Chapter 7

Eternally Yours

Chapter 7


Present Day- DongHo Bridge


Yuri closes her eyes and takes in another breath of the cool, crisp autumn air. A sense of familiarity rushes over her when the gentle breeze blows through her long, jet black, hair making it dance in the air.

“Yuri-yah… you’re thinking about her again aren’t you?” said a voice.

Yuri wasn’t startled by her voice, for she knew its owner. In fact, she knows it far too well. She looks over at her newly joined companion.

“I’m sorry, Fany-ah…” she says and smiles apologetically. “I know you said that it’s better off that I don’t try to recall the past…But I can’t help it.”

Tiffany simply nods in acknowledgement of her apology. “Yuri-yah, let’s go home… Yoona and Seohyun are waiting for us…”

“Oh… Ok.”

Yuri finally turns away from Seoul’s scenery and begins walking with Tiffany by her side.

“Yuri-yah…” Tiffany started saying but was interrupted by the sound of Yuri’s phone. Yuri fishes the phone out of her pocket and answers it.


“Kwon Yuri!” said the voice on the phone.

“Taeng! I’m sorry! I’ll have it ready soon, I promise.” Yuri answers, already knowing that the only reason her editor and good friend, Kim Taeyeon, would be calling her at this hour. Yuri quickly turns to Tiffany and mouths “I’m sorry…”

“You better…They’re waiting for your next chapter.” Taeyeon says quickly and bids Yuri goodbye.

“I’m sorry again, Fany-ah. What were you going to say?” Yuri questions.

“Huh? Oh… it’s nothing important. Let’s just hurry and get home.” She replied while hooking her arm onto Yuri’s left arm.


*Yuri-yah… will I ever be able to have a place in your heart?* these were the last thoughts on Tiffany’s mind when she solemnly looks at Yuri’s face. The moonlight accentuated her already darkened skin and blended very well together; making Yuri looked even more stunning than usual causing Tiffany to be mesmerized.



Flash back – end of 1999


Months by months passes by fairly quickly that year. It was almost Christmas time in Seoul. The streets were lit with Christmas lights and decorations dresses the normally plain light poles. The ground was blanketed by snow, the stars were out tonight and even the moon was shining in the sky.

Beneath the moonlight, lays a giddy young girl on the bed with her body stretched out, scribbling away in her journal about the events that happened earlier that day with a silly smile on her face. This causes her younger sister to give her an odd look.

“Unnie… you have that creepy smile on your face again…” Yoona says with an eyebrow raised.

“Oh…haha. Sorry.” Yuri replies and laughs nervously.

“What are you writing about anyway? Why are you being so suspicious?”

“Hehe, it’s nothing Yoong.”

“Yul… You get weirder and weirder everyday. What has Fany unnie done to you? Oh, well at least you look happier now.”

Yuri just simply smiled. Yoona was right about one thing. Yuri is happier, but not because of Tiffany. But there was a certain ice princess that did make her life a little happier.

Earlier that day


“Yuri-yah!” Tiffany greeted when she spot Yuri sitting in her usual spot.

“Hey Tiffany…” replied Yuri while looking beside to see an annoyed Jessica.

Jessica scoffs and looked away from the two girls.


*Kwon Yuri… why aren’t you like that with me? Why are we so awkward around each other?* Jessica thought bitterly.


“Yuri-yah, do you have time after school today?” Tiffany continued once she got to where Yuri is sitting.


Jessica didn’t want to listen to their conversation any longer, so she decided to put her head down on the desk and tries her best to tune them out.


*Why? Why do I feel like this? This feeling… it’s not right…Kwon Yuri, why do you make me feel this way?* Jessica thought, biting back the tears that were threatening to come out.


“No, not really. I only have to pick up Yoona and that’s it.”

“Oh, well that’s not a problem then. Yoona can go home with Hyunnie and my mom today. Then you can pick her up later.”

“Oh… yeah. That’s fine. I guess. What did you have in mind?”

“OH! There’s this new café that just opened up… so I wanted to go there and try it out!" Tiffany exclaims loudly, which causes Jessica to jump in her seat. This made Jessica more annoyed then she already was.

“Ya… Hwang Miyoung, do you have to be so noisy this early in the morning?” Jessica retorted.


Tiffany says nothing and stuck her tongue out at Jessica. Yuri already knowing what lies ahead if she didn’t step in to stop these two from biting each other’s head off.


“So Jessica… Do you want to come with us after school?” says Yuri.

“Yooori-yahhhhh~! Why does she have to come with us??” whines Tiffany.

“The more the merrier, Fany-ah.”


*Fany? Since when were they this close…* Jessica pondered.


“Fine… hmph…” pouted Tiffany.

“So what about it Jessica? Do you want to come?” Yuri questions her again.

“Will it stop you from bugging me and her from being so noisy?” Jessica replies coolly. *Aigo…Sica… why did you take that tone again?* thought Jessica, mentally scolding herself.

“Yes.” Yuri answers with a huge grin on her face.

“Then fine. I’ll go.” Jessica replies and puts her head back down on the desk.


Tiffany was in her seat by now since their teacher finally shows up to class.


“Good morning class.”

“Good morning, Ms. Kim.” says the class in unison.



The trio arrived at Lovers’ Lane, a quaint little café that had the perfect view of the Han River. The view was absolutely breathtaking, giving off a sense of romance. The aroma of coffee filled their senses each time the café’s door was opened, luring the three towards the door.


“Oh my god!” Tiffany exclaims in English causing all the customers inside the café to stare at the three of them. Some gave them odd looks while others simply laugh at the girl.

“Ya! Tiffany… do you have to be so loud? Everyone’s looking at us.” Jessica replies in her perfect English.


Yuri’s eyes lit up at the sound her Jessica’s voice; her eyes were focus on Jessica now. She has never heard Jessica speak a word of English until now. Even though it was all just a garbled mess to her.


“Kwon Yuri… what are you staring at?” Jessica icy voice made Yuri wake up from whatever dream world she was in.

“Uh… nothing.”

“Yuri-yahhhhhh! Let’s go order something~!” Tiffany exclaims and pulls Yuri to the counter with her leaving Jessica standing by herself.

“Uh…ok…” Yuri replied with her eyes still focused on Jessica. She could’ve sworn that she saw a glint of sadness in Jessica’s eyes when Tiffany pulled her to the counter.


*Kwon Yuri, you are just imagining things… why would Jessica be sad?* contemplated Yuri and turns away.


*Yuri-yah…* Jessica watches as Tiffany pulls Yuri away from her. A feeling of sadness washes over her and Jessica lost whatever appetite she had when they first entered the café. So, she looked around for an empty table that would fit three people. Obviously this café was ideal for couples, like the name stated. She finally settled for a booth, at least the seat was big enough to fit the three of them.

Jessica gazes outside the window and watches as car passes by, as if she was in a trance. A sweet smell startled her, it was the smell of something she loves the most; strawberries. Jessica pulls her attention away from the window and look at the pastry that was in front her, and then to the owner of the outstretched arm.

“Here. I bought this for you.” Yuri says and smiled at her.


“It reminded me of you. The strawberries, I mean.” She simply replied.

This made Jessica think of the first time that she met Yuri. And what happened that day was something that she would never forget. *Yuri-yah… do you still remember that day…?*

“Are you gonna take it or not? My arm is getting tired…” Yuri complained.

Jessica reaches out and take the pastry off of Yuri’s hand and says, “You know… strawberry cakes are my favorite dessert. Thank you.”  Jessica smiled at Yuri. A warm, gentle smile.  A smile that caused Yuri’s face to become brightly pink and Yuri, herself, becomes flustered.

“Uh… where’s Tiffany?” Jessica questions when she notices that Yuri only returns by herself without Tiffany glue to her side.

“Oh, she met some friends over in that corner. She’ll join us in a little bit.” Yuri replies and pointed towards the three girls that were giggling away on the other side of the café.

“Oh…” Jessica murmured and turns her attention back towards the window. She felt the cushion sinks down as pressure was being applied to it when Yuri sat down beside her.

It’s been a while since they were this close. Yuri felt that nervousness was going to envelop her very soon.  Luckily, Tiffany comes in and saves the day.

It was almost sundown, before the three departed from the café. The walk was awkwardly silent, even Tiffany who was usually cheerful didn’t speak a word. Soon they arrived at Tiffany’s house. 

“Oh… Yuri-yah, I’ll go get Yoona for you.” She said and walks inside the house. 

A few moments later, the doe-eyed little girl comes skipping out the door.

“Hi unnie!” she greeted her sister. “Oh… who’s this? Your friend?” Yoona asks innocently.

“Yes… this is Jessica.”

“Oh… Jessica unnie! Hiii!” she greeted with a big grin on her face.


The three bids farewell to Tiffany and continues along the path. The streetlights flickered and began to light up the street as the sun went down. Almost instinctively, Jessica reaches for Yuri’s hand and holds onto it. Yuri was startled by this and it felt like little sparks were traveling down her spine when Jessica’s hand touched hers. At first, she wanted to let go… but something made her discard the thought almost immediately. 

“I don’t like the dark.” She simply said. Yuri nodded.



“Unnie… you’re being creepy… and you’re even blushing!! Omo!! Unnieee are you thinking about something you’re not supposed to??”

Yoona’s voice interrupted Yuri’s thought and finally brought her back to her senses. Yuri quickly plays it off coolly by laughing and then telling her sister to get to bed. 

“You’re still weird.” Yoona muttered under her breath.

 Yuri ignored her sister and continued scribbling away in her journal. 

December 15th, 1999


Today I held her hand for the first time. There was this feeling, I can’t explain it. But somehow it felt right, to hold her hand that is. I also found out that Jessica isn’t as cold as she looks. But beneath her cold exterior there’s a really warm and caring girl who quietly holds others hands first. Jessica Jung… you make me feel something that is unexplainable.


Yuri quickly wraps up her journal entry for the day and fell asleep with a smile on her face.


End flashback



Present Day


Yuri and Tiffany finally arrived at their apartment; the apartment that she has shared with Tiffany, Yoona, and Seohyun. The place that Yuri has called home for as long as she can remember; it has been her home ever since the day she turned 17 and took Yoona away from that place and away from that woman. Yuri shuddered at the thought of her mom… her past…




“Yuri-yah, wait for me ok?”

“You promise?”

“I’ll return to you.”

“Wait for me…”


“Wait… don’t go. Tell me your name. Wait!” Yuri mumbles in her sleep, beads of sweat covered her forehead. “Wait…”

“Yuri-yah… Yuri… wake up. Wake up, it’s just a dream. Wake up, Yuri-yah…” Tiffany says slightly shaking Yuri’s shoulder.


Her eyes fluttered open and met with Tiffany’s worried ones. Yuri sits up and cups Tiffany’s face with her hands and caresses it with her thumbs.


“Fany-ah… I’m ok…” She said reassuring the worry ridden Tiffany.

“But Yuri… you were covered in sweat and you were mumbling something.”


Yuri simply smiles and kisses Tiffany’s forehead causing her to blush.


“Wait here, I’ll get you a towel for you to wash your face.”

Yuri obediently nods and then turns her head towards the open window. 

It was always the same dream. The blurred face of a young girl would call out to her and asks her to wait. The dream made her heart ache, it made feel like she was longing for something… more specifically someone rather; there were many times when she would call out to the girl in hopes of receiving an answer. But she receives none and the dream would end.

*Who are you? Why do I feel like you’re someone very important to me?* Yuri ponders.

Tiffany soon returns to the bedside and hands Yuri the warm towel.

“Yuri-yah…I have to leave for work now. Be good today. The kids already left for school. So it’s just you for the most part of the day.”

“Oh ok. I’ll find something to entertain myself with. Besides, I have to get that chapter finished before Taeyeon gets on my back again.” Yuri says as she lazily gets up out of bed.

“Oh. Well ok bye Yuri. I’ll see you later.” Tiffany says as she gives Yuri a peck on the cheek when they bid each other farewell at the door. 

*Hmm… now is a good time for my Ma drink. That should give me the energy to think of what to write.* 

As she walks towards the kitchen a sense of familiarity hits her. She felt as if she has done this before. A sort of… déjà vu type of feeling, but she couldn’t place a finger on it. 


Flashback – 2001 

April 25th, 2001


She is absolutely something special to me. I can’t explain it, but she makes me look forward to waking up early in the morning. We have our own special morning routine now. To help her from being late, I would go for a morning jog over to her house and drag her back home. Hehe…I’m glad she doesn’t live that far away from me. She hates it when I wake her up early. She’s such a big baby. I think I’ll call her “Baby Sica”. What do you think? Omo… it’s almost time for me to go get my “Baby Sica”. I’ll write more later.


Time flew by quickly for the three of them. Even though Jessica and Tiffany would often quarrel with one another and Yuri had to step in as the mediator, their friendship got along well for the most part. They were now middle school students. Jessica and Yuri have grown closer to each other, more so than Yuri and Tiffany. Jessica and Yuri were always together; this caused Tiffany to feel like she was a third-wheel, leading her to become envious of their relationship. She wanted Yuri to pay more attention to her. Well that was supposed to be the plan anyway, before Jessica stepped into the picture that is.


“Ew… what’s that smell??” Jessica whines when she saw Yuri pouring out her blended Ma drink.

“It’s Ma!” Yuri answers happily. She the quizzical look on her face Yuri quickly explains what Ma was. “It’s Chinese yam, Sica…” 

Jessica wrinkles her nose at the smell as Yuri takes a gulp of the drink. 

“How can you possibly drink that stuff? It smells so bad… almost as bad as cucumbers!” Jessica exclaims.

“But it’s good for your health!”

“Whatever…” Jessica replies. 

Yuri stuck her tongue out at the young girl, grabs her schoolbag and dashes out of the house.
”Kwon Yuri! Wait for me! You’re so immature. Get back here now! N.O.W!!”  Jessica yells as she chases after Yuri.

“Ya! Jung Sooyeon-ah! Hurry up if you wanna catch me!! Haha!” Yuri teased.

“Ya!! Kwon Yuri! You’ll pay for this!!” and with that Jessica takes off her left shoe and launches it at Yuri. Luckily, Yuri saw it coming and ducked. 

“Oww! What the…” said a girl when Jessica’s shoe hit the back of her head.

Tiffany rubs the back of her head to soothe her newly acquired pain, and look down to see the cause of it all.

*A shoe? Who would throw a shoe at someone?* she wondered and looks around to see its furious owner. *It’s her again.*

“Ahh Tiffany! I’m sorry!! I didn’t mean for it to hit you. Blame Yuri for it! It’s all her fault!!” Jessica apologized.

“Ya! How is it my fault??” Yuri asked.

“Because! Because I say it is!” Jessica quickly replies and stuck her tongue out at Yuri.

“Oh… look who the childish one is now.” Says Yuri.


And again, Tiffany was left out of the loop by the two. 

*Yuri-yah… do you only have her in your eyes? What about me? You never walk to school with me before… but you always walk with her. It’s always Jessica this, Jessica that… What about me, Kwon Yuri? Do I still exist in your eyes…?* Tiffany thought sadly as she watches her friends walk towards the school, hand in hand.


“Fany-ah! Are you coming?” Yuri calls out.

“Oh… Yeah! Wait for me!”


End flashback

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Chapter 44: Best story ㅠㅡㅠ
jasonds #2
Chapter 45: wowwwww really touching story but i hate the endingggg hixxxx
Chapter 45: I,cry knowing that sica died I thought in the end you will say that its just the story that yul written but sica really died btw such a nice story I read this just one time and can't stop cos ur plot is unpredictable
Kyunggie_MRA #4
Chapter 45: Crying. It's too much. Way too much. It was a great story though. I thought it was going to be too angsty, but I was wrong. It was awesome.
kwonkeira143 #5
Chapter 45: Chapter 45:I couldn't stop crying
Kpopforever13 #6
Chapter 1: ;_; aw man this story was so good author-ssi
soyeon105 #7
Chapter 45: Ahh so sad!! :'(
Chapter 45: I really like this story author...
Thank you for the great story author...
This is still as amazing as when I first read it on SSF! I can still remember the waves of sadness overwhelming me when Sica passed... This is really nice. Thank you for the wonderful read.

P.S. : Do you mind sending me the link to download the PDF file?
Chapter 44: Great story...but so sad...huhuhu