If I stay

If I Stay
   Here I am, in my apartment all alone...as always. It's thundering outside and all the lights are out. If only Yoseob was here with me....
~ 5 months ago ~
   It was a rainy day here in Seoul. I am always afraid of a rainy day or thunder storms, it scares the crap out of me. Gladly Yoseob was there with me.
"Oppa I-I'm scared",I stuttered to him while he on his laptop.
"Do you need Oppa with you~",He said with a hint of aegyo. I nodded to him. He closed his laptop and followed me to my bedroom. We cuddled in bed, in each other's embrace. I wasn't scared anymore. He's my life saver. He started singing On Rainy Days to me. With that I feel asleep on his chest.
   From thinking about that memory a tear slipped out of my eye. I really miss him. Why,why Yoseob??? You'll never leave me alone. It came out of your own mouth. And you know I hate thundering nights. I already know he won't come.....he's somewhere else...he's apparently at his 'friends' house. He's been doing that since 3 months.... I guess he doesn't love me, but I still believe it. Let me start over to three months ago. It was a beautiful Friday day. Flowers blooming all over the place and birds chirping happily. Yoseob told me he was going to stay over at Kikwang's house. But that same night I just had to go over there to see him.Something was bothering me to just go over there,and so I went over to Kikwang's house. 
~Kikwang's House~
I ringed the doorbell  of Kikwang's house.
"Oh,___ your here",He said nervously rubing his back of his neck.
"Yea,I just wanted to see how Yoseob was", I said.
"M-maybe you should go home, it's late out",he said changing the subject. But I figured out why. I saw yoseob kissing a girl on the couch.She had long black hair.She looked cute and innocent.She was thin and slim.*Yoseob's ideal type*. I cried all the way home. How could Yoseob do that to me? He said I'll be his first and last love.Liar. I trusted him. Did he just played with my heart for all these 2 years? I ended up crying all night while Yoseob was with that girl. Even I don't know her, I don't like her.
~Back to present~
So I knew what he always did on the weekends. But why did I not break up with him?It's because he's the only one I have and I mean only.My parents died when I was younger, I don't have any siblings,and I didn't have any friends.Yoseob loved and cared for me.He said he'll protect me forever, but all those words were lies.Lies that can hurt the one that loves you. So I suffer everyday but I can never let him go. He doesn't like to be that close to me like how he used to.He always put on that fake smile. He's not the same person I fell over heels for. And I know he doesn't love me anymore, but I always have hope that he'll return to me.....maybe.
"I'm going to stay over at friend's place, bye"Yoseob said in a hurry.
"bye",I barely said. Then he was out of the place. I decided to follow him today to IU's place.Yes the girl that Yoseob loves her name is IU. I figure out over the months. Her was Huge!!! It was like a queen's palace. I was about to knock on the door but I noticed it was unlocked.Hahahaha Yoseob forget to closed and lock the door.How stupid of him.
The house was just toooooo huge!!! I could get lost in this house!!! I tired look for him but everything was empty. I went upstairs and looked around the second floor. I heard some noises coming from a room. I tracked it down and(not to be rude I'm being curious) and slightly open the door just to peek in. I see Yoseob and IU together to you know stuff. I couldn't do anything put freeze.A tear slipped out of my eye. I pulled my self and closed the door. I walked slowly back to my apartment.
~On the other hand~
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Chapter 1: Please update