Not what I expected

The 21 Days You Promised

2days after that night. APink and Infinite have gone on with their schedule and sometimes they even see each other in music shows too. Naeun and Myungsoo have been texting like love birds with phones. They would frequently facetime or even call each other whenever their free. Both Apink and Infinite support the couple fully!

   Last promotion performance for Mr.Chu;

Naeun recieves a message. she takes her phone and see's it was a message from Myungsoo. " Do well you black witch, don't smile at too many guys aish keke hwaiting~ " Naeun replies, " Thank you for the support oppa, i'll do my best! " Managers comes in telling them to go for stage call. Chorong nudges Naeun to get up and prepare to go on. She double checks her makeup, " mmmm looking good today! " They perform the song with full heart as it is their last promotion for that song at a music show!  Naeun as usual, being the most photogenic of the group.

Myungsoo, Sungyeol, and Woohyun sit around their TV at home. 

SY: Can't believe this will be their last promotion on the music show for Mr.Chu

WH: They've improved a lot since their debut.

MS: No doubt! Hey guys, I was wondering where to take her on our first date and not be too obvious, help a brother out!


Dongwoo from the other room heard and yelled out, " HOTEL AND MAKE OUT WITH HER! "

MS: Yah why are you in there, are you watching again, you ert. 

WH: Jashik, really? Dongwoo who is it this time? Just make sure you clean well otherwise the room will be-sudden thoughts of the smell- CLEAN UP WELL. please just please.

MS: You guys are such help yenno. I'll just ask hyung..

   Myungsoo knocks on Sunggyu door. " Come in. "

MS: Hyung, where is a good place to take Naeun out on a date?

SG: Go to the Beach, its summer and hot, perfect way to bond.

MS: What I am more worried about is what if we get caught.

SG: Let manager know and get him to tell CEO. The rest will depend on luck, have you asked if she wants this relationship public or anything?

MS: I'll ask her later and I've already let manager know and he told CEO. Thank you so much, the rest of the kids just were yelling or watching 

   Myungsoo stops and see's one of Sunggyu's tabs.

MS: Hyung... not you too.

SG: Who said you can't help and was watching . kekekekeke

    Myungsoo messages Naeun and asks if she's free tomorrow. 

" I am free "                     " Beach date tomorrow? "               " OMG YES! "                    " I'll let you know the info tonight!"

                        -Naeun                                                        -L                                      -Naeun                                                                          -L

   The next day around 12:30pm they meet up at the lobby.

Naeun was wearing her bikini under her jumper and a mask. sunglasses and hat over her face with her let loose in curls.

Myungsoo was wearing a tank top. shorts, carrying naeun's bag and he also had a douffle bag around his shoulders with sunglasses and a hat on.

   They both got into a car that L rented from this manager.

Naeun: Today's such a nice day,  I can't wait to go to the beach but don't you think we look a bit toooo obvious?

Myungsoo: I think we just need to really just put out an act as normal people.

Naeun: WOW, I never thought the day would come to act being " normal "

Myungsoo: Haha, you're so funny - says sarcastically-

   The manager of Infinite gave them a few advice about if being caught.

They got to the beach, there were quite a few people as it was a holiday weekend. Myungsoo gave Naeun's bag, They both laid their towels down on the hot sand beside each other. Naeun started taking her food out and they played music, fed each other and enjoyed each others company. When more people start arriving later for the fireworks, many people have surrounded them and have been whispering to each other. They both acted like nothing as their manger told them to keep cool even with attention earlier in the van. Myungsoo and Naeun over heard people say, " Don't they look familiar, they're too cute together. Naeun looked at myungsoo with laughter and said, " we look good together apparenetly ay? " 

Suddenly these group of team girls asked myungsoo a question. " excuse me, can you take your glasses off for a second, we want to just fix up this misunderstanding with my friends of you being someone we might know. "

" Sorry, I don't think I can do that for you, I have a black eye from getting beaten up from this girlfriend. " Myungsoo answered with a smirk speaking with a dialet so no one will know its him.

The girl grabbed Naeun and they attempted to pull her glasses off. Naeun started screaming in so much terror of being caught. Everyone was then once again had their attention onto the couple. Many people started coming up assuming it was them. " Myungsoo oppa! Your way too obvious. " " Naeun ah, We all know it's you, " people eventually started taking pictures of the couple and immediatley became the number one search bar. The couple denied everything and quickly packed up and walked with much fear back into the manager's van. 

Myungsoo kept apologizing on behalf of the date. Naeun started not speaking much as she clicked on an article on the top search bar and showing to Myungsoo. " COULD THIS BE A CELEBRITY WE KNOW SPOTTED ON THE BEACH? "

Naeun broke down in tears with such fear. " I don't want to get caught. I don't really care about my career anymore. I just wished we'd be able to date freely without all this equipent - she takes off her mask- 

Myungsoo asks Naeun, " Do you want to become public? " 

Naeun," Not now. It's just been a little while since your dating scandal was released. I do but I'm scared. I want to think through it but I want to be able to go on dates freely just like how couples are.

Myungsoo suddenly thinks and gives an idea, " How about we both give each other 21 days and really think through it. Will it really be the best choice, if not then after the days, we have to find another solution. "

Naeun answered with a smile on her face, " 21 days it is. "


Hey everyone sorry about not updating much, i don't want to give out any excuses but I have a tendency to just write whenever I feel inspired to now, as if I did upload a chapter but I wrote effortlessly feeling as if i was doing homework. I decide to just write whenever I feel like fan girling or inspired. (: Thank you for reading this chapter and sorry about the confusion. The 21 days shall officially start, I'll be writing it in like a journal kind of form of each persons point of view. Alright, hope you're having a fantastic September and don't forget to upvote, comment, and subscribe! LOTS OF LOVE, hopefully will be updating soon!



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somethingfromyworld #1
Chapter 5: Yay! I hope the relationship between those two wont end badly. Author-nim fighting. Update whenever you are very very free
shippersails #2
I'm sorry for the confusion everyone the chapter. I have deleted that chapter and will be re writing and fixing the errors I've made. That chapter wasn't really great, i believe so too, because I kind of just did it like I didn't put as much thoughts as the other chapters. From now on, I promise to commit to the story! I'll be updating either tonight or tomorrow night! (: Thank you for understanding! -shippersails
SamGurl #3
Chapter 5: UH I'm confused here...I thought Myung was being a jerk to her..but now everything's all good like whatever happened n what Myung said earlier didnt happen at all...
koala_panda #4
Chapter 5: i am sorry i think i am now they are dating?is naeun already forgive myung?
blackcouplee #5
Chapter 3: update soon please ><
hottestkhuntorian93 #6
Chapter 3: Myungsoo!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO NAEUN?!!
SamGurl #7
Chapter 3: WTF Myungsoo!! gosh he is a frkn jerk!
MyungEuncouple #8
Chapter 1: Update soon
hennyKNJ #9
Chapter 1: update soon please..
myungsenpai #10
wah excited >.<
Update soon ; )