Confessions of a Not-So-Average
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Two days post Eunji and In Guk’s engagement, Eunji and I were seated in a nearby coffee shop. Now completely emerged in wedding planning, Eunji had taken a hiatus from her juice shop; thus, it was closed for a good month and a half until her wedding took place. Though I’m not complaining about the change of drinks, because her smoothies can become a bit tiring after drinking them on a daily basis.

            “Tiffany and Nichkhun’s wedding is this weekend! I’m so excited,” Eunji clapped zealously. “Did you find a dress yet?”

            “Aw , you’re right,” I buried my face in my hands, “I’ve been really busy with work so I haven’t been able to find an opportunity to go out and look for a dress. Yi Fan’s been such a pain in the a.ss lately and I’ve been working overtime for basically this whole week.” Although it was true that Yi Fan did have the business department working on a tight deadline, I still got seven hours of sleep each night. I could have easily gone out of my way to go to the mall after work, but really, what’s more important than sleep? Obviously more sleep.

            Eunji frowned, as if she could read me like an open book. “I suspected that much, so I went looking for you in my free time. Here,” From below the table, Eunji produced a white paper bag and slid it across. I hesitantly reached for the bag, knowing well enough that Eunji had spent basically a month’s worth of payment just for one dress. “Go ahead,” she encouraged.

            I looked into the bag and saw a beautiful royal blue hue glance back at me.

            “Don’t tell me you –“ I said, dumbfounded. The shade was already perfect – definitely a huge improvement over my usual black cocktail dress that I wore out – and I couldn’t possibly imagine seeing the whole dress itself.

            “Don’t worry, I didn’t buy it.” Eunji paused, reflecting on her words. “I mean, I did. But it was a while ago and I found this stuck in the back of my closet. I never got the chance to wear it and I’ve been gaining more weight recently, so I thought it’d fit you instead.”

            “Oh my,” I gushed, “Thanks so much! I really love it.” I tried hugging her from across the table, to which she coolly – though embarrassingly – shoved my flailing arms away.

            “Anyway, back to the real deal,” Eunji said with a mischievous smile, “Who are you bringing to Tiffany and Nichkhun’s wedding?”

            “You obviously know the answer,” I said, sighing into my cup of coffee, “So why did you even bother asking me?” After being best friends with Eunji for so long, I suspected she had something up her sleeve. I didn’t even bother trying to snoop around because I was sure she would tell me her plans in about a second.

            “It’s called being polite,” Eunji feigned annoyance before returning to her usual self. “If you’re not planning to bring Jongin, then will you let me find you a date?”

            “What? Jongin?” I laughed uncomfortably. Even though Jongin and I had our vow of getting married, the thought of going with him to a wedding crossed my mind as absurd, almost alien-like. “Fine, whatever, I promised you the other day that you could anyway.” Just as Eunji rejoiced across the table, I immediately held up my finger. “But you should know which guys I like and which guys I don’t like. Also, this is basically my wedding gift to you, Miss Soon-To-Be-Seo.”

            “Oh shut up,” Eunji rolled her eyes, but she was definitely pleased with my consent. “Don’t worry, I won’t fail you!”


            The day of Tiffany and Nichkhun’s wedding finally rolled around after a seemingly long work week. Fortunately Jongin was unable to attend but he asked if I could send them my regards – I secretly thanked my ancestors for letting Jongin miss the wedding because I would have hated to explain why I went with a blind date instead of my supposed “boyfriend.”

            “Your blind date will pick you up at your house,” Eunji called me earlier that day.

            “What if my blind date ends up being a creep?”

            “I met with him earlier this week. I think you’ll be fine. Plus, I heard he works at your company too!” Before I could delve into more details, Eunji had already hung up. As I prepared myself for the wedding with makeup and all the essentials, I couldn’t help but worry who it would be. Baekhyun? Yi Fan? Psh, no way.

            I glanced at my phone, anticipating my blind date to call me. According to Eunji, she had exchanged our contact information as the middle man. For now, my blind date’s contact name was: Blind Date 94. Original, wasn’t it? I kid you not, I went through a whole list of blind dates thanks to my grandma and my mother’s contributions. I no longer made the effort to edit my blind dates’ contact names because they all ended up being meshed together.

            Around 5PM, he texted me. “I’m outside!”

            I bid farewell to my grandma and father – my mother was at my sister’s house, again – and then left the house while still struggling with my high heels. Damn formal events. My work heels are only two inches, so why are these silver heels like 5 million inches?

            As I cumbersomely made my way outside, a familiar voice called out my name.

            “Well, well, if it isn’t Kang Hye Su!”

            All the blood stopped pumping throughout my body. I froze, and glanced upwards.

            OH , SEHUN is my blind date! F.UCK!


            If I could replace my eyes with lasers, I really would. Upon arriving at the hotel and meeting up with Eunji and In Guk, I quickly dragged Eunji to the side and glared at her like there was no tomorrow. Sehun and In Guk were amicably exchanging small talk, but I was pissed at my best friend.

            “This was the kid that I was talking about, Eunji!” I nearly hissed. I still had to be quiet because both Tiffany and Nichkhun’s family were giving me weird looks. Plus, our high school classmates were beginning to trickle in. I still had to maintain a somewhat polite reputation.

            “The one that made you late to our meet-up at

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17.07.19. Unbelievably blessed to return to such kind comments and words. :') You guys are the best. I love you!


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Chapter 13: Your writing style is...how do I say it? A little bit too rushed...??
KimHyeJoo #2
Chapter 34: Im happy for them! Ehehe
Chapter 1: I’m so excited!!!
Lolypop123 #4
Chapter 34: The end? Awh...
this sounds like such a cute story and i can'f wait to start reading it!
Chapter 34: Wow! Chukkae Hye su~ Good story author~
Chapter 34: Aaaaw I'm so happy for them!
Chapter 29: I'm so frustrated right now! Haha
Chapter 19: Ddun ddun ddun dduuuun... Did he see that..
Chapter 16: Kai better step up his game... Grandma Kang seems to prefer someone else for her granddaughter