
When you react to the Badman MV

“Hey, honey wake up.” You heard a faint familiar voice from somewhere, opening your eyes you saw your boyfriend Jung Daehyun right above you. He smiled “Good morning angel.” You blinked a few times and looked around. Now you remember you were at the studio of LOEN entertainment. You must have fallen asleep on Daehyuns lap. “What time is it Dae?” You asked. “Uhm its 10PM now.” “WHAT! I have to go –“ Daehyun shushed you and gently placed you back on his lap. “Don’t worry I already called your mom saying you fell asleep, I will bring you back home okay?” “Ahh okay Dae.”  Suddenly the rest of the members came in the studio. “The music video is out!” Yongguk said. The boys have been traveling to the US to record a few music videos and they music video Badman just released on YouTube. “Do you want to see it?” Dae asked you. “Of course and you stood up. Dae sat on the chair and he pulled you on his lap with the members all around to watch your reaction. After the video ended you couldn’t help but cry a little. “Oh why are you crying you didn’t like it?” Daehyun said  “No that’s not it in fact I loved it! It’s just I’m so proud of you guys for achieving all this, you guys really deserve all of it.” You said. Daehyun gently wiped away your tears with his thumbs. He sighed relieved. “I’m glad you like it.” He smiled and kissed you gently, “I love you.” “I love you too Dae.” You said.

“Well it’s time to get you home now.” “Ready to go wifey?” Daehyun said while picking you up bridal style. You laughed “Yeah I’m ready to go but you can let me go now I can walk on my own.” “Oh don’t act like you don’t love it.” Himchan said. “I don’t but…. –“ You started to blush really heavy. The boys laughed at your reaction. “Well I’m sorry but I’m not putting you on the ground.”  Daehyun said while walking towards the door. “Guys I’ll be right back.” “YAHH!! Daehyun let me go, this is kidnapping.” You shouted. Daehyun just completely ignored you and walked further. After a while of trying to let Daehyun put you on the ground you just gave up and went silent, after a while of walking you drifted off to sleep. Daehyun snickered “Well that took a while for you to be quiet.” He said while looking at you but when he saw you sleeping he couldn’t help but smile at your face. “You really sleep fast don’t you?” When Daehyun arrived at your home he slowly grabbed your keys out of your pocket and opened the door. Your mother was in the living room. “Oh hey Daehyun how did you….-“ She didn’t even have to finish her words because she saw you sleeping in his arms. She laughed “Ahh, she fell asleep again didn’t she?” “Yes she did, it still amazes me how she can sleep so fast.” “Ever since she was a little baby she would sleep for hours and hours.” Daehyun laughed “Well I’m going to put her in her bed now so she can sleep.” Daehyun walked upstairs where your room is located and gently put you in your bed. He carefully put the blanket on you. He sat on the edge of your bed just looking at your sleeping face. “She really is adorable when she sleeps.” Daehyun removed a strand of your hair and placed it behind your hair. “Goodnight my little angel.”Daehyun said while gently kissing your forehead. He then stood up and slowly closed the door. Coming downstairs he formally greeted your mother and went on his way back to the studio.

So yeah here it is^^ The actual dream I had 1 year ago. I do have to say that the second part of the story wasn't in my dream because it would be a really short one shot if I would only include my dream in it. I hope you guys like it and be sure to tell me if you want one shots of the other members too^^

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Chapter 1: Awww, that was just too cute:D