First & Last

Frozen Prince (Or Not)

It was a warm day but Sungjong wasn't bothered by that. Although he preferred the cold and freezing weather, today was a strangely perfect day.

He took a walk around the big and flamboyant palace while he was waiting for a visit. He passed through the cherry trees and the unicorn square trying to find out what to do with his guest. 

It was going to be hard for Sungjong because the guest was a demon, a fallen angel. The demons had had a long fight with his realm and there still were some diferences between them. 

While thinking time passed by and he had to go to the throne room. When he arrived there, he saw a handsome guy with big black wings. 

'I want to be under him...' he thought and then he slapped himself for having those thoughts. 

'Welcome, Kim Myungsoo, to this realm, and of course welcome to my little palace' Sungjong said louder than expected.

' prince, I'm glad to be here' he spoke with a mysterious but frightening voice,'I hope I will be treated well'.


Days passed by and both of them started to share thoughts. Sungjong was slowly falling for him and he was aware of that.

One sunny day they were sitting in a bench quietly talking about lot of stuff.

'If I were you I would myself' Sungjong said without thinking and Myungsoo started laughing. 

'Yeah, for sure! I like pretty boys like you...they are tasty' he whispered.

'I didn't know you were gay...' spoke out of his mind Sungjong.

'Well, I only want a hole where I can put know what' said Myungsoo and he smirked 'and I don't mind if it is a unicorn, a couch, a plant or a prince!'

'You are a disgusting ert!' shouted Sungjong. He actually was dirty...but that demon beat him for like 1000 times!

'I know that' Myungsoo his lips.


These days Sungjong started greeting his maids, buttlers, staffs... something that he didn't do usually. He was trying to cover all the feelings that he has been developing toward the ert demon.

At first he was worried because he knew that demons were evil but this one was being nice with him! All this was driving him really crazy. He wanted to taste his lips, he was sure of that.

But the hosting of the demon was coming to an end and the prince was really sad about that.


On the other side Myungsoo was actually taking profit of that, he knew  that Sungjong was in love with him and he wanted to play with it. His days in the palace were finishing and he wanted to have fun.


The last day while Myungsoo was taking a shower (and doing some nasty stuff), he heard a noise coming from his door. 

'What the hell...' he stared blankly at the mirror. 

Myungsoo went out of the shower and caught Sungjong looking at him.

'I didn't know that yours was so tiny...' he suddenly spoke while staring at his bean

Myungsoo started badmouthing ' you! You are such a...'

'Oh god, shut up and kiss me!'  interrupted Sungjong.

Myungsoo took the prince's lips and kissed them. 


What Sungjong didn't know was that the demon didn't has any real feeling toward him...but that's another story!



Thank you for reading! Don't forget to coment!




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Chapter 2: HAHAHA XD this is gold