Court day pert1

My Naughty Ghost -completed-
After eating a nice breakfast together jaejoong and yunho walked happily together to the school to see Junsu and Yoochun walking hand in hand toward the school so they walked to them

'Oh morning yunho and Jae hyung' smiled Junsu at yunho

'Oh morning… hahahaha… omo Yoochun what is this on your head?' laughed yunho as he pointed at the big white plaster on Yoochun's head

'YAH! And you dare laugh? It's your entire fault!' Yoochun looked at yunho angrily as he pointed at his head

'Omo chunie don't yell in my ear' Junsu pouted at Yoochun

'Aish I'm sorry baby' Yoochun smiled and hugged Junsu tightly

Chuckling softly at the couple the four friends walked toward the school ad were about to enter when they found kibum standing at the school gate waiting for them

'Oh kibum' Junsu smiled

'Morning everyone' smiled kibum but somehow everyone could see the sadness in his eyes

'What happened?' asked yunho at once

'Yesterday… min was at my place… we were kissing and our parents walked in at us… they started yelling and screaming saying this is forbidden and all so changmin… he ran away and I don't know where to find him' kibum looked at them sadly

'We will help you look, don't worry about a thing ok?' smiled yunho and with new hope shining in his eyes now kibum smiled as he nodded his head

'So what happened with you?' he pointed at Yoochun

Chuckling Yoochun started to tell kibum what happened as they changed direction and instead of going into school walked away trying to find changmin

'Where could he be?' asked yunho

'I don’t know I searched the woods all night but could not find him, what if something happened to him hyung?'

'Did h have his mobile on?' tried Yoochun

'No he left it at my place' sighed kibum sadly

'The old lake' jaejoong mumbled

'What boo?' blinked yunho as he looked at jaejoong who seemed spacing out

'Yunie he is at the old lake!' jaejoong pulled yunho's sleeve as he repeated

'Where is the old lake?' yunho looked at the rest

'In the woods why?' asked Yoochun

'Jae says changmin is there'

Without wasting any second kibum broke in running in the woods direction and everyone followed him running as fast as they can wanting to reach changmin and make sure he is alright

After a while of running everyone reached a spot in the woods where there were no trees but a small lake and there they saw a shadow sitting by the lake looking at it with his back to them, without stopping kibum ran to the shadow and pulled him up and swung him around to face him and then everyone stopped to watch both kibum and changmin facing each other

Changmin started to struggle against kibum's hold wanting to break free but kibum was stronger than him especially when he spent all the night crying and trying to forget

'Min listen to me… I…'

'NO! LET ME GO…sob…LET ME GO…sob…sob'


'But… they…sob… they…sob…'

'They won't be able to break us apart… I left the house yesterday; if they can't accept us then I don't need them as my parents! All I need is you now so don't you dare leave me alone!' kibum hugged on changmin tighter and thy both cried softly in each other's arms

'But where will we live?...sob… how will e live?...sob'

'You two can live with us' smiled yunho at the couple:' we have a spare bedroom for you two' and jaejoong smiled and nodded his head

'Thank you hyung' smiled changmin softly as he snuggled into kibum's arms for secure and now the six friends walked back to the village each in his lovers arms and for Yunjae they were letterly in each other's arms because when jaejoong tried to jump on yunho's back for a pig ride he sank into yunho's back a little

Walking back to the village everyone went to Yunjae's house instead of school where Jae insisted that changmin should take a shower to relax while he started to cook him some soup and Junsu made some hot cocoa for everyone wile in the living room yunho, Yoochun and kibum sat down looking at each other and talking about how creepy parents are and who got the worst parents and out of the three yunho won easily as they heard his story about his gold digger aunt

Walking back into the living room changmin walked straight to kibum and sat on his lap allowing himself to melt in his lover's warm embrace while Junsu came into the room and handed each a hot cup of cocoa

Everyone spent a pleasant time together that no one noticed the time going by until it was already evening, Yoochun and Junsu left for their home and kibum took changmin to their room to relax and sleep leaving jaejoong and yunho alone sitting there smiling at each other when they heard the door bell ring and standing up yunho went to open it

'Oh hyung, come in' yunho smiled as he saw junki with two other handsome men standing at the door so smiling at them he moved aside allowing them to enter

'Nice place no wonder you paid that much for it' junki smiles looking around the place

'Yea I had it all done in a week so it cost a lot but I don't regret it' smiled yunho as he looked at jaejoong who smiled back at him

'Oh please sit down' yunho smiled at the two guests as he saw them standing and not sitting down, so bowing a little they sat down

'Ok here are the contracts and let me introduce you to bi rain and Kim Jong kook two of the greatest lawyers in our country'

'I know that already, it's an honor to work with you two' smiled yunho as he bowed a little to them

'Thank you' both the lawyers smiled and bowed back

'Ok enough with the flirt, back to the case of your friend… the court is in two weeks time, we almost finished everything, the court had banded his parents from using a cent of his money until the final diction is made so they are in deep trouble now with no money to pay for the employees paychecks and everything…'

'Good, what about that gold digger?'

'Oh that… I'm working on it… as I told you everything in her name right now even the big mansion is hers now, she kicked your father out and he is now living with a friend outside Seoul while she is filing for divorce'

'Is she living alone or with some of her lovers?'

'I don't know that' junki shook his head

'And when she files for divorce then what?'

'Then your father will be arrested until he pays all the money he owes'

'And then you will do as I said' yunho looked at junki seriously and the lawyer just nodded his head as he watched yunho sign the contracts he handed him earlier

'When will the company be opened?'

'In five days, but you still need to pick up a name for it'

'Oh that… err… how about Jung and partners?'

'Great' nodded junki and smiled

After talking about a lot of things junki and the rest left leaving Yunjae alone again so looking at each other they both smiled before yunho turned his head to look at the clock, one hour until midnight, one hour until he can hold his lover in his arms and one hour until he could feel the silk skin rubbing against his, the full lips against his and one hour until he could make love to his lover all night long

'Let's go to our room baby' smirked yunho and jaejoong just blushed and nodded

Two Weeks later:

Yunho's lawyers company opened officially a week ago and from the second it opened everyone knew it will be the best, every lawyer tried to join it but only a couple could, the company led by the CEO lee junki (as yunho wanted to keep a low profile for now) did not accept but the best of the best and from the second the company opened a lot of clients came by each day each ready to pay whatever it takes to get the company to work on his case and they were all important people in society too and ironically enough the first client they had was yunho's gold digger aunt who wanted to file for divorce and make sure that her husband soon to be ex husband will pay all the money they owe and that she won't lose anything but of course junki did not accept to handle the case and she left cursing and threatening to trash the company's reputation but nobody paid her any attention

Today yunho woke up super early before the sun rose and got dressed formally; jaejoong had picked this suit for him a couple of days ago to wear to court which was due today, yunho fixed his hair and looked at himself for one last time in the mirror before he turned to look at his sleeping lover, he tried his best not to wake him up, he did not want jaejoong to come with him today, he did not want to make him face his parents and he did not want him to know how evil they are so he decided to keep him here asleep with changmin and Junsu while he, Yoochun and kibum went to the court so now smiling at is sleepy lover who was slowly turning back into hi ghostly shape as the first rays of sun appeared from behind the mountains yunho walked outside the room and downstairs to find Yoochun and kibum are already ready and waiting for him so nodding at each other each careful not to made a sound and wake his lover up they sneaked out of the house and they even pushed yunho's car all the way to the empty village square before they got in and yunho drove to Seoul to reach the court on time without even saying a word, they were all quite not because they were still half asleep but because they did not know what to say, each one of them was creating many scenarios to what may happen in court in his head hopping that everything will go as planned and nothing will go wrong...



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
awsm story its so cute and fluffy with little bit sad. Bt it worth its writing.. Awsm author sii n thank u for writing such a nice story..
if you ever want to have your story be proofread for errors, you can message me ^^
HI!!! Just want to let you know that I really love this story and decided to include it in the must read YUNJAE stories. So uhm... here's the link if you wanna know more ~^.^~

nlienhua #5
this is very very good fanfic . i like it so much . jae so cute and yunho so gentle with jae .
nlienhua #6
this is very very good fanfic . i like it so much . jae so cute and yunho so gentle with jae .
nlienhua #7
this is very very good fanfic . i like it so much . jae so cute and yunho so gentle with jae .
nlienhua #8
this is very very good fanfic . i like it so much . jae so cute and yunho so gentle with jae .
Chapter 53: I don't know but when I read this, I keep thinking of Jae in Heaven Postman. It's a nice story I could say.
first_rose #10
Chapter 53: happy new year 2015 author-shi.....