untitled #11



onho; het; (unconventional proposal series); fluff




Excitedly, Minho comments again “It’s almost your birthday~,” like he’s still riding the high of his own birthday several days ago. Or maybe he’s still hung over, that could possibly explain why he still looks like a marshmallow in winter wear while still in the warm mall. She had barely noticed the scarf he wears that she had bought him for his birthday.

Eunsook nearly whimpers. She’s almost thirty and she’s probably going to have her mid-life crisis earlier than expected. The younger man is more excited about her birthday then she is, and she wonders if he’s aging backwards or something crazy like that.

Minho leans forward on the bench the two sit at in the middle of a busy mall. Eunsook is hidden between sopping bags and long hair. Minho blinks with confusion, not understanding a lady’s distress at aging.

Enough is enough, Eunsook balls her fists and nearly shouts hysterically in the large mall. “Why haven’t you proposed to me yet?!”

Minho leans back with wide eyes, glancing around himself as if the woman could have possibly been yelling at someone else. Surely not him, obviously. “Eh..?”

Eunsook looks to her longtime boyfriend, eyes watery, monthly hormonal change acting up and worry that despite all their years together Minho is going to break up with an old hag like her and be done with it. “Why won’t you propose to me? I’m not asking for a fancy dinner and big ring, I just… why? Are you going to break up with me?”

Minho looks like shots have been fired and he has no idea where to go. He’s taken totally off guard, even by the girly pms standards of Lee Eunsook’s monthly. “I.. eh.. you told me you were going to propose to me when you were good and ready to..”

Eunsook blinks wide eyes and Minho’s head falls slightly with some sort of embarrassment. He looks up again with a small smile though, recalling that particular time with fondness.

Eunsook remembers nothing. She wonders if she was smashed or something. She thinks it sounds like something she would say but for the life of her she cannot remember. Minho remembered though, Minho has stuck by her all these years despite her wanting to be the one to propose on her time. He’s waited for her and it shows even now in the gentle smile that is just like the young man she fell for the day she met a silly, awkward first year college student at her university. Still handsome, still charming.

Eunsook wipes any tears away, sitting up straighter, tone of voice serious. “I want to get married. I want to marry Choi Minho now.” She adds with a little insecurity and a cringe, “So.. you’ll marry me, right?”

Minho pulls Eunsook into a hug, rocking them side to side with a voice full of laughter. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask me, and the answer is yes, like it had been back then too.”

Eunsook honestly doesn’t recall much marital talk from years before, but if Minho says it happened then she believes him. “I’m so happy…” she sniffs, then with a quick flick of emotions, reaches the hand she had holding Minho in a hug out to flip off a staring passerby behind him, nose crinkling at the person. They quickly scurry away. She doesn’t tell Minho that part, still held her in a warm, comforting hug, reminding her it will be her home forever now.






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flrite #1
Chapter 105: Wow all these stories are just amazing. You really capture all the feels in these relationships
Chapter 106: Thank you for letting me them. They were awesome !!!!!!!
myownsaviour #3
Chapter 106: Oh gosh I missed your writing! Every piece is awesome...Or am I too biased? Anyway thank you for your hard work <3
Inhumandisaster #4
Chapter 87: ahhh yes, all your drabbles in one place for me to come giggle and flail and wail about whenever i want ^_^
Chapter 95: just friend..?
Chapter 67: I think I'm overdosing..
myownsaviour #7
Chapter 67: *cries* i am a er for your fluff - and angst and everything - but your fluff is rare so I appreciate it a lot *-*
Chapter 29: best proposal ever. .
Chapter 27: aigo... so... I love it..
Chapter 26: I can't stop smiling. .. this is so sweet..