
Pay For It.



'Myungsoo.. 'after being rewarded with silence sungyeol tried again.

 It was another typical fight between the two. Myungsoo as always using the deadly weapon of 'Silent Treatment' on sungyeol. Knowing it affects the later greatly.


' Myungsoo .. hey .. '. not caring about the that tears started to spill fom his eyes he went again. 


 He knew myungsoo hated it when sungyeol worked over hours at his part-time job. 

But he only does this to get more time to spend with him away from college, work and all these things keeping them both so busy all the time. why'd myungsoo had to be so mad it was tiring for him to work till midnight ok, But isn't their date more important?


'Talk to me myungsoo ..' wich ended like a whine.

Ok now he's crying. taking up the cover off myungsoo's back and joining him in the warmth and clutching to the back of the other's shirt propably wetting it in the process.

Stupid heartless myungsoo who knows just how to push him to the edge.


'myung.. '

' please i miss you ..' And with that the reply was a lean further away.


That's it for him he got up rather dramatically wiping his tears. 'fine ignore me all you want but you'll regret this!' 


Sleeping on the couch it is




After setting the A/C warmer, Myungsoo sat on the table across his lover.


 whispering a 'And i thought got used to his sleeping figure ..' to himself.


Indeed the fact the how beautiful sungyeol is even when sleeping never seem to sink in for him.


Never fails to amaze him at that.


And with that he sighed. He knew he was to harsh towards him. But how long does he have to bear seeing him get hurt.


Sungyeol doesn't have to do all that for them to go on a date someplace fancy.


Really he's fine with getting back from work and cooking dinner for both him and the choding watching tv still in his uniform. Yelling at him not to eat chips before dinner and get his off the couch and shower before he sets the table. Receiving a backhug and a kiss from him before doing as told. and gettin back in 10 mins hair wet and and setting the table as his part of the chores.


If only the choding understands that he cherishes all their time together. 


He gets up to brush some strands of hair of his lover's face and adjust the cover to cover his scattered limbs too.


He hopes the choding learns his lesson. He's also going to make it up for him tomorrow.


And with a kiss to the choding's forhead he goes to bed.





Sungyeol wakes up after a long session of stretching that looks like he's under sorcery.


'what time is it?' 


It feels like morning but yet the sky is a bit darker.


He gets up, adjusting myungsoo's big black shorts he's wearing that feel like falling off.


He pops his head through their bedroom and sees the bed empty and tidied.


He goes to the kitchen to get some water, as he opens the fridge he notices a note on their grocery board 'I left a note at the coffee table. close the fridge!'.


' fine no need to yell '


After doing as told he realises its afternoon and myungsoo already went to work and the note says 'wait for me at home. It's important.'



He thinks he spoiled that brat too much.





'hyung, send me the adrees to that hot club you and gyu hyung hang out in. '


' Are you high? Is myungsoo with you? '


Woohyun sounds hoarse on the phone. great minds think alike.


'Myungsoo's at work. hyung i just need the adress for a friend'


Woohyun's yawning on the line.


'Just send me the adress and go back to sleep this is all a dream.' He hangs up.


And shortly he gets a text with the adress from woohyun.


What an idiot.





This place sure is hot. Whats's with the people here.. are they even clothed?


After throwing a look to the dance floor he decides he's not that drunk.


He settles at the bar and asks for a beer that's slightly stronger than his usual.


The hell with it. Myungsoo should thank god he didn't get and dance the macarena on some table and came to the bar. although the idea sends a chiver down his spine, it'll be perfect to destroy myungsoo. he takes a big sip at that. 

He feels like someone's watching him so he sits straight and focuses on the people dancing on the other side of the room.


He looks up when someone sits next to him. It's a guy. Agood looking guy at that.


He's in black pants and a shirts that compliments his broad shoulders And sungyeol thinks he should work out more.


' Hey there. '


'Hi. '


The guy orders a fancy glass of strong wine and sungyeol feel like a highschooler with his beer.


'What's a guy like you doing at the bar alone?'


Sungyeol didnt say anything and continued to draw circles on his glass.


' Excuse my rudness but i really hope you're single.'


Sungywol freaked out a little at that.


'Not really. I have a boyfriend.'


'you're not just saying that to push me away are you? '


' no. '


' What a lucky man. Where is he? '


' At work. He doesnt know im here.'


' Oh. I don't know about you , But that gives me an idea. '



Sungyeol took a big sip at that.




woohyun woke up to the noise his lover was making while playing videogames.


'Oh you're up.'


' Thanks to you. ' 


The other just scoffed and pecked his boyfriend quickly before going back to the game.


' How long did i sleep? When'd you wake up? '


' An hour. I just woke up. By the way who we're you talking to on the phone? i could hear you. '




' Ok no need to yell. '


Woohyun got up abruptly. ' Where's the car keys? '


Sunggyu turned off his game console.' What? what's wrong? '


' Sungyeol. He's going to that night club alone. He's gonna do something stupid i just know ' Woohyun replied while shaking the cover looking for his phone.


Found it. He started dialing Myungsoo's number.

That idiot is gonna flip.


The voice of the front door opening was heard. Woohyun looked over and sunggyu was already in his shoes, holding the door with the car keys in his other hand. ' Hurry up let's go. '.


Woohyun thinks thats just hot how his boyfriend completely changes character from a chubby hamster playing video games and eating chips to a dead serious man when one of their friends is in trouble. Did he mention how y he looked all serious furrowing his eyebrows with his small eyes?


Sunggyu just closed the door and went. he's gonna leave without him.


 'Wait up i'm coming!'




Loud music and the smell of alcohol welcomes them.


'How are we gonna to find him here? sunggyu?' 


That jerk was right here where'd he go? Great. Now he has to look for his detective boyfriend too.


'Im here you idiot.' Sunggyu just merouculasly shows up.

He isn't anywhere near the dance floor nor the bathrooms at the back.


'Lets check the bar.'


Sunggyu perks up. it's like he forgot there is a bar at this place. 'yeah.'


They move their way through the crowds of people to the bar. Is that girl even wearing a top?    

Sunggyu smacks his head when he sees him looking at those girls. stupid nam.


Ok.sungyeol. Yes.


'He's not here..'  woohyun freaks out a little on the inside when he says that.


No. his best friend wasn't abducted by some e was he? Oh no Sungyeol .. Sunggyu brings him back to reality with a 'Are you ing kidding me? We haven't checked at the seatting area back there. stop the drama.' 


Woohyun follows his boyfriend quitelly wipping at imaginary tears. He's a sensitive man ok.




They stop in their track when they see him. He's sitting on one of the black leather chairs by a table full of drinks chatting with a guy on the couch across of him.


 'Who's that?' sunggyu asks.


Woohyun narrows his eyes to get a better look. 


Sunggyu grabs his boyfriends arm when he bults off.

 ' relax. You're not here to fight woohyunnie. Maybe it's afriend. You don't really think he's a e do you? '


Sunggyu just knew him too well.


They make their way to the table. sungyeol jumps on his feet when he sees them.

 'Hey you guys! What are you doing here? Did that dictator send you?'


' No. we're here because you're stupid.'


Sungyeol laughed flopping on the chair and crossing his legs, a new glass in his hand.


'Put that down!' 


 ' Make me. '


He might be a bit drunk.


The guy stands up and shakes hand with them.


And Sungyeol decides to introduce them as the gentlrman he is.


'This is sunggyu the hamster who likes to scold.'


Sunggyu just frowns at that.


' And this is Woohyun. He tops! '



Just as smug was written all over woohyun's face, Sunggyu's face exchanged various expressions from shock over disbelief and turned into pure rage and woohyuh had to calm him and remind him sungyeol was still drunk. Sunggyu was messaging his temples flames all around him with woohyun brushing his back.


The guy was the first to break this deadly silence. 'O..ok .. i Really didn't need to know that.'


Sungyeol just shrugged and continued to enjoy himself completely ignoring the three men watching him as if he was rare specie.


' Well since you guys are already here, I can leave him with you. And i really tried to stop him from drinking but he kept saying that he had to take revenge from his boyfriend i or something '


Woohyun and sunggyu had a vouge idea what all this is about . Sungyeol probaply planned to come to this place, Get drunk and cause myungsoo a mental breakdown. What'd that jerk do again?


Woohyun sighed. ' And you are? '


The guy suddenly realised he hasn't introduced himself yet. ' I'm Joon. Nice to meet you all '


' Well sorry for the trouble he caused you and thank you for watching him for us ' Sunggyu said as he said goodbye to the man.


Now they just need to take this choding home before myungsoo arrives and shed blood. This will take some time.






The throw him on the couch.


'What'd you do this time?' Sunggyu throws myungsoo a glare. 


Myungsoo just sighs and thanks them.


' You guys can go home now. ' and opens the door for them.


Sunggyu is about to tell him what really happened there. Also add some details to the story to make him suffer but woohyun nudges him slightly as if he knew what was going on in his lover's mind.


'Alright spit it out you too. 


' It's nothing really ' Woohyun lies.


'Something happened back there, right sunggyu?'


' Just ask your boyfriend im sure he'll tell you all you need to know. ' And with that they leave a bank myungsoo standing at the door frame.






Sungyeol wakes up so ungracefully. rubbing his stomache and yawning like there's no tomorrow.


Where is this? why is it so dark? who is he?.


His Head is throbbing and he feels like he's been hit by a train.


Someone took off his jacket, belt , shoes and coverd him. Is this Woogyu's resident? Was he ? 


He gets up only to fall to the ground with a loud thud. , How much did he drink?


Well this place really looks like their apartment.


' Woah there , You're up '.He actually forgot his boyfriend existed.


Myungsoo apparently was sleeping on the chair right beside him. He rushes to help him up. Sure enough, Sungyeol pushes himself away and flopes back to the couch.


' You okay? '. He wants to tell him how much his head hurts and how his throught is dry and asks him for a glass of water and a hug. 


No. He didn't miss this bastard at all.


' Ugh go away. ' He tries to stand up again to go to the kitchen but this bastard pushes him back to the couch.


' Sit '. Myungsoo actually points his finger at his face with that. What is he a dog?


Speaking of dogs, What the happend at the bar?


He tries to remember what happend back there but the pain in his temples won't let him.

He gets vougue images of that guy telling him to stop drinking and rubbing his back and woogyu barging in. He still can't believe he discussed his his love life with a guy he just met at the bar. Way to go sungyeol.


A glass of water appears in frong of his face and is followed by aspirin and the worried face of his boyfriend.


He takes the pills and chugs the whole glass.


' Slowly yeol '.

Sungyeol ignores him and lays back down.


The other just sighs and heads to the kitchen ' Im making dinner while you nap '.





Sungyeol wakes up to the smell of food. Not just any food it's Mac and cheese .. he drools a lirtle bit.


He also feels a lot better now that his headache is gone. After checking the time he finds out he slept 20 mins only yet he feels so much better.


Myungsoo is still in the kitchen busy with dinner. So he goes to take a shower.


When he's done he wears his fave shorts and is about to pick up his fave shirt too wich is myungsoo's shirt. He decides he doesn't care and puts it on while heading to the kitchen. 


' I made mac and cheese '.


' I see '. With that he takes the plates and proceeds to make the table.


Myungsoo just sighs. He's dying inside to know what happend back there but this idiot is still acting childish, So he thinks getting to him with food is best right now.




After a very silent dinner with sungyeol eating noisely, Sungyeol dumps his plate in the sink and jumps on the couch. He needs a movie. Myungsoo joins.And ofcourse sungyeol is too busy switching channels to care.


' Sungyeol '.


A hum is the respond for myungsoo.


 ' Sungyeol we need to talk '.


' Oh so you're acknoledging my existance now ' Sungyeol is so angry right now and the stupid remote is .. well stupid!


Myungsoo snatches the remote from his hands. 

' What the myungsoo '


' Yeol , where did you go today? '


' I want to that club woohyun and hoya always talk about ' Here we go.


' And you didn't tell me because? '


Sungyeol takes the remote back. ' well you didn't ask. ' He replies with a smirk.


Myungsoo sighs. 'Fine. What happened there? '


' I had fun. That's what happened '


With a swift movement the remote is back in Myungsoo's hands.


' What kind of fun may i know? '


Sungyeol sits back comfortably. ' I met this guy. And he's awesome '.


Myungsoo crosses his hands ' What did you do with that guy then? '


' I had fun with him '. Sungyeol makes sure to imphasize With.


Myungsoo thinks two can play that game. ' Oh good thing you did. I always thought you needed to go out and have fun with random awesome guys '.


Sungyeol's eyes widden a little. What did his boyfriend say again? 


' So you're okay with this? '


' Ofcourse why wouldn't i be? '


' B-but we had fun '.


' Good for you then '. Myungsoo resist the urge to burst out laughing it his face.


He knows what his lover is doing. And he's not really affected. He knows his boyfriend wouldn't go near to doing any of that. And he wouldn't give him the satisfaction so easilly.


' Did you hear any of what i said? '


' Yep ' Myungsoo fakes an innocent smile.


' We ed myungsoo.'


Ok. He didn't expect the choding to get frustrated so fast.


' Oh my god you did? ' Myungsoo fakes his shock.


' Yes we did. And it was awesome '.


Myungsoo throws the remote somewhere as he gets up and hover over him. Sungyeol gulpes. Maybe he took it too far. Really Sungyeol?


Myungsoo stares right into his eyea ' Well then what are you doing with me? ' Ok why does Myungsoo sound so y right now?


' I-i live here '.


' Then how you invite him over? '


' What? '. Sungyeol can't believe this. Why isn't he jealous ? And What?!


' You know, You two can have fun all you want '. The face Sungyeol is making is precious.


' But you're my boyfriend! '


' Fine how about a with you're little friend? ' Myungsoo says so casually.And he actually struggles not to burst out laughing and hug this adorable idiot right now.


' What the myungsoo! ' Sungyeol feels like crying, what's wrong with this man? 


Myungsoo sighs and stands straight. ' Im going to bed.


Sungyeol grabs his hand.


' Myungsoo ' He's facing the ground so myungsoo can't really tell his expression but his voice gives it.


' yeah '


' You know we didn't really do that right? '. Maybe Myungsoo a bit harshly.


He falls to his knees and and searches for his boyfriend's eyes all while holding his hand. When he finds them he regrets all what he said. He's hurt. 

' Ofcourse i know yeol '.


Sungyeol is so angry at himself righ now. He should have continued with his plan. But just the idea of Myungsoo taking him for granted breaks him inside.


' Yeol ' Myungsoo's hands go up to his face and tenderly brush his cheeks. He realises his eyes were tearing up. Wtf yeol you're a man.


' Look at me yeol '. Sungyeol regrets obeying cause his boyfriend looks so sincere and he's suppoused to hate him.


' I hate you '. Ok myungso actually laughs at that.


' I Know ' Myungsoo says with a faint smile.


' Good 'Sungyeol says as he wipes his eyes aggresivly. Myungsoo wants so badly to just cuddle this creature to death.


' I'm Sorry. I wanted to tease you because you were being childish and talking about other awesmoe guys infront of me. '


' Well i'm not the one who ignored my boyfriend for a whole day just because he was making time for us! ' Sungyeol says all in one breath. And boy does he feel good after letting all this go.


Myungsoo's eyes dosen't falter and he looks serious all of a sudden. ' I'm sorry Sungyeol. I was too harsh i know. but i was worried. I told you to never work over time for me '.


' Us Myungsoo, Us'.


' I know. But i still won't let you do it. You really don't understand yeol '.


' Understand what? ' 


' That i don't need fancy dates. Everytime we're together is special to me. And really my favourite date is when you're on a day off and you oversleep and we get pizza and watch too many movies and cuddle right here on this couch '.


Sungyeol actually agrees. He always wanted to go to fancy restaurants with Myungsoo or new places they've never been to, But it's really special when they did all what Myungsoo just said. So he looks down.


' I also wanted to make it up to you after i get back. That's why i left you the note but you left '.


' Im sorry Myung ' Sungyeol Wipes his eye with the back of his right hand. Not letting go of Myungsoo's hand while doing so.


Myungsoo thinks his boyfriend is too adorable for his health. He sighs And put yeols hand on his shoulder and grab his boyfriend's waist. ' I'M Sorry. Forgive me yeol? '. He also flashes a cheeky smile to grant his forgivness.


Sungyeol laughs whole heartedly at this. And he really misses Myungsok even if it was like 1 and a half day. 


Myungsoo laughs and he really loves Sungyeol's Laugh. He Loves Sungyeol.


' Let's not fights again '.He says and Sungyeol nods in total agreement.


' Well don't ignore me again! I hate it when you do that! '


' I guess that's why i do it '  And that gives him a smack on the head by his lover.


' Yeah about the awesome guy, We just talked and he kept telling me not to drink and that he's sure you're sorry and you love me. Seriously did you hire him or something? '


Myungsoo laughs. ' See? Thats why i never worried. I told you no one else would take you away from me. You're bound to me '. Myungsoo actually avoids this smack in time.


' I hate you really '.


Myungsoo places a kiss on his aggressive hand. ' Well i love you. '


Sungyeol realises he never got used to Myungsoo and his doings. Cause even at this moment his hearts skips a beat and he's pretty sure his cheeks are as red as a tomato. And what's with these stupid butterflies in his stomache?


Myungsoo stands up and helps the other up. He takes his hand in his. ' Let's go.'


Once they reach their bedroom Sungyeol abandons Myungsoo and jumps on the bed. He indeed missed it. Myungsoo just chuckles at him and closes the lights before he joins him.


And as soon as he does the other latches on him. He hugs him back and bury his nose on his hair. Sungyeol forever smells beautiful and he never is used to it. 















So yea

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Chapter 1: Sooo cuteee!! Good job authornim! :)
Chapter 1: awwwww.... Myungyeol...the...weird couple? XD <3
Woogyumania #3
Chapter 1: Omg It's so cute I'm gonna cry good job TT-TT ♡
Chapter 1: WOW!!! It's so cuteee!! ><
XyeolsooX #5
Chapter 1: Oh my god so sweet and beautiful
I cant believe you wrote that
Well done!!!
I would like to read more of your writing
nararahanibi #6
Chapter 1: i wonder what'll happen. haha
kimchoding91 #7
Chapter 1: Hmmm..ill be watching this story..hehehe