The Black Dahlia
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Art in its purest form cannot simply be admired. It is to be experienced—savored. What Baekhyun lacked in the artistic department, he made up for with his creative vision. He could turn a shanty into the Louvre by the time he worked his magic on it. With an exceptional eye for detail and quality, there was no wonder that he was chosen to run the Adamo Art Gallery. Baekhyun was favored around the metropolitan area for his noteworthy exhibits and the cutting-edge sophistication of the gallery. Indeed, he was a fairly wealthy man, but most of that money went toward his extensive art collection and bigger and better shows.

Even with all that beauty around him, Baekhyun still felt very much alone.

“Is everything in order for tonight?” he asked his assistant Jongin while walking about frantically. “Did you call and make the final arrangements for the catering?”

Jongin cracked a smile and chuckled a bit. He was all too familiar with these kinds of high-pressure situations, and each and every time, Baekhyun was the first to panic. It was as if he didn’t trust his assistant to take care of everything, even though he always came prepared. He knew that Baekhyun would come into work with the heavy burden of worry on his shoulders, so he called the caterer first thing in the morning.

“Baekhyun,” Jongin said with his hands on the other’s shoulders, “don’t worry. I took care of everything. Tonight is going to be a breeze, as usual.”

He hoped so.

To ease the tension, Baekhyun took a walk around the gallery. He looked at the hand-selected pieces from the Courtly Love period and ran his fingers along the smooth surface of an ivory mirror. He knelt down and admired its detail and delicate carvings of young maidens on the back. He was in his element, and it was a truly amazing feeling. Tonight, the gallery would be filled with potential buyers and other art enthusiasts alike. It was Baekhyun’s hope that he succeeded in creating a space that was inviting and familiar. Once he got the chance to see and touch the pieces, he knew that he was ready.  

“Kai, do you think that you’ll be able to handle things here while I go grab a coffee?” Baekhyun asked reaching for his keys and coat.

Jongin nodded and replied, “I’ve got everything covered.”


Baekhyun walked out the front doors and made his way down the busy sidewalk to his favorite café on the corner. Gourmet coffee and cranberry scones were their specialties, well, they were his favorites. As usual, the quaint eatery was packed with the morning rush. Everyone was looking to drown their system with the strong, black elixir, and they didn’t care who they had to shove or elbow for it. Baekhyun was a regular, so the barista already knew exactly how he wanted his coffee. That was another luxury that his job provided him.

“Ah Baekhyun, I see you’re in for your usual.” The girl behind the counter greeted him with a smile. “We have cranberry scones fresh from the oven.”

Baekhyun smiled and said, “Aah that sounds great. I’ll take two of them.”

Just as he reached into his wallet to grab the money to pay for his coffee, his phone started to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and wedged into between his cheek and shoulder. He handed the folded bills to the barista and answered the call.

“Hello, Baekhyun speaking.”

“Baekhyun, hurry back. I have something that will definitely make your day.” Jongin said into the receiver.

Baekhyun nodded toward the barista thanking her for the coffee and grabbed his bag. He pushed passed the heavy, morning rush and out the door.

“And what might that certain something be?” Baekhyun asked sipping his coffee as walked up the street.

“You’ll see.”

When he heard the dial tone, Baekhyun was both worried and excited at the same time. If his assistant had to call and break the news to him, then it must be something worth the wait. In the alley near the gallery, he could see a truck with new inventory for that night’s auction. Occasionally, he would attend one just to add something new and fresh to his collection. As soon as he walked inside, he was greeted by a smiling and eager Jongin. Baekhyun couldn’t help but to burst into laughter. The other’s expression was priceless.

“What’s with the face?” He asked still laughing.

Jongin pulled him toward the back to the room where the auction was going to be held. Baekhyun poked his head inside and peeked at the inventory.

“I hear that they’re going to be auctioning a rare, antique 18th century mirror.” Jongin whispered in the other’s ear. “It’s a sterling silver beauty imported from Florence with the most incredible carvings that I have ever seen. Best part about it is that it’s in perfect condition.”

Baekhyun’s eyes widened as he looked over at Jongin.

“You’re kidding.” He whispered. “How much do they want for it?”

Jongin shrugged and said, “I have no idea. I thought that I’d tell you, so you could go check it out.”

Baekhyun had to have that mirror. Something like that didn’t come around very often, and he knew that he would be one of the only people to have it. Just that thought alone fueled his curiosity. He walked into the room and looked around for the host of tonight’s event.

“Excuse me,” he tapped on the man’s shoulder, “I’m looking for a particular piece. It’s a rare 18th century silver mirror from Florence.”

The man turned around with dark shades covering his eyes. He lowered them to reveal the blue translucent orbs beneath them that brought a shiver up Baekhyun’s spine. The corners of the man’s lip curled upward revealing his yellow-tinged grin.

“May I ask who’s inquiring?” his raspy voice said in response.

“My name is Byun Baekhyun. I run this gallery.” Baekhyun answered him.

The man chuckled and said, “Of course. I am Niccolò Bernardi, the owner of the mirror.”

Baekhyun smiled and clasped his hands together in excitement.

“Great!” he exclaimed. “I’d like to know how much you’re asking for the piece and maybe get a chance to sneak a peek at it.”

A crooked smirk crept across Niccolò’s face as he motioned for Baekhyun to follow him. He wrapped his long, thin fingers around his wooden cane and tapped around in front of him. Baekhyun walked close behind him and watched as the man made his way around with nothing but his hearing and a cane. Niccolò ran his fingers over the satin cover that cloaked the mirror. He slowly slid it off to reveal the mirror beneath. Baekhyun couldn’t believe his eyes. It was the most immaculate piece that he had ever seen.

“It’s beautiful.” He spoke softly getting a closer look at it.

“It was a family heirloom passed down for centuries.” Niccolò spoke about the mirror. “It is our family’s most prized possession.”

Baekhyun ran his fingers gently over the carvings and then looked back at the man.

“Something so precious, and you’re giving it away?” Baekhyun commented with a look of confusion. “Why?”

Niccolò smiled and replied, “It is what my father would have wanted. Besides, I have no children of my own and I am growing old and weary.”

Baekhyun wanted this mirror so bad that he could taste it. He just had to have it.

“I would like to make an offer.” Baekhyun quickly interjected. “If you are willing to sell it to me now, I will pay top dollar for it.”

Niccolò his beard and thought long and hard about it. Though he could not see the young man before him, he could still sense the sincerity in his voice.

“What is your offer?” he asked.

Baekhyun walked around the mirror looking for any flaws before coming up with a hefty sum.

“I will write you a check for $25,000, if I can buy that mirror before tonight’s auction.” Baekhyun negotiated with Niccolò. “I must have it.”

The other chuckled once more and said, “So much money for my old family treasure. You must be a very special young man. I will take your offer.”

Baekhyun was overrun with excitement. He couldn’t wait to take that mirror home. He had the perfect place for it, right above the mantel in his bedroom. He quickly retrieved his checkbook and wrote the check for the amount that he had promised the man. Once Niccolò shook his hand, Baekhyun placed the satin covering back over the mirror and carefully carried it to one of the back storage rooms. He took one last look at it and smiled. This was turning out to be a good day after all, he thought.


The time had come for Baekhyun to welcome his guests to the Courtly Love exhibit. In light of the occasion, he wore red button-up and pocket scarf with his black Giorgio Armani suit. Jongin and another fellow hostess stood at the entrance handing all the lovely women red carnations. Baekhyun greeted everyone with a smile, walking with them and talking about each piece. He made sure that every woman got a glass of the Rosé champagne and enjoyed their visit to the gallery. It was a night entirely devoted to the sweet innocence of love. He could tell by the reaction of the art patrons in attendance that his exhibit was definitely successful.

“Well done, Baekhyun.” A familiar voice caught his attention.

He turned around and smiled at the sight of a very good friend of his—art patron and philanthropist Oh Sehun. He was one of the youngest and most eligible bachelors in the city. Frequently, he attended Baekhyun shows and bought several of the pieces displayed. In a way, the young enthusiast was quite sweet on his elder.

“Sehun, I’m so glad that you came.” Baekhyun said reaching out to shake the other’s hand. “As always, it is pleasure to see you.”

Sehun smirked and said, “You didn’t forget, now did you?”

“I’m sorry?” Baekhyun responded with a scrunched facial expression. “What exactly have I forgotten?”

“Ah Byun Baekhyun…” Sehun laughed, shaking his head. “You forgot that you and I are supposed to have dinner tonight. I was going to make my famous fusilli with rosemary, sun-dried tomatoes and capers.”

Baekhyun palmed his forehead and let out a sigh. He felt terrible. They had planned and rescheduled this dinner for weeks. He really didn’t want to be flaky and bail out on his plans once again.

“Right, right.” He said under his breath. “What do you say we move those plans to my house? After the show? I’ll bring the wine.”

Sehun nodded and replied, “That sounds great. I’ll see you there.”

He gave the other wink before he walked away. Baekhyun straightened his suit lapels and let out another sigh. He was used to men become smitten by him—even women, but it never failed to drain him immensely. He didn’t like to think of himself as the “most wanted” bachelor because that would mean that there was some sort of pedestal to stand on. His wealth wasn’t used to be flashy or draw attention. All he wanted to do was make his world more beautiful and inform others of the pleasures of art. That’s all.

Now, Sehun definitely made his presence known. He was always around with an attempt to sweep Baekhyun off his feet. Sure, Baekhyun found the other undeniably attractive and quite the gentleman, but he wasn’t in

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Ofbrokenwings #1
Chapter 1: I've always liked dark theme stories, or vampire stories, one of my favorites being "The Silver Kiss". Can't wait to read what you have in store, seems really interesting :)
DaisyDoll #2
Chapter 1: Yay a good Krisbaek story with a wonderful plot. Anticipating so much from you.
Chapter 1: omg I love it! please update soorn!
this is so exciting. I can't wait for this. ;')