Youngjae 98

B.A.P. Oneshots III

            Chasing after two children was hard work. Youngjae got up from his seat and groaned. Daehyun definitely owed him, big time. For every bone he felt creak, every joint that locks, his friend was going to have to pay by the hundreds. “Youngsuk! Jaylie! Get over here and stop running.”

            The shrieks of happy children did not cease until Youngsuk came skidding six feet across the wooden floor. Youngjae winced. All that hard work he put into waxing was ruined by one four feet tall monster. Jaylie, too scared to outright slide, half skated, half tripped her way over.

            “Alright, we’re going to be practicing quiet time. How does going to a museum sound?”

            “Euw! Quiet time!” Youngsuk threw himself down the floor and gagged loudly. Seeing him react, Jaylie also stuck out her tongue and shook her head. “No want! No want!”

            Youngjae puffed himself up to give himself a more authoritative air. “Children! If we can get through four hours at the museum with absolute silence and good behavior, then we’re going to come back and each of you can choose a dinner menu item. Does that sound good?”

            At the mention of food, Jaylie opened her large eyes and stopped whining. As expected from Daehyun’s child, of course. “Uncle Jae?” she tugged on his pants leg. “Can we have cake and ice cweam?”

            Normally Youngjae liked cake and fruit for dessert but seeing the hopeful shine in her eyes made him relent. He bent to pick her up. “Of course. But only if you’re good!”

            Now he understood why Daehyun was always dragged around, doing her bidding. The smile she sent his way had his heart pitter pattering. Two year old girls were not allowed to be this adorable.

            “Daddy! Pick me! Pick me!” Determined not to be outdone, Youngsuk was jumping up and down, demanding attention. “I want hamburgers!”

            It was a feat of great physical strength that Youngjae managed to pick both kids up and lock the door. “Alright, let’s go!”

            To cultivate their sense of the fine arts, Youngjae took them to an art museum. It was a large gallery with arts from many eras, as well as foreign Western art. At first the colors and the fine water paintings captivated their attention but after an hour of walking in basically absolute silence, Youngsuk was fidgeting.

            Youngjae could see his son turn red in the face from the multitude of words he had kept bottled inside. He detoured to the pottery and crafts. This fascinated them more and Youngsuk walked ahead to stare at the different clay bowls and the weird scratching on the head. When he stopped in front of an Egyptian sarcophagus, he stared.

            “Jaylie! Look, a mummy!”

            Jaylie was holding onto Youngjae’s hand but he let he walk ahead so she could stare at the display. She pressed her hand on the glass and peered in.

            “Jaylie, Jaylie, did you know that if you look right at a mummy, it’ll come alive? Don’t stare at its head!” Youngsuk whispered loudly.

            The little girl shrieked and jerked away, hiding her face in Youngjae’s stomach. He gently hit his son admonishingly on the shoulder. “Apologize, Youngsuk. And if you keep being loud, I’ll have to take away the hamburger.”

            His son’s mouth hung open. Youngsuk poked Jaylie in the back. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “But I would have saved you anyway.” Hearing this, the girl slowly unveiled her face and gave a small smile.

            Youngjae shook his head. Flirting, and only at the tender ages of three and two. After finishing the Mesopotamian section along with the Joseon dynasty, Youngjae decided it was time to let loose some of the bottled up energy before they exploded at home.

            He strapped them into their seat belts and drove to a nearby music museum. This was noise galore and they screamed as they entered. He didn’t bother telling them to stop, but as they went around the various music genres and music history exhibitions, Youngjae made sure they were quiet.

            Listening to the different music kept them engaged and Youngsuk even attempted to beat box when they got to hip hop. He blew into his hand and spit everywhere, much to Jaylie’s disgust.

            “Oppa euwwwwww,” she giggled into her hand as one droplet landed on her cheek.

            There was a dance studio which Youngsuk begged to go into. An instructor was teaching people of all ages how to dance a segment to a hip hop song. Youngjae ushered them in and tried to blend into the sidelines but she forced him to take his place behind them.

            The moves weren’t complicated but repetitive and Youngsuk was able to get them down. It took Jaylie longer as she simply could not understand. For a split second, Youngjae was worried she would cry and so he prepared himself but instead, Youngsuk took her hand and started swaying completely out of rhythm.

            Youngjae watched as Youngsuk showed her one move then the other and slowly Jaylie got it, her actions still not smooth but accurate enough. By the end of the practice, Youngjae was about to collapse. All this cardio was certainly not good for him.

            He had successfully tired them out and the two were knocked out on the way home. They ate dinner quite subdued and immediately crawled onto the couch to watch TV after finishing. When Daehyun came to pick his daughter up, he found her asleep on Youngsuk’s stomach.

            “Was she good?” he asked and Youngjae nodded.

            “Yeah, but you need to do something about her puppy eyes. They almost got me into trouble. I would have agreed to do anything, and I know for sure Sukkie is already smitten.”

            “What?” Daehyun glared at Youngjae and Youngjae smirked.

            “Mark my words, we’ll be related someday.”

            Daehyun shuddered but stopped when Jaylie stirred in his arms. “Next time, I’m finding Jongup to babysit.”


meep I sort of feel like people haven't been reading lately @___@ 

But more Younglie for people keke

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Dodoisthree #1
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
Chapter 82: Oooh. That was so cheesy, but totally something he would say.
Chapter 81: That's so funny, her reaction and his. He was really expecting a hit.
Chapter 78: Thought they were married at first.
Chapter 77: He is so talented, I wish him so much luck in his future career, especially given the latest news.
Chapter 76: I agree with the little boy's opinion about babies.
Chapter 75: He was full of hints, can't see how she didn't see it. At least she did at the end. It was funny to read their conversation.
Chapter 74: ﹋o﹋
Chapter 73: Elaborate and simple, it worked for him.