The New Jung Minah

Natural Enemies

Ken walked to Hongbin's house saturday afternoon to shoot a few hoops.

He couldn't get the upside-down smile on his face to go away though. He kept replaying the look on Minah's face when he reached the rooftop.

Minah's small, pretty face was wet and red, drenched in sadness and shock.

Ken didn't know how she managed to go through anything when she was so soft and kind.

Ken was about to enter through the gate to Hongbin's house when he met Hongbin's face a little earlier than expected.

"Don't worry. I'm here." Ken said. Hongbin pushed by him, barely acknowledging Ken's presence, and went out the gate. Hongbin looked left and right then sighed.

"I'm right here, dude." Ken pointed out, finally recieving eye contact with Hongbin. Hongbin shook his head slightly.

"No. I'm looking for Minah. She just disappeared." Hongbin said. Ken shrugged.

"Maybe she went back to Leo?" Ken suggested. Hongbin thought Minah still needed some time from him but guess she doesn't anymore.

"Let's go shoot some hoops." Hongbin said, patting Ken's back and shutting the gate after them.


Hyuk groaned at the headache he had just recieved from Ravi's presence. He doesn't know why he keeps going back to Ravi but it always ends in naught.

Hyuk was walking back to his house when he spotted two blonde teenage girls stroll toward him. He was about to move to the side to let them pass but instead stood in horrifying shock when...

"MINAH?!" Hyuk exclaimed loudly, making the blonde girl beside Minah jump. Minah looked up at him.

"Hey, Hyuk." Minah greeted in a very casual way. Hyuk's mouth was still hung open so he had to close it with a palm before speaking.

"Why is your hair YELLOW?!!" Hyuk asked bluntly. Minah sighed and looked ahead past Hyuk before walking by him without a word. Hyuna followed after her, leaving Hyuk to stand alone by himself in complete and utter shock.

What the hell? That was so not the Minah I know. 

"Hongbin!!" Hyuk yelled angrily before changing courses and heading to Hongbin's house. 

Once he got to Hongbin's gate, he banged on it loudly.

"Hyuk? Why are-"

"What did you do to Minah?!" Hyuk asked, making Hongbin flinch.

"I don't know. She disappeared while I was taking a nap." Hongbin said. Hyuk huffed and put a hand up against his forehead. "Why? What happened?" Hongbin asked.

Hyuk glanced up at him.

"She's acting off. She's not like herself anymore." Hyuk said. "Did something else happen while she was here?" Hyuk asked. Hongbin sighed.

"Um. She cut off a lot of her hair then...I don't know...She just became really weird and insane almost." Hongbin said. Hyuk looked to the cement below him in.

"Who was that blonde girl?" He asked himself, gaining Hongbin's attention.

"Blonde?" Hongbin repeated. Hyuk looked up.

"Yeah. There was this other blonde girl with Minah. She looked like one of those punks-"

"Hyuna." Hongbin said, just remembering that he had forgotten to meet her at lunch yesterday. 

"What? You know her?" Hyuk said. "Is she an okay person? Or do we need to go after them?" Hyuk asked. Hongbin shook his head.

"No. Minah will be fine. It's just Ravi we're worried about when it comes to Hyuna." Hongbin said. Hyuk furrowed his brows.

"Ravi? What's he got to do with this-"

"Hyuna has a crush on him. And she wanted to flirt with me to make him jealous. But since he's not coming to school anymore, she was going to plan something with me during lunch yesterday. But then Leo came up." Hongbin explained. Hyuk nodded.

"Okay...So she's fine...Now we just need to discuss why her hair's blonde." Hyuk said more to himself than the latter.

"Who knows why her hair's blonde. She probably bleached it a long-"

"No. Not Hyuna. Minah. Minah's hair's blonde."

"What?!!" Hongbin exclaimed in surprise, clenching onto the gate door harder. "What do you mean blonde?! She would never-"

"Minah's blonde?!!!" Ken nearly screamed as his head popped out behind Hongbin's shoulder. Hyuk sighed and nodded.

"She also called me 'Hyuk' with no 'oppa' or anything. We need to find her before she really does something dumb." Hyuk said. Hongbin and Ken nodded then the three of them went on a search again.


Taekwoon sat at the dining table with a glass of beer in his hand. He lie his head on the table and breathed heavily. His scars and bruises on his face made his pain unbearable.

His grip tightened onto the glass, creating minor cracks.

He couldn't believe himself.

He should have never told Minah anything.

He should have just killed himself then and ended it.




Taekwoon made his way to the window and watched as Hongbin took Minah away from him. It hurt to see the two of them together so he told them to go out of rage. He felt as if something was clawing at his chest, not letting him breathe. 

"Why are you here? Go serve your punishment." Minah's father said coldly from behind Taekwoon. Taekwoon squeezed his eyes shut and hung his head as he headed out the door. He had gone to Ravi's house only to learn that he had done worst than he thought.

And he didn't see Minah's cuts because his eyes were too blurry.

After the visit, Taekwoon had gone to the bar, only to be kicked out after getting into a fight.

"What are you doing here?!" N yelled as he passed by with his girlfriend. Taekwoon didn't once look up, only to be thrown a pair of keys.

"Go and stay at our place until we get back from the states. Your parents probably won't let you go back right now." N said, before starting to walk off with Eunyoung. N halted for a second to look back and say, "Oh yeah. And there's a pack of beer in the fridge." 

Taekwoon decided to take that offer after siting there for another hour. Once he got there, he fell asleep on the floor because he didn't want to trash their house with his dirty clothes.




Then Taekwoon awoken and had been downing beer until now.

He didn't know what to do with himself or just about anything until he heard,

"Hey, little bro!" 

Taekwoon's eyes widened and he felt alive again for a second as he whipped his head to the door.


Hyunseung made his way over to Taekwoon.

"What? Not happy to see me? And did you trip?" Hyunseung joked as he noticed Taekwoon's bruises. He held Taekwoon by the chin and observed Taekwoon's cuts. "It'll take at least three weeks to fully heal." He said.

Taekwoon swatted his hand away with the beer in his hand.

"Stop it. I don't care." Taekwoon said, before taking a huge amount of beer into his mouth. Hyunseung clenched his teeth and squeezed Taekwoon's cheeks together with two hands, making Taekwoon spit all the beer out.

"What the hell!?" Taekwoon said as he wiped his mouth with a sleeve. Hyunseung back up and watched Taekwoon throw a mini-fit.

"What's going on with you? I just saw Hyuna earlier and she was upset as well." Hyunseund said. Taekwoon sighed deeply before putting his cup on the table and answering.


"You're still hung up on her?! You two are both the same. Always stuck on one thing for a way too long time." Hyunseung said. "Just wait and you'll be over her before you know it. Everything comes with time. Even soccer took you a while to play well-"

"You taught me so don't say it took a while, cause it didn't. You worked me to the brink." Taekwoon said. Hyunseung nodded.

"Okay. That's right. But did I tell you to stay?" Taekwoon opened his mouth but Hyunseung continued. "No. I told you to quit multiple times because you didn't have enough time to spend with her. Where is she anyway?" Hyunseung questioned, looking around. "Hyuna told me you were missing. Does she know where you are?" 

Taekwoon shook his head and was about to grab his cup again when Hyunseung snatched it.

"This is bad for your health if you're going to play soccer. And hasn't soccer season started for you already? Why aren't you out practicing-"

"I can't! I don't have her support anymore. She's not with me anymore." Taekwoon said, voice cracking and eyes tearing.

Hyunseung sighed and tossed the cup into the sink perfectly. 

"I don't remember you being so sensitive. What made you go soft?" Hyunseung asked, putting his hands on his hips.

"You won't understand." Taekwoon grumbled, lying his head on the table again. 

"Let's go." Hyunseung said. "Let's go and practice for the long run. Staying here and being depressed isn't going to do you any good." Hyunseung suggested as he started out the door.

Taekwoon felt as if it were deja vu.

Hyunseung would always force him to go practice or play soccer when he was down for any reason. And for that, Taekwoon was thankful but not this time.

Taekwoon didn't budge, making Hyunseung suddenly yell.

"Get your out of that seat and follow me before I drag you out there myself! Minah is not the only girl in the world! So get your sorry outside!" Hyunseung snapped before disappearing through the doorway.

Taekwoon sighed.

Sitting around and being depressed wasn't something a team captain should be doing anyway. So Taekwoon stood and followed Hyunseung out.


"Minah? I've never seen you around before. What school do you go to?" Hyuna asked, although she knew Minah was always around Taekwoon when Hyuna saw them. Hyunseung had asked her to keep an eye on his little bro so she did so sometimes.

"I don't go to school." Minah said, as if it was natural. 

"Oh, really?" Hyuna said, a little surprised that she would lie. "Okay. Do you work then?" 

Minah shook her head.

"Nope. The only thing I have in common with everyone, is the fact that i'm a civillian." Minah said as they passed by the large park. Hyuna nodded in acknowledgement.

"Interesting. I don't meet people like you everyday." Hyuna said. "Except-of course-myself. I feel like you've been hurt a lot, Minah. And I have been too. I guess we're just a lot alike." Hyua said. Minah nodded as they continued on into the park, approaching the large, green soccer fields.


"Oh? Hyuna! Over here!" Hyunseung waved as he saw Hyuna and Minah passing by. Hyuna ran over and jumped on Hyunseung.



Taekwoon stared at the petite girl with the short, blonde hair and red eyes.

The girl approached but didn't seem to really notice him at all.

Although he did not recognize the girl either.

The innocent girl that used to be his.

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Chapter 20: How could you end it here!?
Chapter 18: what is this? what is happening? aaaaa cliffhanger :"""
shelinta_ #3
Chapter 15: There needs to be more Leo and the story is getting really exciting now fighting
shelinta_ #4
Chapter 14: Why author-nim why must you make me cry? Anyway well done!
AND WHAT THE HELL LEO ? How am I going to survive now? Such a cliffhanger >.<
fifi0711 #6
Chapter 11: Wait whAt. I am so confused I thought that Minah had an abusive mother, how can her real mom be Leo's. Waiting for an update to find out.
Chapter 11: what? what is this? what do you mean leo? I don't get it...
aaaa so curious~
Chapter 11: OH MY GOD.......
shelinta_ #9
Chapter 11: oh my......