



Title: Angel

Author: ‘nav’

Cast: Lee Donghae

Genre: drabble, angst

Rating: G

A/N: Uh, yeah, I am new here. I was daydreaming when the idea popped out, so I wrote it and tadaaa… This is it. Since English is not my first language, I’m so sorry for my bad grammar and spelling mistakes here and there. Still, hope you like it. Comment are loved. Enjoy reading. ^^

Disclaimer: The character belongs to himself. I own the plot and story which purely my imagination.



                She didn’t like strawberries. But Donghae liked them very much. So she started to eat that sour fruit. Sometimes Donghae would gave her a lot of fresh strawberries or many packages of strawberry milk. That was how she came to like strawberry.

                She didn’t like the rainy season. She hated her wet clothes. But Donghae liked it. He told her that rain was given by God for humans. He told her when it was raining, God gave His love to earth. So she started to like the rain. She often sat on the couch next to the window just to see how the droplets of water poured the ground.

                She didn’t like singing. Everybody said she had a very bad voice. But Donghae liked it. He told her that her voice was like an angel. He often asked her to sing some random song, and he was lulled once he heard her voice. So she couldn’t stop singing though everybody said it was terrible. She knew Donghae would love it.

                She didn’t like to be loved. It was her first love who had hurt her heart. So she stopped loving, refusing love. Then Donghae came. He said that the best way to heal a broken heart was finding a new one. He gave it, all the love she need. Broken heart wasn’t such an embarrassing thing. So she learned about love once again. Donghae said when she got hurt, time would heal it. She believed.

                She loved Donghae, and so did Donghae.

                One evening she approached Donghae, who was reading a novel. She leaned her body into his arm and asked. “Do you love me?”

                Donghae turned, eyeing his lover. “It’s unquestionable.”

                She rolled her eyes and pouted. “Come on, say it clearly!”

                Donghae chuckled, his fingers pinched her cheek lightly. He pulled her into a tight embrace, showing his bright smile. “Of cource I love you. I swear I’ll never leave you.”

                She nodded and pressed her face into Donghae’s hospital gown. She could feel his warm and heavy breath above her head. Soundlessly, she cried.

                “I’ll never leave you.”

                But he did it.

                She stared at his pale face, his body was lying lifelessly. She held his hand. Cold. She shook his body repeatedly as she started screaming his name. She begged Donghae not to leave her. But still no response. She sobbed hard, realizing that God might love Donghae more than she did.

                In that rainy day, she knew Donghae has becoming an angel.


So, how is it going? Am I fail? This is my first English fanfic, and English is not my first language. Feel free for commenting and subs-ing.

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ktak_dbwh_tempurung #1
Chapter 1: so cool!!!nice story!!!!so touching..
Chapter 1: oh wow... that was beautiful and heartbreaking. :D :( I didn't notice the bead english, it sounded pretty okay to me :) I liked it alot :)
Chapter 1: It's sad , touching story .
and It's cool ;)
Chapter 1: Wow, this went from super cute to super angsty in a flash :O
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 1: THIS WAS SO GREAT. So sad though...aigooo
Aww~ T_T awesome short story or is it OS? Either ways its cool.
baekyeols #8
Chapter 1: this is so short but it's so sad D:
congrats on the feature! xD