Let's go to bed hyung

Sleepy Hyung

Jiyong was looking forward to coming home, so he could snuggle up to Seunghyun and sleep for a solid 8 hours because tomorrow was their day off. What Jiyong didn’t expect but honestly, he should have, was Seunghyun fast asleep on the couch, with his face planted in the cushion and his book dangling from his fingers. A low sigh slipped over Jiyong’s lips but a fond smile slowly showed itself on them as well. He knew Seunghyun had a habit of staying up waiting for him, no matter what ungodly hours he said he would be home. Carefully Jiyong crossed the room and crouched in front of Seunghyun, he took the book, making sure to place the bookmark where Seunghyun’s fingers before had been. Jiyong then raised his arm and placed it on Seunghyun’s shoulder, to shake him so he would wake up.

“Hyung you have to wake up. Seunghyun wakey wakey.” Jiyong made sure to speak in a normal tone because no way was a whisper able to wake his hyung. A very low grumbling was heard from the sleeping man, before he tried to push Jiyong’s hand away and turning onto his side. Since Seunghyun had shifted position, Jiyong was now able to see his face. Once again, he placed his hand on Seunghyun’s shoulder, and started to shake him again, this time around blowing air onto his face. “Wakey wakey Hyung we got stuff to do.” Jiyong made sure to use his leader voice this time around, because that normally helped in getting Seunghyun to do anything.

“Mmhp… Wanna sleep” Came a very slow answer, Seunghyun’s voice was laced with sleep, and since he still hadn’t opened his eyes, it was clear that he wasn’t completely awake yet.

“I know, but you have to move from the couch, and come to bed with me.” Jiyong knew that the mention of a bed and himself would help at making Seunghyun wake up some more.

Jiyong watched Seunghyun, as he slowly opened his eyes, clearly not comfortable with the amount of light in the room. Seunghyun blinked a couple of times very lazily, but when he finally focused on Jiyong, a slow yet very sleepy smile found its way to his lips.

“Ji… You’re home.” The confused expression that crossed Seunghyun’s features was so endearing to Jiyong that he leaned down and placed a peck on Seunghyun’s lips. The peck made the confusion blossom up but then the sleepy smile once again found its way onto Seunghyun’s lips. 

“Yes, now come on so we can go to bed.” Jiyong made sure to put pressure on the word we, knowing that a sleepy Seunghyun pretty much was willing to do anything if cuddling was in the picture.

Seunghyun slowly sat up; sleep still lingering in every movement, even when he blinked it was slowly as if it was the hardest task ever. “I want a cigarette…” The way Seunghyun looked at Jiyong was almost the same way a 5-year-old child would like at their parent, when asking permission to do something. Once again, Jiyong sighed, but he didn’t have the hearth to say no to Seunghyun since he truthfully was one of the most adorable people Jiyong had ever encountered when they were sleepy, unlike other people that would try to kill you when tired.  

“We can share one, and that’s it hyung.” Jiyong knew his voice had been to stern but he also knew Seunghyun might fall asleep again if he stayed outside for too long. What Jiyong didn’t see coming was Seunghyun almost jumping up and pulling him into a huge bear hug, Jiyong could feel Seunghyun nuzzle his nose into his hair. Jiyong slowly raised his arms and patted Seunghyun on the back, before pulling away.

“Your hair smells good” Seunghyun looked at Jiyong as if this was the most important fact ever, which it probably also was to him. Jiyong just looked dumbfounded at Seunghyun, completely forgetting what he was going to say just seconds before.

“Thank you? Come on hyung if you want that cigarette it’s going to be now.” Before Seunghyun could reply, Jiyong was dragging him outside, only stopping to fish Seunghyun’s Marlboro out of his jacket pocket. One thing everybody close to Seunghyun knew was that when he was sleepy he would be extremely honest and piggy when it came to certain things, such as what he smoked.

Seunghyun dumped down in one of their chairs on the veranda, pulling Jiyong down on his lap. Jiyong looked at him with a puzzled look before a pout crossed Seunghyun’s lips and an unsatisfied hum came from him.

Carefully Jiyong fished out a cigarette and placed it between Seunghyun’s lips, before lighting it. Jiyong watched as Seunghyun breathed in and out for a few minutes, before he handed Jiyong the cigarette. When Jiyong lifted the glowing stick to his lips, he could feel Seunghyun snuggling into his neck, Jiyong lifted the arm he wasn’t using and let his fingers run through Seunghyun’s hair. A very low satisfied hum rumbled in Seunghyun’s chest and throat and Jiyong placed a soft kiss on his hair.

The couple stayed like that for several minutes, before Seunghyun moved his face and another pout appeared on his lips. Jiyong looked at him with a confused expression before he realized what Seunghyun wanted. Carefully he lifted the cigarette to Seunghyun’s lips, watched him breathe in and then Jiyong once again took the cigarette. Seunghyun exhaled before nuzzling back into Jiyong’s neck with a content hum. Jiyong kept running his fingers through Seunghyun’s hair and smoking the now almost burnt down cigarette. When the cigarette was burnt down almost to the filter, Jiyong made sure to put it out in their ashtray. Every once in a while a very low humming sound would come from Seunghyun, until Jiyong realized that it had been almost 5 minutes since he had last heard it. 

“Hyung?” Why Jiyong even bothered with checking if Seunghyun was awake was a wonder even to him. As he expected no answer came from the sleeping man. Jiyong moved his hand from Seunghyun’s hair to his shoulder, shaking him once more. Instantly Seunghyun shot up from his slouched position and looked at Jiyong with big eyes clearly very confused.

“Come on.” As Jiyong talked, he slowly stood up offering Seunghyun his hand. Sleep still lingering in every move Seunghyun made, he moved slowly obviously not trusting his own body. Jiyong leaded the way inside to their bathroom, he made sure to move in a slow pace so Seunghyun could keep up. Every time Jiyong would look back at Seunghyun, it was clear he was fighting with staying awake.

As Jiyong the light in the bathroom, he noticed how Seunghyun flinched since it was so bright, but also how he shut his eyes to avoid the unpleasant light. Jiyong quickly stepped in front of Seunghyun, placing both hands on the tired man’s cheeks.

“Hyung, look at me, you have to stay awake.” Jiyong made sure to talk in a quiet voice to not add to anymore-unpleasant feelings for Seunghyun.

“It’s too bright…” Came the slurred reply from Seunghyun, but he slowly pried opened his eyes. Looking at Jiyong with squinting eyes, clearly struggling with keeping them that way.

“There you go.” Jiyong send Seunghyun a bright smile and then placed a light kiss on his nose. Carefully Jiyong pulled Seunghyun with him over to the sink. Finding Seunghyun’s toothbrush he made sure to put toothpaste on it, before handing it over to Seunghyun. He made sure Seunghyun was aware of what he was supposed to do, before he brushed his own teeth.

“Of to bed with us then.” Jiyong said when he was sure they were done in the bathroom. The blessed smile that grazed Seunghyun’s features had Jiyong forgetting all logic for a moment, before he blinked and slowly shook his head. When they stepped into the bedroom Seunghyun quickly aimed for the bed, but Jiyong was quicker in stopping him. A loud whine escaped Seunghyun, which led to a giggle from Jiyong because how was a grown man able to be so adorable?

Making sure that Seunghyun was following him, Jiyong found a hoodie and handed it to him. Jiyong was rather happy that Seunghyun had changed pants earlier on, so he didn’t have to struggle with getting him into a pair of sweatpants now. While Jiyong changed clothes, he heard Seunghyun crossing the room and curling up on the bed under the duvet. Apparently, Jiyong wasn’t moving fast enough before a very displeased sound was heard from Seunghyun.

“Can’t sleep…” Two very slurred and almost impossible words escaped Seunghyun’s lips.

“How can that be?” Jiyong turned around and was met with the sight of Seunghyun not being able to keep his eyes open very long at a time, with the duvet tucked up to his chin.

“You’re too far away” Even though Seunghyun was struggling with staying awake, he managed to make it sound like the most obvious thing ever.

A smile found its way to Jiyong’s lips. Quickly he crossed the room and pulled the duvet down before slipping into bed. Jiyong made sure that his back was turned to Seunghyun before he scooted closer. He heard Seunghyun moving and then he felt an arm slipping under him and curling over his chest and the other arm sliding over his waist. Lastly, Jiyong felt Seunghyun once again nuzzle into the crook of his neck, and he more felt than heard the low hum that went through Seunghyun’s chest.

“Goodnight hyung.” The only answer that met Jiyong was Seunghyun’s heavy and even breathing telling him that his hyung finally fell asleep a reasonable place. Jiyong fell asleep not slowly after, with a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips.


A/N: So this would be my first gtop fic, leave a comment and tell me what you think if it's criticism or praise, no matter what I'll appreciate it.

I really need a beta writer to check on my grammar and basically just help me so if you are or know anybody who might want to help me, please write to me on here or on my Tumblr thegirlnaia.

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Chapter 1: Yay it was just so adorable omg seunghyun Is so cute omg just so cute
Chapter 1: Omooo so cute ^^ lived it! Thank you for the story ^^
Chapter 1: wow great story here...
elisechoi #4
Chapter 1: Great! It's so sweet! I love it when TOP acts like a little boy. So cute.
Chapter 1: So sweet<33
MaryGTop #6
Chapter 1: This is really sweet and adorable. I hope you'll write more gtop ff. <3
emsxxxfitzo #7
Chapter 1: Aaww too adorable <3
My heart can't handle this, needy Seunghyun is sooo cute ><
flivana #8
Chapter 1: So cuteeee ><
The scene where they smoke together ♥_♥
Good job authornim!!! ♥~
koyangi_gtop #9
Chapter 1: good job (y)