

It wasa a once in a life time opportunity.

The opportunity to go inside an academy that is full of talented people.

I'm Shin Ririn call me Riri. I was accepted in kirin art school. It was my dream. I thought my dreams are slowly being granted but I thought wrong.

The Dream to become a singer.

The Dream that is too high for an ordinary person.

So watch me reach it. Aja! Aja! fighting!


Hey guys I hope you support this one. Thanks in advance.

Shin Ririn

 She is an ordinary girl living in a cruel world. She is determined to be korean's number 1 singer. Will she achieve it?


A guy who have everything but he is still searching for something that was not given to him by his family.... Love.Will he find it or Will he just continue life like an island?


He is the guy who always thought that life was just about playing games. But in th Game of love, Will he win or will he let go?


Hey guys I'm nervous about this one help me. Thanks for Reading this



need help Please like this it's for my english project: https://www.facebook.com/christine.fabian.5/posts/899940273353805?ref=notif¬if_t=like

This is also a story so if you like to read it please do I hope you enjoy it



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