Chapter 1 ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ

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Jessi walks into the store with his bag and goes to the employee locker room. He yawns as he puts the combination into the lock.
"Ugh... Eight o'clock is way to early for work..." He says with another yawn.
He grabs his lanyard and signs in on the store computer.
"Hello bags... Shoes... Jackets... And other various attractions at the Gucci store.." He leans his elbows against the counter and puts his face on his hands with a sigh.
Jessi hears the familiar bell sound and expects to see a young girl carting around a very old looking bag. What he sees shocks him though.
A boy with black hair walks up to the counter.
"Hello...." The boy starts and looks at Jessi's name tag,"...Jessi. I was wondering if you could help me order the newest shoes from the catalog." The boy smiles brightly.
"Alright sir. Give me one moment please." Jessi replies although his mind is yelling,'You fool! Get this boys number! Kiss him! Do something! He is going to leeeeeaaaave!!'
He turns back to the computer screen and types in the password, while chewing his gum loudly out of nervousness.
Turning back to the raven haired boy, who was still smiling, he smiles back and pulls out a book catalog.
"Please look through here for the shoes you would like and I can order them for you. You seem to really like Gucci...." Jessi states looking the boy up and down noticing the amount of Gucci items he has on.
"I LOVE Gucci stuff! It is the best! The names Tao by the way." Tao says as he smirks and flips the page once more, finding the shoes he wants.
"I've never seen someone who likes Gucci as much as myself.."Jessi gestures to himself, showing off the sheer immensity of Gucci items.
"I have this one at home!" Tao says tugging on Jessi's shirt sleeve.
Jessi blushes at the seemingly harmless notion.
"I have these at my house, too." Jessi says pulling at Tao's belt loop.
"You have a good taste in fashion my friend." Tao says with a smile.
"You do, too. Have you found the shoes yet?" Jessi says still blushing lightly.
Tao nods and spins the book around to point at the shoes he wants. "These please,Jessi." He says.
Jessi turns to the computer to type the code from the book in the find the shoes. He finds and clicks on them.
"What size did you need, Tao?" He asks still typing a few things into the computer,back facing Tao.
"Uhhh... One sec..." Tao bends down to check his shoe size and sees a small number ten on the tag,"... A size ten please!" He states.
Jessi nods and clicks the shoe size. He asks multiple questions about where to ship them and payment options. Then, Tao smiles, thanks him and turns to leave.
"U-uh, Tao! W-wait." He stutters.
"What is it?" Tao asks tilting his head a little.
Jessi holds out a small piece of paper with his number on it.
"I-if you wanna talk about Gucci more.... H-here's my number..." He blushes darkly, holding out the number.
Tao looks at him for a second before he reaches out and takes the number with a smile. "Do you have a pen?" He asks.
Jessi looks around and spots his pen, grabbing it and turning back around to face Tao.
"Let me see your hand." He holds out his hand.
Jessi puts his hand in his and waits for something the happen. Tao scribbles his numbers onto Jessi's hand. "There. Now we have each others numbers." He states triumphantly with a nod.
Tao turns to leave again and waves to Jessi as he goes through the door.
And now, Jessi is alone again.. He sighs and leans back onto the counter. "That guy was really cute... I wonder if he will ever text or call me... I guess it was worth it to sound like a bumbling idiot." The now, ever bored, Jessi says.

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