
Save Me

Soojung's pov

After Jongin's break up text, I had logged out of all my social media accounts.

As soon as I returned to America and got settled back at home, I my laptop and logged in.

One new message from Minho Choi

Biting my bottom lip, I hesitantly clicked to open the message.

"Hey its been a while"

I checked the date and noticed he messaged me right after I posted on his wall.

"I'm visiting your area this week and I was thinking if we could hang out Soojung"

I rolled my eyes and continued to read

"Do you wanna come over to my house and walk my dogs? We could have dinner after"

I panicked. No. Walking dogs with him means being with just him. No

I started typing.

"Maybe we can just go to the mall and eat somewhere there?"

"Sure" he replied less than a second after I pressed Enter.

"We can go to the mall after we walk my dogs. How about this Saturday?"

I sighed. Him and his stubbornness.

"Ok cool."

"Alright Saturday 5:00 at my house and I'll drive you to the mall around 6 kay?"


I sighed. What did I just get myself into.

I immediately speed dialed Myungsoo and waited.

"What up Miss Jung"

"Myungsoo...Minho asked me to hang out with him...just him and-

"WHAT?! Why the hell would you hang out with that-

"Myungsoo! I know I'm stupid. He's just so stubborn and I'm scared of saying no to him."

I heard him sigh

"Can you please go with me Myung? I don't wanna be there alone"

"Anything for you princess. When is it?"

"Saturday at 5. Thank you so much Myung."

"Go to sleep now Jung. It's almost midnight."

"G'nite Myungie"

"G'nite Jungie"



I messaged Minho and told him that I invited Myungsoo.

He agreed but insisted that he join us later at the mall, and not at his house.

I didn't want to argue with him so it was settled.

I called Myungsoo and told him to come later at the mall and he said yes after nagging about how Minho would take advantage of me while walking his dogs so I should bring pepper spray and a pocket knife.

I ended the call and smiled, shaking my head.

Oh Myungsoo haha.



It was Saturday.

I arrived at Minho's house and waved goodbye to my parents who drove away to their date.

I slowly brought myself to his door and rang the doorbell.

He answered the door and came out wearing a black deep-cut vneck and white shorts.

"Hey Soojung! Right on time. You missed me that much?" He winked

I forced a small smile.

"You're so cute" He cupped my face.

I was startled by the sudden contact and stepped away.

Clearing my throat I quickly asked, "So..where are your dogs?"

"Just a sec. I'll go get our stuff."

He returned with his two dogs and two leashes. He handed one of the leashes to me.

We started walking the dogs. We had small talk.

I kept noticing how he pulled the leash towards the inside of the sidewalk, his body bumping mine constantly.

He lived near the school so many of the houses we passed and the cars that passed were familiar people.

I tried my best to stand nearest to his neighbor's lawns, the grass brushing my shoes.

When the walk was finally over, we got into his car and he started driving.

He told me he made a playlist but all I heard was weird electronic dubstep which he skipped through almost every other song.


We arrived at the mall and I immediately called Myungsoo.

"Myungie where are you? I'm near the food court"

"Found you. I'll be right there Jung"

I let out a small sigh of relief.

"How come I don't get a nickname?" Minho said, his mouth too close to my ear for comfort.

I backed away and smiled trying to say something nice until a familiar scent came near my nose and I knew he was here.

I turned around and hugged Myungsoo.

"Thank god you're here" I whispered in his ear

"Your knight in shining black armor is here princess" he replied softly

We chuckled and released our hug.

"Hey Myungsoo. Long time no see" Minho and Myungsoo shook hands

"Yeah. Nice to see you hyung. So where are we eating?"


We settled in an Italian restaurant and ordered one pizza, pasta, and salad and shared.

We sat in a booth so Minho sat on the left, I sat on the middle, and Myungsoo sat on the right.


While we were eating, Minho's hand brushed my thigh, longer than what would be an accident.

Myungsoo's and my eyes shot up.

"What the-

"So Soojung," Minho interrupted Myungsoo, "How's it going with Jongin?"

I swallowed what was in my mouth and replied, "Oh, we broke up..a couple weeks ago."

"Oh I'm so sorry Soojung I really didn't know" 

"No its fine. It wasn't a bad break up"

"That's good to hear" Minho said, brushing his hand on her thigh once more.

Acting like it didn't happen, again.

I saw Myungsoo curling his hand into a fist.

I immediately held his hand and our eyes met.

His eyes were dark with anger. 

Just hold it in for now I told him through my eyes

He grunted and stabbed at the salad.


When we finished eating, we headed to the parking lot to get into Myungsoo's car for dessert.

"I call shotgun" I said.

I did not want to be in the back with Minho.

Myungsoo unlocked his car and I slipped into the shotgun seat.

Just as I was about to close door Minho whined, "But I want shotgun"

And he sat on me.

I cannot explain how uncomfortable and disgusted I felt.

"Okay seriously hyung that's not cool" Myungsoo eyed him.

"Okay okay gosh don't get all butthurt guys" Minho laughed it off and sat in the back.


We went to a smoothie store, bought our smoothies, and went back in Myungsoo's car to go back to the mall because Minho's car was there.

"Soojung I'll give you a ride" Minho offered.

"Oh. I was gonna take her home." Myungsoo said.

"Y-yeah I'll ride Myungsoo's car Minho" I added

"No seriously Soojung I'll give you a ride" Minho grinned

"Her house is on the way to my house hyung. I'll give her a ride" Myungsoo said, in a calm yet demanding tone, even though my house was further than his house.

"Alright then. Nice seeing you guys today. I had fun Soojung" He winked. "You too Myungsoo"

He waved and headed to his car.


I let out a long sigh and got into Myungsoo's car while Myungsoo held the door open for me.

He got in the driver's seat and we sat silently for a few minutes.

"Let's go Myung"

He started the car and headed to my house.

The ride home was silent.

Myungsoo glanced over at me frequently, checking if I was okay.

He parked his car next to my house and waited a few minutes.

That was when I finally let out a tear.

He looked over at me and noticed my crying.

"That was horrible. Why did I even say yes. Why did I even reply to his message. Why did I even say happy birthday to that thing in the first place" I choked out

Myungsoo took my hand in his and gently rubbed it with his other hand.

"You know what's even more messed up? He didn't know Jongin and I broke up. He did that even before he found out we broke up. What kind of person does that?" I shouted.

Myungsoo waited or me to calm down and said, "You know Jungie, if I wasn't there I don't know what would have happened to you."

I finally looked up and faced him.

"If something happend to you, I swear I would have killed that thing. I don't care about the consequences. He dared to touch my girl-

He stopped, realizing what he spilled out.

He avoided my eyes.

"I-I mean my girlfriend. You know. A friend who is a girl. Ahem"

"Is that really how you feel Myungsoo"

He was horrible at lying

He finally looked back at me.


It was my turn to be startled.

"For the longest time that's not how I've felt about you Soojung. I don't want you to just be a friend who is a girl. I want you to be my girlfriend. As in the girl that I love, more than love as just a friend. My heart breaks whenever I see you get hurt and today, I had to see it up close. I don't want you to be with people who upset you like this. I don't want you to be with other people. I don't want you to cry like this," he paused, wiping my tears and cupping my face, "I want you to be happy. And I wouldn't ask for anything else if your happiness would include me."


He took my arm and placed them on his shoulders and wrapped his arms around my waist.

He brought me close to his body, close enough that I could feel his heart beating fast.

He slowly rubbed my back and my sniffling stopped. 

He pulled back but his hands were still on my waist.

He took turns looking at each of my eyes and smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"You're beautiful Jung Soojung. You deserve an angel. You don't deserve a devil like Minho-hyung, or anyone who hurt you."

He wiped my remaining tears and slowly released my body.

He stepped out of the car and walked over to my side to open the door.

During that short period of time I had to myself, I thought. I thought and I thought. And I decided.

He opened the door and forced a smile with sad eyes.

"Come on out princess"

I sat still and looked at him. I studied his eyes and saw the love in them.

"Can you be it Myungsoo?" I said softly

His smile slowly changed to a look of confusion.

I stood up from the seat and faced him, a distance of merely 3 inches seperating my face and Myungsoo's.

"Can you be my angel..Myungsoo?"

He stared at me for a couple of seconds.


We smiled.

I reached over and placed my hands on the sides of his face.

"I love you" I said through my eyes before placing my lips on his.

I felt him smile through our kiss as his arms reached for my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He pulled back and gave me a short peck on the lips.

"You're beautiful. And from now on you're my girlfriend"

"And you're my boyfriend" I replied, smiles forming on our pink faces.

Myungsoo picked me up and twirled me around. I giggled and when he put me down, he locked my fingers with his and we took a short walk around the neighborhood.






I hope this isn't too long

I hope the formatting isn't too disgusting

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KrystalJungKJK #1
Chapter 2: This is great
esther512 #2
Myungstal the best!
Nuclearx #3
Chapter 2: That feeling~♡
Lovelypandabear #4
Chapter 2: Super duper adorable :)
Chapter 2: ughh my myungstal feels!!! reading this made me more excited for their drama
Chapter 2: I seriously loved this! My top 3 Krystal pairings were here & that made me love it even more. Although Minho's character even made me uncomfortable. -_- I'm glad Myungsoo & Krystal ended up together ♡
Chapter 2: My Myungstal feel are back!!!
Chapter 2: that was adorable :') anything myungstal is amazing.
Chapter 2: this is so cute!! Finally myungstal;))