor Bae shrugged.
“If you don’t want him to hunt you down because knowing him, he will.”
“Aigoo,” Taeyeon sighed, “What’s his name again?”
“Wooyoung, Jang Wooyoung.”
“Fine then Jang Wooyoung,” Taeyeon whispered in a small voice as if she was hissing it to Wooyoung, “I’ll make you regret tutoring me.”    
Taecyeon sulked all the way to the café. After lunch he had invited Yuri to hang out at a café to do homework and talk. It was supposed to be a one on one thing until Yuri asked the others to come. Only one agreed to the gathering ‘though and to Taecyeon’s dismay, it had been Nichkhun. He never knew why Yuri fancied the Thai Prince so much. Since small, Yuri had always leaned onto him.
With a frown he watched as Yuri and Nichkhun share earphones linked to Nichkhun iPod like a couple.
“I love this song oppa,” Yuri exclaimed and Nichkhun chuckled at her.
“I do too.”
“Would you play it for me?”
“Of course, but it might have to be later on ‘though.”
“No problem oppa; you’re always so busy. You need to take good care of your health.”
“Araso princess.”
Taecyeon grunted at the nickname Nichkhun called Yuri. If he used the same name Yuri would’ve pounced on him. However, if it was Nichkhun she let it fly by. She always did.
“Yah! Taecyeon-ah, why are you quiet?” Taecyeon looked up when Yuri called him, an annoyed expression on his face.
“Aren’t you two busy?” Taecyeon commented dryly and Yuri laughed.
“Are you jealous?” Yuri teased. She then reached out and pulled Taecyeon alongside of her.
“You can join in now.” Taecyeon felt heat rush to his cheeks as Yuri’s hand lingered on his. Although she was only holding his wrist she was still holding him. A small smile formed on his face and he looked down to cover his happiness.
“Have I told you about my day today? Well in-” Yuri started on a ramble of her class and it was only then when Taecyeon felt it was safe to look up again. However, once he looked up he was met with a dark stare from Nichkhun.
“What?” He demanded.
“Nothing.” Nichkhun shook his head and quickly turned to look at Yuri who had stopped her story.
“What happened?”
“Nothing, nothing at all.” Nichkhun said with a grin. He then locked hands with Yuri and Taecyeon stared at his actions with a deathly glare.
“Come on Yul, let’s go in before Taecyeon does. Last one in has to treat the other two.” Nichkhun brightly stated and pulled at Yuri, causing her to release her hold on Taecyeon.
“W-What?” Taecyeon asked in a lost voice as he watched Yuri and Nichkhun run ahead of him. With a pang of disappointment, jealousy, and anger towards Nichkhun, he dashed towards them at full speed.
Who was he to pull her off of him?

→ And to new readers, it would be amazing if you could comment and s u b s c r i b e! To my old readers,, comments are loved and if you haven't already, subscribe away! My awesome silent readers, thanks for being here too! I would love it if you would comment once in a while (there's no need to make it an often thing).
→ My KhunRi shippers, have you read Yuri's Four's Step to Revenge yet? If not, check it out. It's a short story on the hottest Cabi Couple. Also, Stick With You (the KhunRi one-shot collection) is now edited and will be active soon. Check that out too if you have time and want to! 'Yill next time people. Nichole loves you all! (And no, not Nicole from Kara, but this weird author here Nichole) ♥
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hanie_pearl #1
Chapter 6: Pleaaaaseeeee updatee T.T
escapingfromreality #2
Chapter 6: adlfjshgsajkdjslfksagsj nichkhun and yuri are too cute together <33
nabila_tauhida #3
Chapter 6: Love it, KhunRi
Chapter 6: im happy for khunri. ^^
but i dont know why i want taecyul in this story.
maybe because its always khunri through out the story or what.
i think its just that taecyeon really like yuri in this story. :)

but either way, i really love any pairings with yul, so its ok.
my mind just depends on the story on which pairing i think is better for yul.
Chapter 6: ahhh who is it?
2pm? o u o
Chapter 6: Go KhunRi! I hope they will end up as a pair... Update, author-nim!
yoonhee7 #7
Chapter 6: Please update!
I will kindly wait:)
GiuKah #8
yoonhee7 #9
Sad Taecyeon.
I hope there will a twist on Khunri-Taecyul:)
yoonhee7 #10
Please update soon!
I'm waiting. Hwaiting, author!