Just after the proposal ;)

After The Proposal.
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The curtain falls (Or screens closing?), indicating that the concert was finally coming to an end after they threw an extravagant encore for their precious fans. A never-ending thunderous applause was filling the concert hall and a vast wave of sapphire blue was flickering along the wave of loud chanting and cheering. The concert was a gratifying success for the thirteen boys, but it was even more of a success and celebration for a certain good-looking boy. Because he for once, just did an amazing surprise in the middle of the concert, surprising a beautiful lady in the sweet process and startling the fans with silent gasps at the sudden and unexpected turn of event. Because who would have thought that ---


Oh, surprise ~ Cho Kyuhyun just proposed to a lucky girl in the middle of their concert, offering a bouquet of Ferrero Roche and on top of it, there lies a cute little red box where a diamond-embedded silver ring was safely kept within, making all the fans and all the girls on Earth burning with jealousy, because DAMN, HE JUST PROPOSED TO HER IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE WORLD. Okay, let’s rephrase the sentence: AN IDOL JUST PROPOSED TO A DAMN LUCKY FANGIRL IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE WORLD AND THAT IS JUST TOO MUCH FEELS FOR A FAN LIKE US. (Yeah, that’s a fangirl’s dream, we all should admit that)


Soon after that, the thirteen boys together with the lucky girl finally returned to their waiting room, some of the staffs were already waiting for them, their looks were definitely those of a questioning one, probably surprised and startled as much as the (enraged?) fans, because the only ones who knew about his plan were the Super Junior members and the staffs in charge of the stage and music. (Because he needed them for his plan of proposal)


As they entered the room, Kyuhyun was looking all rainbows, lollipops, cookies, cotton candies and everything that was pretty and sweet, as his face was obviously plastered with a wide genuine smile, revealing two rows of his white and well-kept teeth; absolutely looking and feeling good because his propose just went perfectly well according to his original plan. And as for the lucky girl, her head was lowered down as she walked in while holding the bouquet. Her index finger was beaming a glimmer of the ring that she just received from her fiancé in the most romantic way she could have asked for. A sprinkle of dusted pink was visible under her skin as she felt her face burning up whenever her eyes caught sight of Kyuhyun’s heart-melting smile. And she felt her inside fluttering erratically at the thought of him finally becoming her fiancé. Yes, the feels in her.


As both were enjoying the moment of sheer happiness, while the rests were smiling and swooning at the thought of their little maknae finally having a serious relationship, Kyuhyun suddenly had this naughty thought to make his future wife blush even more when he noticed her already reddened cheek, because she was just too adorable in his eyes, of course.


And suddenly, out of nowhere, Kyuhyun abruptly halted his steps as he raised his hand to pinch her supple cheeks. Surprised, she just blinked her eyes a few times as her gaze was directly engaged with his.


“Eun Hee-ah, I seriously can’t wait to kiss you. Your cheek is just screaming for me to press my lips on it right now.” And so he flirted. His words sunk like a submarine in her head because just as soon, she furiously blushed at his sudden bold comment before she shoot an unhappy glare, although it came out adorable in his eyes.


“Yah! You are such a ert!” yelled Eun Hee, eyes looking everywhere but him. Kyuhyun let out a naughty chuckle before he simply replied,


“Hm, how does kissing my future wife on her cheek considered to be a ert?” She cocked her eyes at her newly appointed fiancé in repulsion.


“You’re still a ert.” She replied nonetheless, sticking her tongue out adorably soon after.


“Fine, if I’m a ert, then what does that make them?” Snarky, yes he was as Kyuhyun quickly pointed his finger to all of Suju member while he sneaked a few mocking glances at the offended boys.


“Yah! We are not a ert!” Eunhyuk retorted, eyes bulging out in dissatisfaction at the untrue accusation.


“Haha of course not, you guys are ual harasser, abusive, ! S&M!” replied the youngest, absolutely having fun in teasing his hyungs.


“W- What?! No, we’re not! We don't declare in public that we want to kiss our wife on her cheeks like someone else here.” Shortly, Ryeowook retaliated, his voice ringing with sarcasm as he said his reply.


“Haha! How could you? You guys don’t even have a girlfriend, let alone a wife. Just stay single forever in your life dude. And die .” And Kyuhyun, being the newly born MC star from Radio Star just learnt all kind of snarky replies to trap his victims.


“Ugh, tell me why did I even become your friend at all?” Defeated, Ryoewook just rolled his eyes at the boy before he stuck out his tongue. Kyuhyun tilted his head a little as he jerked up his shoulders for a subtle shrug.


“Pfftt! Technically we’re not even friends.” Said the youngest, his face changed from the snarky to his poker face. And the boys’ faces cringed in hurt, probably some offense taken by that simple yet stabbing comment. But before anymore offense could be taken further, he swiftly parted his lips to blurt an unbelievable speech,


“You're my hyungs. We are tied by strings of the unbreakable bonds. We’re a big Super family. And our bond is much more stronger than a mere friendship because we are what I call the inevitable fate. So by hook or by crook, you’re technically stuck with me. Forever.” He continued his halted words, a genuine smile tugging on his face as he looked at the touched boys.


And with those words, the boys smiled amused. Well, who would have thought that the evil baby would say that out in the open? Must be the power of love. Ewww cheeseball. No really, must be the power of cheesiness coming from his affection for his future wife. He didn’t use to be like this at all. He used to be all cool, and uncheesy, and never once did a word like ‘love’ come out of those plump lips. Except for the purpose of entertainment and music and shows and all that related to showbiz.


“Awwww, what have come to our little maknae here? You’re so cheesecake I could gobble you up in a second!” said Leeteuk delightedly, practically cooing and swooning over his cute little baby. Kyuhyun smirked ---


“See? What did I just tell you, baby? They're the erts. I'm still the amazingly normal future husband you could have, and absolutely amazing. Oh did I already say that? Haha!” said the proud boy, arms crossing against his chest. And Eun Hee just had to roll her eyes again at her fiancé.


“You're so stupid, Kyu. And I’m forced to marry you now. What would I be in another 10 years?” She feigned a whining tone as she heaved a light sigh, shaking her head a little as though she was worrying over her blurry future.


“Awwhhh, you wanted to be with me that long? You’re soooo sweet! But I wanted to be with you even longer. Maybe for another 50 years? Or a hundred years? So, bear with this amazing me, please? Pretty please?” And there he goes again, spouting cheesecake sweet words at his future wife, earning a subtle blush from her. But she managed, and so soon enough, she replied ---


“What 100 years? Don’t be ridiculous, you couldn’t live that long. You’re not a vampire.”


“But I am! Or how could I be this handsome and talented and amazing if not because of the vampire blood in me?! I am a bloody hot vampire, so bow before me, the lord Kyuh---“ He couldn’t finish his stupid and non-sense boasting when Eun Hee suddenly placed her ringed index finger on his lips, shutting his bullet train mouth up because damn, he’s annoying when he’s hyper, and the only way to stop his non-sense behavior was by ---




So, she did. As she shushed the handsome boy, her eyes intensely gazing into his, showing him a glint of burning love behind her round orbs --- gosh so cheesy --- before she smoothly spouted sweet promises with her soothing voice–


“Or maybe, we could live together forever, until death do us part, and we shall meet in heaven and still live together, until forever is no longer a tale so we can finally live happily ever after. Hm, would you like that, Kyu?” said Eun Hee, and she couldn’t help but notice the deep shade of red creeping its way into Kyuhyun’s face. He’s flustered. He wasn’t used to being flirted by a girl this directly, especially not coming from the stone-heart Eun Hee. She smiled gleefully when her unexpected flirt was figuratively killing the almighty Kyuhyun when he just stutteringly replied,


“Y-yeah, I- I would really l-like that.” He managed to squeeze a legit answer. But when he noticed the victorious grin on his future wife’s face, he couldn’t help but feel this urge of competitiveness to win over her, so he quickly regained his composure back before he threw some cheese into his words ---


“Hmm, that’s a really good idea, baby. I would really love that. Let’s be together forever until we're in heaven, not only the two of us but with our children, hm?” said the naughty boy; a smirk was seen on his face. Eun Hee coughed abruptly at the word children.


“Y-yeah, children. Ahem. Haha. Yes, our children.” And there goes an awkward reply, her face creeping

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Chapter 1: Hahahahhaha!!! Cho Kyuhyun you evil little shi- baby!!! XD
This made me chuckle, Poor Leeteuk at the end, always evil Kyu ㅋㅋㅋ! This was really cute :)