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Can a candle be lit out in the rain?

Can it shine through love and faith?

Can it burn through all the hate?

Can it stand with pride and no doubt?

Or will the candle of love, simply burn out?

The fade of flickering hope to grey.


There is no sound emitted, just her hands gesture of a few signs what her sealed mouth should said. The only left are bloody tears. `My life is like a flower that hasn’t bloomed yet!!’ Clearly only the sound of the tears can be heard.

“I know it. There’s nothing to be helped with. It’s the fact that you need to face. Sorry to be blunt.” She irately heard that and understands each word from his mouth; she’s not deaf yet anyways. There’s nothing to be sorry for. Her life is already broken. Just like pieces of shattered glasses on floor.

“For the meantime, I hope you can come each month for treatment. It’s necessary for you to come.” That’s was the last words she heard as she walk away from him. Walk away from the reality that eats her up each day.

The sun is shining brightly above her as if mocking her and making it worst for her. People are watching weirdly her run out crying from the horridness hospital.

`I hope it’s raining today.’ The little hope of her never is granted. Feeling a shame of her, she doesn’t deserve for anything.

There’s a playground that she usually go to calm. A full playground that just place around her house making she still needed. She deserves nothing from this world. She was nothing but a useless moving corpse. She sat on the bench there alone. She watches quietly the children in their own world, playing happily together. No worries, no problem. Just happiness involved.

Slowly, a cute girl comes to her give a half-eaten lollipop. “Stop crying.” What a lovely girl. Without hesitate, she take it and put it in . She almost forgets how sweet the taste is. She nodded agreed with the little princess in front her.

`Yup, I’ll definitely stop.’ The small smile created as thanks to half-eaten lollipop. `Thank you. I’ll eat it happily.’ She gesture a signs again, trying making the little princess understand her words. The little princess bid her a goodbye happily as the parent call to walk home.

On that time, she finally realized that the sun already hid behind the roof of houses and trees. The sun set at empty playground unfortunately give her a little space of time thinking why not she  give herself a second chance to treasure her life without regret.

Deep into her heart, she never does want to believe anything even from her own heart. From the point forward, life must go on. That what a normal person do. That disease, why did it choose her instead of others bad girls or criminal? She had nothing to be proud of. Never had a time which she can treat her own soul like a princess. She was just a good girl that had nothing. But still, why her? Fate; it can’t put it into words.

Walking back to her home was a tortured for her. It was like a curse to her body. She felt weak and she hates it. It makes her reminisces of her uncured diseases. Just a day is enough for her to take a break; a break from thinking all these thingy.

“What the hell are you doing all day and just come back this late, ?” her father, the winner of screamer bring back her to miserable reality she was living in.

`Are you worry—‘

“No!” That’s definitely sure hurt her. She never had a chance to finish signed her words, her father already give her a harsh answer. She prays it to stop. Please make it end for only today.

“Can’t you be just like your sister? Just being a good girl without burdening your parent!”

There’s a time she want to make a time machine and go back in time. If it wasn’t for this disease, not only she could enjoy having a lot of love from her parent but also wouldn’t have to rely on anyone. So, she will live by herself without burdening anyone around her.

The reality was too harsh for her. She really doesn’t want to say such things as `I want to go back to how things were before.’ It’s because she accepted how she was right now, and she will continue to live on even

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