Don't Hate Me


Many failed relationships put aside, Baekhyun is determined to be the perfect boyfriend. It works for the most part, until Jongdae is left with wanting more than Baekhyun is giving. 


More song fics. I always have so many ideas when I go to bed at night, too bad my skills are only subpar, and I can't write for my life. I just hope people enjoy reading it as I enjoy thinking of the ideas. Writing fics makes me appreciate how good other writers are, and I only hope as I grow older I can be as good.

Love, Evee :3


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Chapter 1: this was really nice :) I think it was a good hmm experience? :)
Liek i really liked the idea that Baekhyun was trying so hard to be "perfect", like hiding his "flaws" and everything
I'm glad our Jongdae made him cut it out tho :))
Annasj #2
Chapter 1: was AMAZING!! The way Baekhyun tries to be perfect for Jongdae... this is just Jongdae for god's sake XD there's no need to be this much perfect lol
Thankyu for story^^
Chapter 1: AHHH~ this was adorable! and with that struggle man!! it was greatness and all that!! (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)♥
hannahjill #4
Chapter 1: So great!!! I really like it!!!!! <3