




There were times where Soojung believe that you could actually die out of boredom. Maybe it was because she was reading the history book in front of her. She dislike History. After a few minutes scanning the words that probably wouldn't go into her head, she closed the book, put it aside and took out a calculus workbook instead. She opened up the page where she left off, which was the second half of the book and started to calculate.

"Hey Blondie," Soojung's eyes perked up, searching for the owner of the voice. Minhyuk took the chair in front of her and sat down facing her.
Soojung put her attention back to her calculations. "I don't get it. You're practically married to calculus. Its history, Miss Song is going to be pissed that you haven't read your textbook,"

"I'd read it, just didn't understand it," 

Minhyuk nodded off knowing that Soojung wouldn't want to be disturbed, but he tried to make a conversation with her anyway.

"Have you heard about the new girl?"
No response.

"She's in my English class,"

"You weren't on the bus today," Soojung blurt out suddenly.

"Mom gave me permission to drove here," Minhyuk said proudly.

"She took your seat,"


"Maybe you could hitch me a ride now," she whispered as the teacher walked in. Soojung closed her calculus workbook and hid it under her desk.


During lunch, Soojung found the so called new girl, Naeun, the name which she had learned before Minhyuk mention it, was sitting on her table. Not technically her table, but she usually sat there if she wasn't in the library. Naeun had her lunch tray next to a book and she she had a pair of thick black glasses on, hanging above her nose. She seem to be engrossed in her reading that her lunch was not touched yet.

Ditching Sulli and her flock of friends; not that Sulli even cared about her, Soojung marched up to the table and redeem her place.

"This table is mine," she said.

Naeun looked up, meeting the eyes of the blonde. "I'm so sorry," she apologized. Naeun intention was on not getting picked on the first day of school, seem like she was in trouble. That was she thought.

"I don't mind," Soojung sat down, taking out her lunch from her bag when Naeun was about to pack up. "I'm sorry, by the way, for staring at you earlier," Soojung smiled.

Naeun stared at Soojung for a while, trying to comprehend this confusing situation, then she blinked as if that would help her.

"I'm Soojung, Jung Soojung," she dig into her lunch.

Unexpectedly a guy took a seat next to Soojung, surprising both girls. "And I'm Minhyuk,"

Soojung felt annnoyed, knowing that this so called friend of hers was trying to hit on the new girl.

"Why are you doing," Naeun couldn't missed the tone of her voice; irritated, and more to annoyed.


"Why are you here,"

"Hey, I'm here because you're not in the library,"

And there went on an argument with the two friends, where Naeun felt bad for hearing but she also felt rude if she left them. So she stayed and started reading the book she had opened earlier.





a/n : first crappy and short chapter. someone please comment on this so that the next chapter would not be twice bad as this. i forgot to mention, this probably going to be a little too short.

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moonlevine #1
So this story for girlgirl, smile smile