
L.Joe's Bride

Chapter 9: Coincidence?

The funniest thing in life is not the jokes that we laugh at. It’s not the errors of our friends when they slip and land on their butts or when they mispronounce words. It’s the stupidity of destiny.

It’s really funny that the person who wants me to stay away from him, is living in the same building, in the same floor and it! Right next to my pad.

It’s really funny that he’s living really near me – only the wall is separating us – but he seems so far away from me.

Really funny.

My eyes are watery right now.

I didn’t even dare to get out of the pad yesterday even though I wanted to go to a Chinese restaurant because I am craving for something chinese. I couldn’t even look out the terrace because he has the same terrace beside mine and I am afraid I would see him – or worse, he and Namjoo together, flirting in the terrace.

But now I got no excuse to not go to work no matter how hard it is.

“Keep calm, Kim Hana. You’re not going to die if L.Joe’s living right next to you.” I mumbled to myself. “Sure, it’s going to hurt you a lot but it’s better than dying. You have a lot of people in your life. You have Jiho. You are loved.” I chanted before I turned the door knob and walked out.

I looked to L.Joe’s unit and my eyes widened when I saw him walking out as well.

He’s wearing a white button down shirt with black slacks. Geez! He looks so divine.

“No. No, Kim Hana. Don’t even glance at him. Not even for a second.” I mumbled close-lipped. I don’t even know how I did it.

Must be the wonders whenever I see L.Joe.

He finally glanced at me and I looked away. I walked as fast as I could to the elevator. Then it dawned on me.

! Are we going to ride the same elevator?

Oh, God! Please, no!

I sighed hard and pressed the button. Geez! I wanted to go back and pretend that I forgot something but that would make me a coward.

And besides, I have to accept the fact that we live in the same building, same floor and same side of the condo, since I think we would be neighbors for a long time.

I have to get used to this.

To the pain when I see him. So that the time will come when everything I feel about him will go away because I am used to everything again. Used to pain. Get numb. Like that.

I felt his presence behind me.

Oh damn, my heart is racing like hell right now, like it used to. I am quite familiar to this feeling but the sad thing is I shouldn’t feel this.

My heart shouldn’t be racing like this whenever I am in front of him because he is not the one for me.

I shouldn’t let myself love him still because it’s not how it should be.

He has someone else now. And I am starting a new beginning.

The elevator came with no one of us talking.

Well, there is nothing to talk about. He told me to stay away from him so that means I wouldn’t have to talk to him too.

We entered the elevator. I was behind him. I really tried my best to not look at him. And I think I succeeded on that.

Not until…

“I’m sorry for what I told you in the restaurant.” His voice echoed around the elevator.

I had no choice but to look at him. At his reflection on the elevator door.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about.” I told him after gathering enough strength to talk. It’s just hard.

It’s hard to accept the fact that the person who loved you so dearly is acting like a stranger to you. Although I can’t blame him. I left. I’m stupid.

But that’s not the point.

I have to move on. That’s what I should do.

I heard him breathe deeply. “I was harsh. Sorry.” He mumbled.

I sighed. “Thanks.” I spoke and he looked at me. “Thanks for being harsh on me in the restaurant. You just pushed me to the reality that we are never meant to be. Never were. Never will.”

Then the elevator opened and I walked out, leaving him alone.

! Kim Hana for the win!


“Okay. Meeting adjourned.” I smiled at the board members as closed the folder I am holding. I looked at Mr. Lee and he smiled at me.

This is the first meeting I had with the Board Members and yes, Mr. Lee was right. The board members are not as intimidating as the board members I watch on TV.

They are actually nice and they give me a lot of ideas.

I stood up when Mr. Lee walked to me. “Want to grab dinner?” He asked me.

I looked at my watch. It’s 7PM already.

I looked back at him and nodded. “Sure.”

The day was right. I had a lot of things to accomplish and it made me not think about what happened in the elevator this morning.

It was the best thing that happened this day.

I guess that’s why people say that when you underwent a breakup, you should preoccupy yourself with anything. Work, clubs, orgs or whatever.

Because it is effective. It makes you forget about that certain person, about the pain you are feeling, even for a while. At least you are spared of emotional stress even for a while.

Mr. Lee and I walked into a Chinese restaurant. He asked me where I want to eat so I told him where exactly.

We chose the table in the corner to be able to the street lights. It was great. The view.

Somehow, I remembered the first time L.Joe and I ate in Seafoo-


I don’t have to remember. It’s not worth remembering.

“What do you want to eat?” Mr. Lee asked me.

I looked at him and smiled. “The best seller.” I replied.

He smiled and nodded then he turned to the waiter. “What’s your best seller?” He asked.

The waiter smiled. “It’s Szechuan noodles with spicy beef sauce, Sir.” He replied.

Mr. Lee nodded. “Sounds good.” He replied. “Two of those.” Then he turned to me. “What do you want to drink?” He asked.

“Green tea.” I replied.

Mr. Lee turned to the waiter again. “One green tea. One wine.” He told him and the waiter bowed at us and left.

I looked at Mr. Lee. “You like wines?” I asked.

He smiled and nodded. “Yes. Do you?” He asked back.

I shook my head. “No. I mean, I don’t know. I’m allergic to drinks with alcohol.” I replied.

He looked at me. His gaze is captivating. It’s like he’s telling you that he’s owning you. It’s different from all of the gazes I’ve seen. Probably because he is uptight.

He raised his brow. “Really? Too bad. I can’t drink beer with you.” He joked.

I chuckled. “Yes. It’s a pity.” I smiled.

He looked at me and smiled. “So,” his voice trailed. “Tell me something about you.” He told me.

I gave him a weird look. “What something about me?” I asked.

“Favorite color, favorite book, favorite pastime, love life, et cetera.” He enumerated.

I scoffed at him. “What are you? Slum book?” I teased.

He chuckled. “I just want to know more things about you.” He told me. “I mean, aside from being the company’s President’s daughter, I know nothing about you.” He said.

I smiled and exhaled. “Well, my favorite color is blue. My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice. My favorite pastime is sleeping. And no. No love life.” I replied. But then I suddenly thought of Jiho.

“I made you fall for me before. I will do that again.”

He raised his brow. “No love life? Are you kidding me?” He asked.

I chuckled. “No. I really don’t have one.” I replied.

He gave me a look. “You’re one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen. I won’t believe you.” He told me.

I laughed at him. “Then don’t. But really. I don’t have that. Love life.”


I looked at who talked and was surprised to see Jiho looking at me. “Hi, Kim Hana. Nice meeting you here.” He greeted me then he pulled a chair and sat beside me.

Mr. Lee smiled. “I knew it. You’re too beautiful to not have a love life.” He told me.

Jiho shook his head disapprovingly. “Dude, you gotta learn to stop flirting with her.” He said as he wrapped his arm around me. “She’s mine. So back off.”

Mr. Lee chuckled and raised his hands in surrender. “Aye aye, Woo Jiho.” He laughed. “I’m just testing the waters.”

Jiho glared at him. “There’s no water to test in the first place.” He scowled.

Mr. Lee chuckled. “You’re a bit too possessive.” He spoke.

“Because I am.” Jiho spat.

Mr. Lee smirked. “You’re acting like you’re not confident of her feelings for you.” He shot back.

“Can y-“

“Omo! It’s Zico, Byunghun oppa!”

Jiho’s words were cut when we heard Namjoo’s voice.

Jiho immediately looked at me, alarmed. “.” He muttered under his breath as soon as he saw L.Joe.

Namjoo looked at me and waved. “Hi, Ms. Kim!” She greeted me.

I smiled at her. “Hey.” I greeted back.

The waiter walked to them. “Sorry, Ma’am. But the place is full.” He told her apologetically.

Namjoo pouted and looked at L.Joe. “It’s fine. We’ll just eat at a different chinese resto.” L.Joe held her hand and smiled.


I shut my eyes in relief. Yes! No place for them. God must still love me.

“Oh! You can sit here with us.”

Jiho and I looked at Mr. Lee, stunned. Then we looked at each other.

“.” We chorused this time and Jiho chuckled. He held my hand and gave me an assuring squeeze.

I smiled at him.

Now this is what I like about Jiho. He makes me feel secure. He makes me feel safe. That no one will be able to touch me, to hurt me when he is around.

He did that when we were in college. No one could even get near me because he is my boyfriend.

Then now. He holds my hand and I feel like there’s nothing that could harm me.

Perhaps, he will always have that impact in me.

Namjoo looked at Mr. Lee, surprised. “Really?” She asked in disbelief.

Mr. Lee nodded. “Of course.” He replied then Namjoo and L.Joe sat with the round table with us.

L.Joe strategically sat in front of me. This is getting bad.

I sighed hard and Jiho wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

Namjoo smiled at us. “Are you together?” She asked us. Me and Jiho.

Jiho smiled. “Getting there. Again.” He replied.

I just smiled.

Namjoo’s eyes widened. “Again?” She asked. “So, you were together before?”

Jiho nodded. “Yes. But this lady left me 5 years ago to study abroad.” He pulled me closer to him.

“Wow.” Namjoo gasped. “You two really look cute together.” She adored us. I mean it. She really did. By the looks on her face, she did.

“Why did she leave you?” Mr. Lee asked.

Jiho rolled his eyes and looked at him. “I already told you. She went to study abroad.” He spat.

“If you love each other, you should’ve worked it out.” Mr. Lee talked back.

I suddenly glanced at L.Joe who is looking at me. His gaze is unreadable. But I am getting intimidated.

Jiho exhaled and rolled his eyes. “That’s exactly what we are doing now. Working it out.” Then he looked at me. “Right, Hana?” He smiled at me.

I smiled back and nodded. But deep down, I am pinching Jiho’s sides.

“Isn’t it too late to work it out?” Mr. Lee comes again.

Jiho rolled his eyes and sighed hard. “Seriously, dude, you don’t know love at all do you?” He asked.

Mr. Lee just smirked. “Tell me what love is, Woo Jiho.” He challenged.

Jiho wrinkled his nose. “Love is when someone hurt you so bad that the pain makes you want to die, yet you’d still accept her when she comes back to you because you’d rather endure the pain than live without her.” He answered. Then he looked at L.Joe. “Right, Lee Byunghun?” He asked.

L.Joe smirked. “Why are you asking me, Woo Jiho?” He asked.

Jiho shrugged. “Just because I thought you should know about that.” He replied.

I looked at L.Joe and he is giving Jiho a wicked smile. I know it. I have hated L.Joe so much before I have loved him so I know how he gives his wicked smile off.

Namjoo looked at L.Joe. “You know Zico, oppa?” She asked him.

L.Joe shrugged. “Unfortunately.” He replied.

Namjoo beamed at him. “Really? Are you close?” She asked.

Jiho rolled his eyes at Namjoo. I bet she is getting into his nerves already. “No. We are not. He’s just a school mate Hana and I had known.” He replied.

Namjoo nodded. “Ah. Yeah. I remember Byunghun oppa telling me that too the last time we had dinner together.” She replied.  Then she looked at me. “I’m really sad that you had to leave early that night, Ms. Kim.” She told me.

I just smiled. I don’t know what to say.

“Ah. THAT dinner.” Jiho beamed.

Namjoo nodded.

“I believe Hana had a really bad stomach that time that she cried of the PAIN.” Jiho smirked at L.Joe.

Namjoo looked at L.Joe. “Bad stomach?” She asked. “I thought someone called and she has to go ahead?” She asked.

L.Joe was taken aback.

I laughed weakly. “Ah. Yeah. Someone called then my stomach betrayed on me that night.” I lied.

L.Joe gave me a look. Jiho tightened his grip around me.

Namjoo nodded. “Ah. That’s unfortunate.” She pouted.

I smiled. “It’s fine. I mean, it’s not that hard getting over it.” I assured her and she smiled.

“Right. It’s not hard getting over IT because I am here to take care of you.” Jiho beamed at me but his words, I know, were meaning something else.

L.Joe looked at me. What does he want to tell me? Or does he want to tell me something?

“Ehem.” Mr. Lee coughed and the food arrived. “Let’s just enjoy our meal, okay.” He told us.

Jiho grinned at him. “Of course. It’s really fun eating with you guys.” He said sarcastically.

“And besides, this dinner is like a mini reunion of the three of us, right, L.Joe?” Jiho smirked at L.Joe.

L.Joe rolled his eyes. “You talk a lot, Woo Jiho.” He beamed.

Jiho smirked. “I talk a lot and act a lot, Lee Byunghun.” He said and L.Joe glared at him. 





Man, I'm so in love with him right now. So, sorry, #TeamJoeHan :P Hahaha!

- RChampagne <3

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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 29: chappie 29: such a sweet ending............
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 28: chappie 28: yahooOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 21: chappie 21: poor namjoo......
but,, jeohan fighting!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 11: chappie 11: i really wanna ship for joehan....
but, l.joe's attitude now just make me mad........
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 9: chappie 9: i'm really in a big curiousity now.....
did l.joe still love hana or not ????
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 3: chappie 3: WHAT?????!!!!!!
l.joe already has a girlfriend???!!!!
Chocoholic_Exo-L #7
Chapter 10: I am 99.99% sure L.Joe will win. No I'm sure. But I'm just going to pretend that ZiNa will happen.
blahzeloo #8
Chapter 28: really good story!!!
omgmyung #9
Chapter 29: I love your story :"))