Hoodie Hideout

A Place Where I belong


I don't know if you noticed yet, but yes. It will be a love triangle between Aria, Mark, and Jinyoung. So look forward to future chapters ^^

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images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTUOn9wcVPiskIkQ51S7GL   These two boys are so adorable and expressive <3 Wish they could express their love to me too huhu


After meeting with some higher ups about my composing job, they released me. So I can find perspective and motivation for a new song...

But once my foot crossed the doorway, my mind raced back to the moment where May and I were arguing. She can't understand where I'm coming from...she keeps blaming me. Becoming an artist was my passion, true. I knew if I became an artist I would become penniless, true. But I never became and artist...yet I'm penniless. I'm not May, I can't be loved and rich. How can life be so unfair?

Hot tears welled in my eyes, no matter how hard I tried to hold them back was no use. So I did what all ugly criers would do, well what I thought was reasonable. Find a empty room to hide in.

It was a wooden floored studio room, with mirrors plastered on each wall. It must be a practice room. I slowly shuffled to a corner, digging my face into my knees while I embraced my legs. 

The door creaked and clear footsteps echoed throughout the room. Caught off guard, I glared into the mirror, and met eyes with Mark.

"Sorry I didn't know someone was in he- Are you alright?"

I didn't know how to respond but slam my face back into my knees

His voice was soothing and gentle "hey...It's okay. Don't cry"

"Go a-away Mark" 

"Why would I? You obviously need someone to comfort you" Mark cleared his throat "ahem. Don't cry. Or you won't look pretty"

One . Two . He quietly smoothed the hairs on the top of my head. Silently waiting, as I cried my heart out for all the anger I have at the world.

My lips trembled fervously as hot tears flowed out. A person I just met was willing to stay by my side, not my best friend I knew all my life.

He sat beside me, leaning against the wall with his back to the doorway.

"You're probably going through a hard time right now. I don't know what it is but cry it all out. Once it's all out you won't be sad anymore"

I released my legs, flinging myself into his arms. My forehead comfortably resting against his shoulder blade.

Being in his arms gave me so much comfort, it's a feeling I could never possibly attempt to describe. Being caressed by his damp black hoodie became my little hideout.

Eventually my sobs reduced to slight sniffs. That's when he pulled me back, swiping away the last remnants of tears off my cheeks.

The door flung wide open, startled, I leaned down and hid myself by using Mark as a blockade.

"Mark Hyung! Done practicing?! We're gonna head back to the dorm"

"Tell them to go on ahead without me Yugyeom. I'm going to practice a bit longer"

"Suit yourself!" The maknae chicly turned around without ever looking back, slamming the door behind him

I began to straighten my back. I caught myself staring at his face in wonder. Where did this boy come from? 

"better?" When I didn't answer, he leaned closer. Inspecting whether I had any more tears left to cry.

"Thank you and sorry" I began pulling myself up, until Mark beat me. He was already up on his feet and pulled me up sofftly by the arm. 

"why are you sorry?"

"I wasted your time and filled your sweater with tears. I must be so unattractive right now with my red eyes and nose"

"It's cute... like Rudolph! And don't cry by yourself in the corner anymore. Talk to May or talk to Me. I'd be happy to comfort a pretty girl"

My lips unconciously curved into a grin. I actually smiled, even though he compared me to a deer...when was the last time I had smiled? It's been too long to even recall. We began to talk and slowly slid back down to the ground. Sitting comfortably as we chatted.


"LA! That's my hometown"

"STREETLIGHT!" I blurted

Takenaback by my sudden explosion, Mark stared at me with round eyes, like a deer in headlights.

"You were that guy who ran into me at night. We talked in english and talked about LA"

Mark clasped his palms together "See! I knew you seemed familiar! I wasn't trying to be a weird creeper earlier today. I swear"

I chuckled softly

"since we have such good... yuan fen. (Rough translation: 缘分 fate or destiny) I'll buy you dinner"

"I think you just mixed three languages into one sentence"

Embarassed, Mark shyly rubbed the back of his neck

"but we really do have yuan fen" my lips released a giggle, I, myself could not recognize "I'll take you up on that offer. I'm hungry!"

Mark pulled on the door but it wouldn't budge

"HMPH! I'm doing my motherly job right! How dare he criticize me!" A muffled voice angrily complained on the other side of the door "why isn't this opening?! Mark!"

Mark released the door handle, we were met with a wide eyed Jinyoung standing in the doorway. 

"Yah close your mouth" Mark pushed Jr's dropped jaw up "what are you doing here Jinyoung?"

"I-I oh yeah. I was bringing you chicken for dinner. Yugyeom said you were practicing for a long time and you didn't eat yet but...what is she doing here. Why are you here with a girl?"

Mark sighed, looking at me with a smirk "ignore his questions. He's the mother in the group so he' a bit panicky and always asking questions"

"Hyung!" Exasperated, Jinyoung glared at Mark

"I was upset and Mark...oppa calmed me down. We got hungry because it's late so we were heading out for dinner" serenely, I explained the situation "but since you're here. I'll be on my way. You two enjoy the chicken"

Before I could take a step forward, a hand clung onto my sleeve, lightly pulling me back

"Stay. Theres enough chicken for all three of us!" Jinyoung beamed, it was a classic and genine smile. Something I wish I had

"Yeah stay and eat with us"

Mark gazed at me, his glare felt so loving and tender. I couldn't bring myself to reject his offer


"yumm this chicken is so good! Right Jinyoung?"

Jinyoung nodded furiously "hey Aria"


"If you call Mark, oppa. Then can you call me oppa too?"

"I don't see why not, Jinyoung oppa"

Jinyoung chuckled happily, his eyes curved into a smile

"yah are you that happy she called you oppa?!" Mark elbowed the elated Jinyoung "you have tons of fans that call you oppa!"

"but she's pretty!"

I tried to hold my laughter back, but ended up bursting to a chortle. My giggle was like a contagious bomb, the boys immediatly bursted up in laughter.

"aigh don't laugh at my laugh!"

"kekeke why?! hahhahaha it's [deep breath] it's cute!" Jinyoung's heavy accent naturally flowed out

Mark said nothing, wrapping his arms around his stomach as he rolled side to side.

"Your accent is cute"

Jinyoung cheekily rubbed the back of his head, with his accent once again "Is it? I had no idea"


Everytime I reminisce that night with Mark and Jinyoung, it still brings a smile to my face. These two boys have change my life and Me so much...I don't know what I would have done if I never knew them. If I didn't cry and end up in that practice room, maybe...I probably wouldn't be alive at this moment. I know it sounds funny, but eating chicken together with them is one of my most precious memories I have and truly cherish.

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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 19: WHY NO HAPPY ENDING FOR MARK :< poor mark. Getting sad on a happy day of his friend....
Safi_xoxo #2
Chapter 19: wait so aria died and may married with bambam? aww a sad and happy ending! what was mark saying at the last phrase?
Chapter 13: awwww Bambam!
D: I hope the couples all work out
update soon author nim!
nlyh__ #4
Chapter 12: ohno...... i hope things would be fine between mark & ari-
nlyh__ #5
Chapter 10: gosh, pls update soon! rlly loving this story bc can kinda relate to Ari-
Beauty28 #6
Chapter 8: Update please.
Original_K17 #7
Chapter 5: I love it!0
shineeshawolangel #8
Chapter 1: This is amazing!!!!!! Its such a great storyline ^^