Confidence is Key! (Or Not)


Being confident is being y!

Confidence will attract guys!

Love yourself first before you expect others to love you!

What if one girl takes these sayings to the extreme?

Would it work out for her, or would she destroy her love life?


Soora(you) was always the nice quiet girl in school. She wasn't a loner, but she wasn't popular. She was just normal, and like any other normal girl, she had a crush on the school's hottest guy, Kai. So like any other girl with crushes, she confesses to him. Unfortunately, this kingka isn't the nice prince type, in fact, he's a player, a player that can get just about any girl. If he can get any girl, why would he settle for a plain jane like Soora? So this confession ends with a rejection, a painful rejection, but Soora's not going to cry herself a river. She's going to pick herself back up and work her hardest to become an attractive woman, but that plan might just backfire on her.


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