Chapter 21

Eternally Yours

Chapter 21


*Sica do something… do something now…* Her mind was screaming at her to push Nicole away, but her body wasn’t cooperating. Somehow through her sadness she subconsciously wanted the kiss. *You can’t do this… you can’t use her like this. You can’t use her to cope with your sadness… it isn’t right…* Jessica thought and slightly pushes Nicole back, ending the one sided kiss.


“I’m… I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have done that…” Nicole says apologetically.

“Its… fine…”

“But Jessica… I meant every word I said…”

“Nicole…I’m sorry…I don’t think I can accept you… my heart isn’t ready yet…”

“I know… just let me stay by your side as your assistant. You don’t have to accept me now… but hopefully one day you can…”


Jessica smiled sadly at the girl in front of her. She knew that Nicole means well, but she was probably just confused about her feelings. She didn’t want to lead her on. Jessica’s heart… already had an owner. And that person is Kwon Yuri. The girl that she just asked to pretend to not remember her.


Nicole followed her back to the hotel and insisted that Jessica took the rest of the night off instead of working on the presentation. But of course Jessica debated against the idea, because work was the only thing that Jessica can fall back on to not think of Yuri. This was her way of coping with Yuri’s absence for the past two years.


Nicole gave into Jessica’s pleas only on one condition, and that was Jessica had to work from the hotel room, with Nicole by her side.



Tiffany wasn’t the type to listen to what she was told to do. Instead of going home and waiting for Yuri, she ended up at the playground. This was her sanctuary. She didn’t know that things would end up like this, all because of her selfishness. She could’ve just told Yuri the truth from the start; she could’ve tried to win over Yuri’s heart fairly… but she didn’t… and now she was about to lose everything.


Tiffany needed someone. Someone to lean on. Just someone.




She simply typed in those three letters into a text message and sent it off. She knew that the receiver would know what it meant.


Flashback – May 30th, 2007


“Unnie… you have to go home and rest. You can’t stay here like this…” Seohyun pleaded, after seeing how wearily her sister looked.


Tiffany has stayed by Yuri’s bedside for the past two days. Waiting for her to wake up, waiting for her to just show any signs of consciousness. She hasn’t even eaten much within the past two days, nor slept. Her eyes were sunken and dark circles formed underneath them. Even her face looks paler and thinner.


Both Yoona and Seohyun were worried about Tiffany. They both rushed to the hospital after hearing about the accident. And were both glad when Yuri was out of the dangerous stages. Now their main worry is Tiffany.


“Fany unnie, go home with Seohyun and rest. I’ll call you if anything changes. I’m sure Yuri unnie wouldn’t want to see you like this when she wakes up.” Yoona said.


At the thought of Yuri possibly waking up, Tiffany complied to Yoona’s request and followed Seohyun’s lead. As soon as the two left the room, Yoona settles down on the chair next to Yuri’s bed and lets out a long sigh.


“Kwon Yuri, wake up soon. You’re not the type to be lying in bed all the time. We miss you and your kkab energy. I miss you… unnie…” Yoona says before burying her face into her hands and begins to cry softly.



“Oh Seohyun, Fany.” Taeyeon greeted the two when she saw them exit the hospital.


It hasn’t been that long since Taeyeon met these two, and she has grown close to both of them. Then she came to find out that these two also knew Yuri. Taeyeon mused over how it was such a small world it was that everyone she has met within the time span of several months to be connected with each other.


As the initial outsider, Taeyeon stood by Tiffany noticing that this girl’s heart is with someone else. And that person was Yuri. Taeyeon was always there every time Tiffany needed her, each time that Tiffany would be hurt by the sight of Yuri and another girl. Taeyeon knew that she wouldn’t ever receive Tiffany’s love, but she still stood by her like a guardian angel.


“Oh Taeyeon unnie…” Seohyun said when her eyes met with Taeyeon’s.

“Where are you two going? Why are you two coming out of the hospital?” Her eyes fell upon Tiffany’s slumped figure. “Is Tiffany ok?”


Seohyun gives her a nod. “Fany unnie just needs to get some rest. Yuri unnie was in an accident two days ago, she’s resting inside the hospital right now with Yoona unnie.” Seohyun replied.

“Seohyun-ah, why don’t you let me take care of Tiffany and you can go back inside with Yoona.”

“Are you sure unnie?” Seohyun asked.

“Yeah. Go on. Run inside. I’ll bring her back later.” Taeyeon replied, and smiled at the taller girl.


Seohyun shifted Tiffany’s arm from her shoulders onto Taeyeon’s and bows to the shorter girl before turning back to go inside.


“Tiffany… you babo…” Taeyeon muttered.

“Taeyeon-ah… Thank you.” Tiffany said weakly.

“Rest. We’ll talk when I get you home.” Taeyeon said as she waved down a taxi that was coming near them.


Tiffany obediently nods and rested her head on Taeyeon’s shoulder as they settled inside the taxi cab. Her eyes began to feel heavy and she gave in to the slumber that awaits her. Tiffany has always felt safe and comfortable when she was with Taeyeon. Somewhat like the feeling you have when you’re with your mom. Because of her losing her mom at such a young age, Taeyeon was somewhat like a motherly figure to her.



Seohyun paused before she entered the room, she could hear soft sobs coming from inside. Through the small crack in the door she could see Yoona with her face buried into her hands. It was Yoona. Yoona was crying. Strong Yoona, who has never displayed her emotions in front of both her and Tiffany, was now crying by herself.


She wanted to run over to Yoona and hold her into her arms. But she was too shy… Seohyun always curses herself for being too timid and never be able to display her affections towards the girl that she loves. She quietly opens the door and walks over to Yoona.


Hearing the sound of the door opening and closing, Yoona quickly wipes away the tears on her face. Feeling the presence of another person beside her, Yoona looks over in puzzlement to see that Seohyun has returned.


“Hyunnie… I thought you went home with Fany unnie?” Yoona asked.

“I was going to. But we met Taeyeon unnie outside, she told me to go back in and that she’ll take Fany unnie home instead.”

“Oh…” Yoona replied and turned her head back towards Yuri.



“Tiffany… we’re here.” Taeyeon whispered to the girl sleeping on her shoulder.


Taeyeon paid the driver then helped Tiffany walk to the house. Once inside, Taeyeon searched for a place to rest Tiffany on. Seeing Taeyeon’s confusion Tiffany quickly directs Taeyeon to her room.


“Do you live here by yourself?” Taeyeon asked, once she settled Tiffany onto the bed.

“No… I live with Seohyun and my parents. But my parents are out of the country right now…”



Noticing that Taeyeon wasn’t sure whether to sit on the bed or stand, Tiffany motion for her to come and sit on the bed. Taeyeon hesitates before sitting down beside Tiffany. Seeing in Tiffany in this state, and being in alone in the same room with her made her heart beat faster. Her face became flushed and she suddenly felt hot.


“Is it hot in here or what?” Taeyeon asked nervously, hoping to break the ice.

“What are you talking about Taeyeon? It feels fine. Are you feeling ok?”

“Me? Yeah. I’m fine! By the way, how’s Yuri? I heard what happened…”

“Oh… she’s… she hasn’t woken up yet. She’s been out for the past two days…”


Taeyeon watches as Tiffany’s expression change, there a glint of sadness in her eyes. She didn’t understand how someone like Tiffany was able to bottle up so much emotion inside of her.





They didn’t know when they had fallen asleep, but was woken up by the sound of the rapid beeping of the EKG monitor. Yoona opened her eyes and watched the monitor, then Yuri, then the monitor again.


Yuri was finally showing some signs of life. Her heartbeats were becoming more rapid, rather than the long and steady one. Both Yoona and Seohyun watched Yuri carefully, and sworn that they she her fingers twitch. They waited, hoping that their tired eyes weren’t playing a trick on them.


Slowly her eyes opened and was greeted by the bright fluorescent lights. She slowly lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the light, before she felt two bodies flinging themselves onto her body.


“Umph…” Yuri grunted.

“Yuri unnie, you’re finally awake.” Yoona said through her tears of happiness.

“Welcome back Yuri unnie…”

“Hyunnie, call Fany unnie and let her know. I’m going to get the doctor.” Yoona instructed, quickly getting up and rushes out the door.



The sound of Tiffany’s phone broke the silence. She quickly grabs it to answer the call.


“Hello? Hyunnie? What?”


“Yes it’s me. Hyunnie, calm down. I can’t understand what you’re saying.”

“Yuri unnie…she’s…”

“Yuri? What about her? Is she ok?”

“UNNIE! YURI UNNIE IS FINALLY AWAKE!!!” Seohyun shouted so loud that Tiffany had to put the phone away from her ear.

“Oh my god! Are you serious? She’s awake?!?”


“Ok. I’m on the way back now.” Tiffany said and hung up the phone.


She jumps up off the bed and almost knocks over Taeyeon in the process.


“Oh my god, Taeyeon. I’m sorry. I forgot you were sitting there.” Tiffany apologized. “Yuri’s awake! Let’s go Taeng!”


*Of course not… Your thoughts are only about Yuri…* But hearing Tiffany call her “Taeng” did put a smile on her face.


Tiffany quickly grabs Taeyeon’s hand and pulls her out of the room. Taeyeon has never seen Tiffany so excited over something until now. It was as if all her worries were gone. She couldn’t help it but feel jealous. Sometimes she wished that Tiffany would show this much attention towards her.



“Yoong-ah! Hyunnie-yah!” Tiffany shouted when she saw the two sitting outside of Yuri’s room.


But she was quickly hushed by one of the nurses at the desk. Tiffany bows her head in apology as she and Taeyeon walked over to the two girls sitting on the bench.


“Fany unnie, Taeyeon unnie…” Yoona greeted.

“How’s Yuri?” Taeyeon asked.

“She just woke up. The doctor is doing some check up on her right now.” Seohyun answered.

“Speaking of the devil…” Yoona said as she saw the doctor come out of the room.


The doctor greeted the girls and asked, “Which one of you is a relative to her?”

“I am.” Yoona answered. “But if there’s something we ought to know. I’d rather you let everyone here know. We’re all considered family here.”

“Very well then. Ms. Kwon is in stable condition now. Though… there is a slight setback.”


The four girls waited patiently for the doctor to continue, all with worried looks on their faces.


“She won’t be able to recognize you all right from the start. Ms. Kwon is suffering from post-traumatic amnesia. But there are certain ways to bring back her memories. Though I must advise you not to overdo it. It would rather be a better choice for her to remember things herself. Otherwise, it would cause her to go into shock. In other words, remembering too much at one time might cause an overload of memory putting her into a state of unconsciousness again. But there are some events that she will try to block out, if it had a traumatic effect on her before this accident.” He saw the four girls staring blankly at him. “Any questions?”


“Is it ok… if we go in and visit her now?” Yoona asked.

“Of course. You’re her relative correct?”


“Ms. Kwon will be able to go home tomorrow morning. I would like to keep her here for tonight. But you can sign her out tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you doctor.” Yoona replied, and bow to the doctor before he walked away.



Yuri was facing out the window, spacing out. She turned around when she heard the door opening and closing. She was now face to face with four girls. Their faces were familiar to her but at the moment she couldn’t really place a name on them all.


“Unnie… do you recognize me?” asked the doe-eyed girl. “It’s me… your sister, Yoona.”


Yuri nods, acknowledging that she did recognize the girl. One by one they all introduced themselves to her again. But the girl with the mushroom hairstyle, hesitated. Yuri saw her face and quickly asked her, “If she’s my sister, and they’re my friends…” Yuri said referring to Yoona, Taeyeon, and Seohyun. “So who are you?” She asked facing towards Tiffany.

“I’m… I’m your girlfriend!” Tiffany said, causing all three pairs of eyes to be focused on her.

“But Fany unnie…” Seohyun interrupted.

“We were together before you got into this accident Yuri. Remember?” Tiffany lied.


Yuri was still confused, but she reluctantly nods. Because Tiffany had something to say for everyone that interrupted. Taeyeon looked at both Yoona and Seohyun; they all knew that this was going to be a big mistake. A very big mistake that Tiffany was making.


End Flashback


Tiffany let out a long sigh, thinking back to the event that happened two years ago. It was a mistake. A big mistake and she knew it. The wind started to pick up and it was getting colder. She rubs her arms to keep herself warm that was before she felt someone place a jacket over her shoulders.


“Babo, why are you sitting out here in the cold?”

“Taeng… you came…”

“Of course…I got your SOS message…”

“Taeng-ah… I think I messed up big time…”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember back then… when Yuri first woke up and I told her that I was her girlfriend?”


*Of course I remember… how could I forget that day?*


“What about it?”

“Taengoo… I shouldn’t have lied to her… I should’ve never told her that I was her girlfriend.” Tiffany said, as she feels her eyes getting teary from all the emotions.

“Fany-ah… why do you have to put yourself through this?”

“I love her Taeng! I love Yuri!”

“Are you sure it’s love?”

“What do you mean?”

“Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offense.”


Being the avid Christian that she is Tiffany quickly realizes that Taeyeon has just quoted a line from Corinthians.


“Give up Fany…You’re only going to end up hurting yourself.”

“I can’t Taeng… not anymore. I’ve gone too far to give up now.”


Taeyeon sighs and watches as the girl next to her sulk in misery; misery that she brought onto herself by her own doing.


*Fany-ah, why can’t you give up now before things gets worse…*



Yuri walked into the apartment and straight out onto the balcony, there were so many things that was on her mind right now. First was Jessica and that girl. Then Tiffany.


*What am I going to do about Tiffany…? I can’t say that I don’t like her, or don’t have any feelings for her at all…* Yuri sighed and fiddled with the ring on her finger… she promised Tiffany that she wouldn’t leave her. Yuri was stuck… stuck between her heart and her mind.


*Sica… why must you be so cruel? I can’t bear to forget you again…* Yuri thought thinking back to what Jessica had asked her to do.


Please just act like you don’t remember me … do it for her sake…”

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Chapter 44: Best story ㅠㅡㅠ
jasonds #2
Chapter 45: wowwwww really touching story but i hate the endingggg hixxxx
Chapter 45: I,cry knowing that sica died I thought in the end you will say that its just the story that yul written but sica really died btw such a nice story I read this just one time and can't stop cos ur plot is unpredictable
Kyunggie_MRA #4
Chapter 45: Crying. It's too much. Way too much. It was a great story though. I thought it was going to be too angsty, but I was wrong. It was awesome.
kwonkeira143 #5
Chapter 45: Chapter 45:I couldn't stop crying
Kpopforever13 #6
Chapter 1: ;_; aw man this story was so good author-ssi
soyeon105 #7
Chapter 45: Ahh so sad!! :'(
Chapter 45: I really like this story author...
Thank you for the great story author...
This is still as amazing as when I first read it on SSF! I can still remember the waves of sadness overwhelming me when Sica passed... This is really nice. Thank you for the wonderful read.

P.S. : Do you mind sending me the link to download the PDF file?
Chapter 44: Great story...but so sad...huhuhu