The Unknown Twins


I am the only daughter in my family. Although i have a sibling,i hope i can have another one. If it is a girl it would be good. Very good,actually.

But if


One day

I found out that i have another sibling

And it's a girl

What should i do?

I should be happy....


I do...

But there are something about my newly found out 'sister' that always giving me a weird feeling in my pit of stomach.

That kind of feeling that you got when something bad is gonna happen soon. Very soon.

The Question is.....

What is it?

When it will gonna happen?

Why would it happen in the first place?

Who is the reason behind it?

Where it gonna happen?

And mostly......



Hi,This is my first -very first- fanfiction.


I'm not really good something that related to literatur and such


i hope you can enjoy my story

English isn't my mother tongue


If you see grammar mistakes and typo

Please forgive me

And thanks to 

◇ Falling Snow Graphic Shop ◇

For the pretty poster and background 

So let's step into the story

03/13/15 : First chapter's up!!!!


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