Chapter 33

Eternally Yours

Chapter 33


Though Yuri’s hug was a bit of a surprise to her, Jessica didn’t mind; in fact, she welcomed it and returned the hug. Yuri’s hugs were always warm and comforting, that’s what Jessica loved about them the most. She could always feel safe in Yuri’s arms.


“I’m sorry…” Yuri apologizes after breaking away from the hug. “I shouldn’t have done that…”

“It’s okay… I don’t mind.” Jessica says with a smile on her face, which led to Yuri to reciprocate the same action.

“Come in.” Jessica says and motions for Yuri to come in.


Yuri settles down onto the small sofa and waits for Jessica to come back. Yuri racked her brains searching for the proper words to tell Jessica what happened. She at least deserves to know. Even if her and Jessica weren’t together; Jessica needed to know the truth.


Jessica places the glass of water on the table making a few clanking noise while doing it, causing Yuri to snap out of her thoughts. They locked eyes for a brief moment, before Yuri broke away from their gaze and sighed.


“Yuri-yah… what’s wrong? Is everything okay?” Jessica asked worriedly and sat on top of the table facing Yuri. Jessica places her hand on Yuri’s cheeks and caresses her soothingly.


Yuri flinches at the softness of Jessica’s touch. This isn’t right and she knew it. She couldn’t possibly lie to Jessica. The girl deserves to know of Yuri’s wrongdoings, if they ever wanted to work at a relationship; even if Jessica never clearly stated her feelings for Yuri. But before that, Yuri wanted to spend some time with Jessica before she reveals the truth; a truth that might destroy everything.


“Jessica… do you think we can just spend sometime together today? Just the two of us?” Yuri asked, holding onto Jessica’s hands. “Even though you might not feel the same way about me, like I feel for you…”

“But… I have lots of work to get done today…”

“Please? Just for one day…”


Jessica gazed into Yuri’s pleading dark brown eyes that made her heart skip a beat. Then she remembered what Krystal said to her. This is her chance to let Yuri know her true feelings. And besides that, she’s been dying to spend some quality time with Yuri.


“Ok.” Jessica said complying with Yuri’s request.


Yuri thanked her and pulls her in for another hug, before Jessica went to freshen up before they set out.



Seohyun figured that she and Yoona needed sometime apart because of all the tension between them since the recent event. But she also figured that Yoona would’ve been chasing after her right now. She was wrong. Yoona didn’t come after her. Instead Seohyun was now walking down the lonely street by herself.


She walked around aimlessly and eventually found herself in front of the hospital. She made her way to Tiffany’s room to see how she was doing.


“Unnie?” Seohyun whispers as she walks into the room towards her sister’s bed.


She notices that her sister was sleeping peacefully and decided not to bother her. Seohyun silently walks out of the room, leaving behind no trace of her presence; it was as if she has never been there.



“What to wear… what to wear…” Jessica mumbles to herself as she browses through her collection of blouses, skirts, skinny jeans and dresses.


Her eyes finally settled on the perfect outfit. Jessica smiled with satisfaction at her selection. Though she initially wanted to reject Yuri, but she was glad that Yuri suggested that they spend time together and she hoped that today would go smoothly. She gives herself one last look in the mirror before walking out to the living room.



“How long can a person take to get ready…?” Yuri mumbles to herself and leans back on the sofa, resting her head on its edge.

“Ok. I’m ready. Let’s go, Yuri-yah.” Jessica announces as she steps into the living room, finding Yuri staring blankly at the ceiling.


Yuri quickly snaps back to reality when she heard Jessica’s voice. Jessica appeared in front of her sporting a simple and casual outfit. Her eyes became fixated on the girl standing in front of her. Yuri let her eyes study every detail from Jessica’s head to toe. Jessica’s top was a simple short-sleeved dark blue and teal plaid button-up blouse, and a pair of blue skinny jeans that definitely showed off her slender legs and her well-formed curves. Her strawberry blonde hair was pulled up in a high bun with loose tendrils, cupping the side of her face. Yuri’s mouth subconsciously dropped and stayed open forming a small O as she gawked at Jessica’s body.


“Ya~ Kwon Yuri, wipe off that look on your face and whatever thoughts you have in your mind.”

“Ahem… Right.” Yuri said and got up from the sofa.

“Byuntae…” Jessica whispers.


Jessica walks past Yuri and grab her purse and ushers Yuri out the door, then locking it before they set out on the town.



“The person you are trying to reach is not able to answer the phone right now. Please, leave a message after the beep.” Said the automated voice.


Yoona closes her phone in frustration and continues to desperately search for her girlfriend.


“Aish… Seohyun-ah… where are you…”


Yoona aimlessly walked around the streets of Seoul for what seems to be hours upon hours and still had no luck. She looked in all the places that Seohyun would be, but there are still no traces of her. Yoona takes out her cell phone and decides to call the closest person that she know Seohyun would want to see right now.



“Fany unnie! Is she with you?”

“What? Yoona calm down. Is who with me?”

“Unnie… is Seohyun there with you?”

“Seohyun? No she’s not. Why? What’s wrong?”

“Oh it’s nothing. Thanks unnie.”


Yoona closes her phone after she said goodbye to Tiffany. She decides to give it another try and dial Seohyun’s number again.


“The person you are trying to reach is not able to answer the phone right now. Please, leave a message after the beep.”




“Seohyun-ah… I’m sorry… where are you… please call me when you get this message.”



After hours of aimlessly walking around, Seohyun arrived back at their apartment only to find it empty. She missed Yoona. She hated the fact that they’re fighting. Seohyun sighed at the pitiful sight of the empty apartment and decides to go in her room.



“Yuri-yah… stop staring.” Jessica said.


But she couldn’t help it. The jeans made Jessica’s bum look so grab-able.



“How did I know?” Jessica said, completing Yuri’s sentence. “Yuri-yah… who do you think I am?” Jessica asks rhetorically.


Yuri opens to answer the question, but Jessica cuts her off, “Don’t answer that.”


Yuri quickly hastens her pace to walk beside Jessica. She didn’t know what to do with her hands, since she would usually be holding onto Jessica’s whenever they walk together. Jessica notices Yuri fidgeting with her hands and shifts her body side to side as they were walking. It was actually a funny sight to see Yuri fidgeting like this. Jessica smiles at how ridiculously cute Yuri is when she was shy, and that led her to take the initiative by slipping her hands into Yuri’s; closing the gaps between Yuri’s fingers with her own.


Yuri felt Jessica’s cold hands in hers and immediately stopped fidgeting. The emptiness that she has felt for so long was quickly filled, just by this simple action from Jessica. Yuri took this chance to pull Jessica a little closer to her and gives her hand a light squeeze. Jessica reciprocates by leaning on Yuri’s shoulder. Truthfully, they’ve both missed each other but haven’t been able to be forward with each other.


“Sica. Let’s spend our time having fun at Lotte World today.” Yuri suggested.

“Mm… okay.”


It didn’t take long for them to arrive at the amusement park. Upon their arrival, Yuri’s kkab energy rises; it was as though she has forgotten all the sorrows that happened the past few days.


“Let’s make some new memories!” Yuri says, pulling Jessica along as she ran towards the merry-go-round.


“Sica, ride it with me.”

“No it’s ok. You go ahead. I’ll stand here and watch you.”

“Why not? Ride it with me please.” Yuri says with a pout on her face. “Sica~ Pleaseee~” Yuri pleaded, trying out her aegyo.


Jessica looks at Yuri’s face, and bursts into laughter but she couldn’t help it and gave in to Yuri’s request. They went from one ride to another, laughing and playing. Jessica was glad that she spent the day with Yuri, instead of going to the office. She was able to make up her mind and confess to Yuri about her true feelings for the girl. She watches as Yuri skips happily, as if she was a 5-year old kid, and smiled to herself. One of Jessica’s specialties was spacing out, so of course after watching Yuri for a while her mind begins to drift off elsewhere and she spaces out.


Yuri turns around to see that Jessica was spacing out again and decides to slow down her pace so she can walk beside Jessica. But of course, Jessica doesn’t really notice Yuri walking beside her.


“Sica.” Yuri said softly.


Jessica heard Yuri call her name and turns her head towards the direction of the voice to only have her cheek come in contact with Yuri’s index finger.


“Got you.” Yuri said, chuckling softly when she manages to poke Jessica’s cheek. “Now you have to go do the next activity with me.”

“And what would that be?” Jessica asks, raising an eyebrow giving Yuri a quizzical look.

“Hmm… You’ll see when we get there.” Yuri answers with a devious smile on her face.


Jessica walks along as Yuri was pulling her by the arm. As they got nearer to their destination, Jessica could feel the cool air emanating from the ice rink.


“We’re here.” Yuri declares, as they stood facing the large ice rink.

“Ya~ we’re going ice skating??” Jessica asked, but Yuri had already started walking to the rink.

“Sica! Come on!” Yuri called for her from the ice rink.

“But we don’t have any ice skating shoes!” Jessica yells back.

“Don’t worry! Just come here!”


Jessica sighs and makes her way over to where Yuri was. She cautiously steps into the ice rink, luckily she was wearing flats today otherwise she would be in trouble right now. Jessica stood by the wall to keep her balance. She slowly made her way around the rink to get nearer to Yuri, but just when she thought she was safe and groove in the ice cause her to slip. Jessica waited for her body to hit the cold, hard ice but instead she felt something warm and comforting. She opens her eyes to see that she was lying on top of Yuri’s body, with their faces only inches away from each other.


Though her body was lying on top of an icy surface, Yuri didn’t feel the coldness. Instead, her body felt sweltering hot. Her nostrils was filled the sweet smell of strawberry, and her cheeks were warmed up from Jessica’s slow and steady breath.


Their eyes locked on each others and the same aura that had enveloped them from so long ago has taken over the atmosphere again. Yuri slowly inches her way towards Jessica’s lips. Jessica closes her eyes and waits to feel the tastes of Yuri’s lips on hers.


“The park will be closing in 5 minutes. All guests please make their way to the nearest exit.”


The voice from the loud speaker causes the two to franticly get off each other, with their cheeks fully tinted with a rosy hue. Yuri stood up and brushes herself off, then reaches out to help Jessica stand up on her feet.


“I guess we should go home then.” Jessica says, hoping to break the awkward silence.

“Um… yeah.”


Moments later they reached the door to Jessica’s suite. Goodbye was always the hardest part for Yuri every time that she went somewhere with Jessica. This was because she never wanted to part from the girl. But right now, Yuri knew that there was something she has to do. And it was to tell Jessica the truth.


Jessica looked at Yuri shuffling back and forth. She waited for Yuri to say something or even bid her goodbye even. She heard Yuri take in a deep breath and then finally look up at her.


“Jessica… there’s something I need to tell you…”

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Chapter 44: Best story ㅠㅡㅠ
jasonds #2
Chapter 45: wowwwww really touching story but i hate the endingggg hixxxx
Chapter 45: I,cry knowing that sica died I thought in the end you will say that its just the story that yul written but sica really died btw such a nice story I read this just one time and can't stop cos ur plot is unpredictable
Kyunggie_MRA #4
Chapter 45: Crying. It's too much. Way too much. It was a great story though. I thought it was going to be too angsty, but I was wrong. It was awesome.
kwonkeira143 #5
Chapter 45: Chapter 45:I couldn't stop crying
Kpopforever13 #6
Chapter 1: ;_; aw man this story was so good author-ssi
soyeon105 #7
Chapter 45: Ahh so sad!! :'(
Chapter 45: I really like this story author...
Thank you for the great story author...
This is still as amazing as when I first read it on SSF! I can still remember the waves of sadness overwhelming me when Sica passed... This is really nice. Thank you for the wonderful read.

P.S. : Do you mind sending me the link to download the PDF file?
Chapter 44: Great story...but so sad...huhuhu